There's a lot that goes into even the simplest joke, but a key part of the formula is knowing your audience. That's why the best jokes for kids are clean, engaging, and maybe even a little corny. But there's also a lot of variety in the types of jokes that kids enjoy. Try anything on your youngsters' level, from the classic knock-knock joke to the cringiest dad joke. We have plenty of appropriate jokes of every type below, all sure to get your little ones rolling on the floor laughing. Read on to become the funniest dad/mom/aunt/uncle/babysitter on the planet.
RELATED: 101 Funny Clean Jokes for Any Situation.
How Can Humor Benefit Children?
Obviously, showing off their sense of humor can help your kid make friends more easily. But did you know it can also help them perform better in school? A 2021 study published in the journal HUMOR found that children with a more developed sense of humor were more likely to score highly on IQ tests. They also tended to have higher verbal and reasoning abilities. Another study found that integrating humor into online learning platforms encouraged children to become more engaged in classroom activities.
Regular laughter has a whole host of benefits, too, including stress reduction, improved sleep, improved digestion, and even an increased tolerance to pain. Sharing jokes is also a great way to expose your child to different points of view and to build their self-esteem. The earlier you introduce them to this kind of communication, the sturdier that foundation will be—so don't be afraid to start 'em young.
Animal Jokes for Kids
- How many tickles does it take to make an octopus laugh? Ten-tickles!
- Why couldn't the pony sing a lullaby? She was a little horse!
- Why did the teddy bear say no to dessert? Because she was stuffed!
- What's worse than finding a worm in your apple? Finding half a worm!
- Why did the dinosaur cross the road? Because the chicken wasn't born yet!
- Where do polar bears keep their money? In a snow bank!
- What did the mama cow say to the baby cow? “It's pasture bedtime!”
- What do you call a sleeping bull? A bull-dozer!
- What’s a cat’s favorite color? Purrrple!
- What kind of dance are frogs best at? Hip hop!
- Why do bees hum? Because they forgot the words!
- How do you get a squirrel to like you? Act like a nut!
- What do you call a monkey with bananas in his ears? Anything you want, he can't hear you!
- Why did the bee get married? Because she found her honey!
- What do kittens like to eat? Mice cream!
- Where do elephants keep their clothes? In their trunks!
- Why are spiders so smart? Because they know how to find everything on the web!
- What do you call a fish with no eyes? A fsh!
- What do you call a skunk who files a helicopter? A smelly-copter!
- Why do birds fly south? Because it's faster than walking!
- What creature is smarter than a talking parrot? A spelling bee!
- What’s a cow's favorite place to go? The mooo-vies!
- Why did the rubber chicken cross the road? To stretch her legs!
- What type of snake do you find on a car? A windshield viper!
- Why don't leopards like to play hide-and-seek? Because they're always spotted!
- What do you call a dog magician? A labracadabrador!
- What does an evil hen lay? Deviled eggs!
- What can you expect from a pampered cow? Spoiled milk!
- What's a baby bear with no teeth called? A gummy bear!
- What do you call a rabbit with lice? Bugs bunny!
- What type of bird works at a construction site? A crane!
- What do you call a sleeping dinosaur? A dino-snore!
- What do you call a massive pile of cats? A meown-tain!
- What does a fish say after voicing its opinion? “Let minnow your thoughts!”
- What do you call a team of rabbits walking backward? A receding hare line!
- Where do baby cats learn to swim? In the kitty pool!
- What do you call an alligator that solves mysteries? An investigator!
- What's worse than raining cats and dogs? Hailing taxis!
- What's a snake's favorite subject in school? Hisssssstory!
- Why do seagulls fly over the sea? Because if they flew over the bay, they'd be called bay-gulls!
- What is a bird's favorite type of math? Owl-gebra!
- What did the Dalmatian say after lunch? “That hit the spot!”
- Why do bees have sticky hair? Because they use a honeycomb!
- What animal always shows up to the baseball game? A bat!
- Why aren't dogs good dancers? Because they have two left feet!
- Why wouldn't the shrimp share his fortune? Because he was being a little shellfish!
Funny Knock-Knock Jokes for Kids
- Knock, knock. Who's there? Boo. Boo who? Don't cry, it's just a joke!
- Knock, knock. Who's there? Tank. Tank who? You're welcome!
- Knock, knock. Who's there? Figs. Figs who? Figs the doorbell, it's not working!
- Knock, knock. Who's there? Annie. Annie who? Annie thing you can do, I can do better!
- Knock, knock. Who's there? Honey bee. Honey bee who? Honey bee a dear and get that for me?
- Knock, knock. Who's there? An interrupting cow. An interrupt— MOO!
- Knock, knock. Who's there? Snow. Snow who? Snow use. The joke is over!
- Knock, knock. Who's there? Dozen. Dozen who? Dozen anyone want to let me in?
- Knock, knock. Who's there? Ice cream. Ice cream who? ICE CREAM SO YOU CAN HEAR ME!
- Knock, knock. Who's there? A little old lady. A little old lady who? How cool! I didn't know you could yodel!
- Knock, knock. Who's there? Shore. Shore who? Shore hope you like bad jokes!
- Knock, knock. Who's there? Scold. Scold who? Scold outside, let me in!
- Knock, knock. Who's there? Dishes. Dishes who? Dishes your mother, open up!
- Knock, knock. Who's there? Isabel. Isabel who? Isabel not working?
- Knock, knock. Who's there? Weirdo. Weirdo who? Weirdo you think you're going?
- Knock, knock. Who's there? Icy. Icy who? Icy you in there!
- Knock, knock. Who's there? Nana. Nana who? Nana your business!
- Knock, knock. Who's there? Beets. Beets who? Beets me!
- Knock, knock. Who's there? Witches. Witches who? Witches the best way out of this neighborhood!?
- Knock, knock. Who's there? Barbie. Barbie who? Barbie-que chicken is my favorite!
- Knock, knock. Who's there? Anita. Anita who? Anita use the bathroom, please open the door!
- Knock, knock. Who's there? Spell. Spell who? Sure, W-H-O!
- Knock, knock. Who’s there? Figs. Figs who? Figs the doorbell, I’ve been knocking forever!
- Knock, knock. Who's there? Tuna. Tuna who? Tuna piano if it sounds off-key!
- Knock, knock. Who's there? Beak. Beak who? Beak careful, that pan is hot!
- Knock, knock. Who's there? Olive. Olive who? Olive you sooooo much!
- Knock, knock. Who's there? Sue. Sue who? Sue-prize! Happy birthday!
- Knock, knock. Who's there? Venice. Venice who? Venice your dad coming home?
- Knock, knock. Who's there? Alpaca. Alpaca who? Alpaca the food, you grab the drinks!
- Knock, knock. Who's there? Yukon. Yukon who? Yukon say that again!
- Knock, knock. Who's there? Kenya. Kenya who? Kenya stop with the jokes already?
Silly Jokes for 10-Year-Olds
- What kind of tree fits in your hand? A palm tree!
- What is a tornado's favorite game? Twister!
- Why do teenagers travel in groups of threes and fives? Because they can't even!
- What vehicle has four wheels and flies? A garbage truck!
- How do you stop an astronaut's baby from crying? You rocket!
- How do you speak to a giant? Use big words!
- Did you hear about the mathematician who’s afraid of negative numbers? He’ll stop at nothing to avoid them!
- Why didn't the farmer's son study medicine? Because he wanted to go into a different field?
- Why do we tell actors to "break a leg"? Because every play has a cast!
- Why did the kid throw a clock out the window? To see time fly!
- When is a door not a door? When it's ajar!
- Why don't scientists trust atoms? Because they make everything up!
- Did you hear about the claustrophobic astronaut? He just needed a little space!
- Why are ghosts bad liars? Because you can see right through them!
- Why is grass so dangerous? Because it's full of blades!
- What building contains the most stories? The library!
- What did the traffic light say to the truck? “Don't look, I'm changing!”
- Why do eyeshadow, lipstick, and mascara never stay mad at each other? Because they always make up!
- Why did everyone think the vampire was sick? Because he was always coffin!
- Where do werewolves buy electronics? Beast Buy!
- What planet is the best singer? Nep-tune!
- Why isn't the teenager allowed back online without a license? He crashed the computer!
- What did one wall say to the other? “I'll meet you at the corner!”
- Why wasn't Cinderella picked to be on the soccer team? Because she's always running from the ball!
- What tool do mathematicians use most? Multi-pliers!
Funny Jokes for 5-Year-Olds
- Why should you never give Elsa a balloon? Because she'll let it go!
- How do you make a tissue dance? Put some boogie in it!
- What's red and smells like blue paint? Red paint!
- What letter is always wet? The C!
- How do they answer the phone at the paint store? Yellow!
- Why was the baby in Egypt? It was looking for its mummy!
- What’s a monster’s favorite game? Swallow the leader!
- What kind of witch is always at the beach? A sand-witch!
- What do you call a guy lying on your doorstep? Matt!
- Where do pencils come from? Pennsylvania!
- What is brown and sticky? A stick!
- What's orange and sounds like a parrot? A carrot!
- What's a pirate's favorite letter? Arrrrrrrr!
- What did the microwave say to the other microwave? "Is it just me? Or is it really hot in here?"
- What kind of music do balloons hate? Pop music!
- What does Olaf eat for lunch? Icebergers!
- What did the ocean say to their airplane? Nothing, it just waved!
- What does one eye say to the other eye? “Between us, something smells!”
- What's Mommy and Daddy's favorite ride at the carnival? A married-go-round!
- What goes, "tick, woof, tick, woof"? A watchdog!
- What should you do when a dinosaur sneezes? Get out of the way… fast!
- What do you call a train that keeps sneezing? Achoo-choo train!
- Why did Mickey Mouse go to space? To find Pluto!
- What did one snowman say to the other? "Do you smell carrots?"
READ THIS NEXT: 83 Math Jokes That'll Make Everyone Laugh.
Corny Jokes for Kids
- What musical instrument is found in the bathroom? A tuba toothpaste!
- What do you call a fake noodle? An impasta!
- Why did the lawyer show up in nothing but his underwear? Because he forgot his lawsuit!
- Why is Peter Pan always flying? Because he neverlands!
- What time of year are people most likely to hurt themselves? In the fall!
- What kind of ball should not be thrown, caught, kicked, or dribbled? An eyeball!
- What chemical element do soccer players prefer? Gooooooooooooold!
- What did one volcano say to the other? “I lava you!”
- Did you hear about the guy who invented the knock-knock joke? He won the "no-bell" prize!
- Why did the skeleton cross the road? To get to the body shop!
- How much does it cost a pirate to get his ears pierced? Around a buck an ear!
- Why did the policeman go play baseball? He wanted a catch!
- What kinds of keys are always extra sweet? Cookies!
- What do you call a funny mountain? Hill-arious!
- What did the finger say to the thumb? "I'm in glove with you!"
- Where do dishes go dancing? The dish-go!
- Why are sports arenas always so cold? Because they're filled with fans!
- What did the fisherman say to the magician? "Pick a cod, any cod!"
- How does the moon cut his hair? Eclipse it!
- What do storm clouds wear under their jackets? Thunderwear!
- How do you fix a cracked pumpkin? With a pumpkin patch!
- What's a tree's favorite beverage? Root beer!
- What accessory does rain always want around? A rain bow!
- Where do daffodils sleep at night? In their flowerbeds!
- Why can't Monday pick up Saturday? Because it's a weak day!
- Why was the politician out of breath? He was running for office!
- A bunch of princesses signed up for a race—who won? Rapunzel, but only by a hair!
Hilarious Jokes About School
- Why did the students get so upset when the math teacher called them average? Because it was a mean thing to say!
- What is a computer's favorite snack? Computer chips!
- Why did the student eat his homework? Because the teacher told him it was a piece of cake!
- What is your math teacher's favorite dessert? Pi!
- Why is the math book sad? Because it has so many problems!
- Why did the kid cross the playground? To get to the other slide!
- Why was the broom late for class? Because it over swept!
- Why did the kid bring a ladder to class? Because she wanted to go to high school!
- Where can you learn how to make a banana split? Sundae school!
- If a teacher has three oranges in one hand and four peaches in the other hand, what do they have altogether? Huge hands!
- How did the students feel when they learned about electricity? Totally shocked!
- What was the witch's favorite school subject? Spelling!
- Why did the fastest cat get kicked out of class? Because he was a cheetah!
- What winter sport does your math teacher enjoy? Figure skating!
- Why did the teacher need to wear sunglasses during class? Because her students were so bright!
- Why did the quarterback sign up for such challenging classes? Because he knows how to pass!
- What do elves learn in school? The elf-abet!
- How do squids get to school? They take an octobus!
- How did the beauty school student do on her manicure test? She nailed it!
- Why might a music teacher need a ladder? To reach the high notes!
- "How much did you learn at school today, son?" "Not enough dad, they say I have to go back tomorrow."
- How much do math teachers eat? They eat three square meals a day!
- How do you get straight As? By using a ruler!
- What's big and yellow that comes every morning to make Mom's day better? A school bus!
- Why didn't the sun go to college? Because it already has a million degrees!
- How do bees get to school? They take the school buzz!
- What's the difference between a teacher and a train? A teacher will tell you, "Spit out that gum," while a train says, "Chew! Chew!"
- Why did the echo get detention? It kept talking back!
- Where do kids in New York City learn their multiplication tables? Times Square!
- What kind of school do surfers attend? Boarding school!
- Why did the teacher marry the janitor? Because he swept her off her feet!
- What do you put on a book when it's cold? A jacket!
Food Jokes for Kids
- Why did the boy throw a stick of butter out the window? Because he wanted to see a butterfly!
- What is a vegetable's favorite kind of joke? A corny one!
- What did the strawberry say to its crush? "I'm berry fond of you!"
- What’s a potato’s favorite animal? An alli-tator!
- Why did the noodle have to borrow money from its friend? It was short a penne!
- Why did the slice of bread get sent home from school? It was feeling crumby!
- What’s a turnip’s favorite soda? Root beer!
- What’s a bed’s favorite dessert? A sheet cake!
- What is black, white, green, and bumpy? A pickle wearing a tuxedo!
- Why was the artichoke so generous? It had a big heart!
- What kind of nuts always seem to have a cold? Cashews!
- Why shouldn't you tell an egg a joke? Because it might crack up!
- How did the macaroni noodle fix the sink? With a little elbow grease!
- What’s a banana’s favorite way to say thank you? “Thanks a bunch!”
- What does a chocolate bar do when something’s funny? It snickers!
- What did mozzarella say to cheddar on their date? “You look sharp!”
- Why didn’t the slice of bread laugh when someone told it a joke? It was a little stale.
- Why did the fisherman put peanut butter into the sea? To go with the jellyfish!
- What do you call a sad strawberry? A blueberry!
- What type of bread do ballerinas like most? Buns!
- What do you call cheese that doesn't belong to you? Nacho cheese!
- What did the baby corn say to the mama corn? "Where's pop corn?"
- Why did the banana go to the doctor? Because he wasn't peeling well!
- What did the mommy tomato say to the baby tomato? “C'mon, ketchup!”
- Do you want to hear a joke about pizza? Nah, I shouldn't say it… it's too cheesy!
- What should you do if you get peanut butter on your door? Use a door jam!
- What kind of room doesn't have any doors? A mushroom!
- What happens when a grape gets run over while crossing the street? A traffic jam!
- What's really loud, really fast, and fun to munch on? A rocket chip!
- What is a vampire's favorite fruit? A blood orange!
- Why did the tomato start blushing? Because it saw the salad dressing!
- What kind of water can't freeze? Hot water!
- What do you get when you boil a funny bone? Laughing stock!
- What did one plate say to the other plate? “Dinner is on me!”
- What do you get when you shake a cow? A milkshake!
Wrapping Up
That's it for our list of jokes for kids. Be sure to check back with us soon for more humor for little ones—and grownups! You can also sign up for our newsletter so you don't miss out on what's coming next!