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Your Most Lovable Trait, Based on Your Zodiac Sign

Find out what people love about you, according to astrologers.

Everyone has that one characteristic that makes them stand out from the crowd, whether it's a hidden talent, personal style, or career path. But these attributes don't necessarily speak to your personality. That's why we consulted professional astrologers to find out your most lovable trait, based on your zodiac sign. Keep reading to find out if others are drawn to you for your optimistic outlook, caring nature, or another trait.

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Aries: Protective

Bodyguards Protecting Client
Motortion Films/Shutterstock

As the first sign of the zodiac, Aries feels the need to take on everyone's burdens. They want to shield others from as much hardship as they can, and it's why their most lovable trait is their protective spirit.

"This is the type of sign that will beat up your bully or stand up for you in a heartbeat," says Stina Garbis, astrologer and owner of Psychic Stina. These fire signs know how to make you feel safe, and they will have your back 100 percent of the time.

Taurus: Comforting

Couple Cuddling on the Couch
Cameron Prins / Shutterstock

Taurus is a sign that lives for stability and security, so it's no wonder that they, in turn, provide comfort to those around them. They can easily soothe others with food, blankets, or wholesome, relaxing vibes.

Alice Smith, astrologer at Alice Smith Astrology, says this might seem superficial, but Taurus understands the wisdom of taking care of the immediate needs of the physical first. They'll know exactly what you need before you do, and it's easy to love them for that.

RELATED: Your Worst Habit, Based on Your Zodiac Sign.

Gemini: Entertaining

group of friends laughing and exchanging anti-jokes while at a bar
MandriaPix / Shutterstock

Geminis have a whimsical energy that makes their most lovable trait their capacity to delight and entertain others. "People born under the sign of Gemini possess the ability to remind us that the world is an interesting place," says Smith.

Thanks to their never-ending curiosity, it's likely a Gemini will have the best recommendations for books to read or movies and TV shows to watch. They love sharing things with others, so you'll never be bored in their presence.

Cancer: Nostalgic

Extended Family Looking at Photo Album

These emotional water signs are all about family, and they love things that evoke nostalgia. Garbis says they'd be the ones to keep the ticket stub from a first date or have a safe spot for their children's lost teeth.

"Cancers are so sweet and tender," Garbis adds, so they'll always go out of their way for the people they care about. And it's hard not to love someone who wants to remember all the good times.

RELATED: Your Guilty Pleasure, Based on Your Zodiac Sign.

Leo: Supportive

Friends cheering and hanging out at the bar

Leos are hype people at heart. Even though they love being in the spotlight, they'll never say no to cheering for their friends or loved ones. "They encourage us to chase our dreams, and they'll be screaming our names at the finish line," Smith says.

Garbis adds that they'll also speak highly of you to others. Their positive energy is contagious, and you can't help but love them for always being in your corner.

Virgo: Helpful

man helping his daughter relocate, perhaps into an apartment or college dorm. They are in a parking lot unloading their cars. The young woman is carrying a laundry basket filled with her belongings.

Virgos are devoted to other people, whether they're close to them or just meeting for the first time. "They're always ready to assist with a helping hand, and they often can anticipate our needs without being asked," says Smith.

These earth signs can give and give, but Smith says what's truly lovable about them is how appreciative they are when others give back to them. You'll never find an ungrateful Virgo, that's for sure.

RELATED: Your Deepest, Darkest Secret, Based on Your Zodiac Sign.

Libra: Confidence-inspiring

Woman Giving Fashion Advice
G-Stock Studio/Shutterstock

Libras are ruled by Venus, the planet of beauty, so you know they have an eye for style. "If you want to know which outfit looks better, text your options to a Libra, and they won't steer you wrong," says Garbis.

While their advice may be unsolicited at times, you have no choice but to love them for wanting to bring out your most confident self, which is what's really behind their suggestions.

Scorpio: Trustworthy

Friend Offering Support Outside

"When you've done something you're not proud of, you can confess your secrets to a Scorpio friend without fear of condemnation," Smith tells Best Life. These water signs know how to keep things close to their chest.

They won't use anything you tell them against you (unless you wrong them, of course), and they want you to know that you can trust them wholeheartedly. Scorpios are deeply loyal, and it's nice to have someone to turn to when you need them most.

RELATED: The Best Date Idea for Your Zodiac Sign, According to Astrologers.

Sagittarius: Cheerful

group of mature women laughing over dumb blonde jokes

Sagittarians are some of the most upbeat and fun people you'll meet, so you can guarantee they'll bring up the mood if needed. Garbis says they are especially great at cheering people up.

"All fire signs can bring some pizazz to any scene, but Sagittarius possesses a true gift for spontaneity," adds Smith, who notes that when things get awkward or dull in a social setting, Sagittarians are the ones who can get the ball rolling again.

Capricorn: Level-headed

Talking finance worker helping senior with paperwork, budgeting and managing pension fund at home. Financial advisor explaining and showing old woman where to sign will agreement and banking contract

Capricorn is one of the most practical and responsible signs. They're hardworking and remain level-headed even when things get dicey. In other words, they're great at adulting.

If you're struggling with a work project or are having a personal problem, these earth signs can easily help you, says Garbis. They have a lot of wisdom and are definitely the best people to help you navigate life's tricky moments.

RELATED: Your Biggest Pet Peeve, Based on Your Zodiac Sign.

Aquarius: Charitable

Food Bank Volunteer

No matter what Aquarians have going on, they'll always find time to donate their energy to the causes and people they feel passionately about. They are the humanitarians of the zodiac, after all, and care deeply about the future.

"They volunteer their time for worthy causes, they root for the underprivileged, and they're always ready to champion equality," says Smith. When they find something innovative or exciting, they'll happily volunteer their services.

Pisces: Optimistic

woman smiling in the sunshine while repeating positive affirmations
Shutterstock / Aliaksei Kaponia

Pisces' optimism is, hands-down, their most lovable trait. They're non-judgmental, willing to go with the flow, and are always there to offer support to others.

"This optimism inoculates them from limiting themselves with perceived boundaries and allows them to dream big," says Smith. While their positivity can sometimes be annoying, it can also be inspiring because they refuse to give up or back down.

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Courtney Shapiro
Courtney Shapiro is an Associate Editor at Best Life. Before joining the Best Life team, she had editorial internships with BizBash and Anton Media Group. Read more
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