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152 Newlywed Game Questions: Funny, Dirty, Family-Oriented, and More

Find out where couples see eye-to-eye and how they remember the past.

"just married" finger puppets
Shutterstock / Mirelle

What do you get when you combine a primetime television slot with a newly hitched couple and toss a few very personal marriage questions their way? A hit television game show, that's what! Now that the show is no longer on air, many folks have figured out ways to recreate TheNewlywed Game at home. The exercise provides a fun way to see how much your bride-to-be knows about her husband, and vice versa. It's also a clever way to get everyone excited about the big day. In fact, it's not uncommon to see Newlywed Game questions peppered into a bachelorette party, bridal shower, or other prenuptial events. It doesn't end there, either. These questions can also easily find their way into a dinner party, game night, or any other occasion where couples get together.

READ THIS NEXT: 76 Family Feud Questions and Answers for Your Next Game Night.

What is The Newlywed Game?

The Newlywed Game first premiered in 1966 on ABC. The network actually decided to air the show in place of a news conference hosted by the then-U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara.

Turns out, it was a smart decision on their part. A good majority of American viewers decided to tune into the game instead. So many in fact, that the premiere made history for attracting the type of ratings that rival even the Super Bowl.

Almost a decade later, things started to take a dip. In 1974, NBC debuted Days of Our Lives during the same timeslot as the once-beloved game show. Soon thereafter, the network decided The Newlywed Game had run its course, and pulled it from the air, though a syndicated version would pop up just three years later.

But's legacy didn't end there. Founding host Bob Eubanks often leaned on a euphemism for sex that producers used to circumvent network censorship. If you didn't know how the term "making whoopee" became so popular before, you sure do now.

How to Play The Newlywed Game

Just because The Newlywed Game is no longer on TV doesn't mean you can't play! Below, we've outlined a few simple steps to help you set things up from home.

Step 1: Assemble a group of newlyweds or couples who have been together for a short period of time. Then, decide on a host or quizmaster to lead the game and ask the questions.

Step 2: Divide the couples into teams and have them sit in separate areas, facing away from each other. The host will then ask a series of questions to one partner and record all answers.

Then, they'll present the same questions to the other partner, asking them to correctly guess how their spouse responded. Points are awarded each time the couple's answers match.

Step 3: The host repeats the process for each question, moving on to the next couple until all teams have answered. The couple with the most points at the end of the round wins.

Step 4: If you want to keep the game going, you can always introduce "Husband" and "Wife" rounds. Here, the questions asked are specifically designed with one partner in mind. These prompts are often less objective and a bit trickier to answer.

Step 5: Have fun and enjoy the opportunity to learn more about your partner and other couples!

READ THIS NEXT: 150 "This or That" Questions to Actually Get to Know Someone.

Best Newlywed Game Questions

  1. What is your spouse's dream job?
  2. What is something that always makes your spouse cry?
  3. What is your partner's worst habit?
  4. What is your spouse's full name?
  5. Your spouse has the day off and an empty house. How do they spend the day?
  6. If someone gave your partner a million dollars, how would they spend it?
  7. What is your spouse's favorite song?
  8. What was your spouse's most memorable moment from your wedding?
  9. What is your spouse's favorite food?
  10. Of the two of you, who falls asleep first?
  11. What is your spouse's favorite hobby?
  12. Your spouse asks you to grab a treat from the store on your way home. What do you buy?
  13. What is your spouse's favorite movie?
  14. Who is your spouse's celebrity crush?
  15. Which family member is your spouse most excited to see over the holidays?
  16. Does your spouse prefer sweet or savory foods?
  17. What's your partner's biggest fear?
  18. How would your partner choose to get famous?
  19. What is your spouse's favorite animal?
  20. What is your spouse's favorite color?
  21. If you could take over one household chore for your spouse forever, what would they want you to do?
  22. If your spouse could take one thing to a deserted island, what would it be?
  23. What is your spouse's favorite type of music?
  24. If your spouse won $5,000, what would they want to spend it on?
  25. What's your spouse's pet peeve?
  26. What's your partner's go-to karaoke song?
  27. What is your spouse's most embarrassing moment?
  28. What is your spouse's favorite way to unwind after a long day?
  29. What movie does your spouse hate?
  30. Who's a better cook?
  31. What is your spouse's favorite type of cuisine?
  32. What is your spouse's most treasured possession?
  33. Who has had the most significant influence in your spouse’s life?
  34. Who is the better gift giver?
  35. Who's more likely to go to bed angry?
  36. If your spouse could only eat one food for the rest of their life, what would it be?
  37. Who's the better listener?
  38. What is your spouse's favorite vacation spot?
  39. What is your spouse's favorite sport to play or watch?
  40. What is your spouse's idea of the perfect date?
  41. Who does your spouse think is the funniest person in the room right now?
  42. What is your spouse's idea of the perfect weekend getaway?
  43. What is your spouse's favorite season?
  44. What is your spouse's favorite type of exercise or physical activity?
  45. What is your spouse's favorite type of weather?

READ THIS NEXT: 200+ Get to Know You Questions That Actually Work.

Funny Newlywed Game Questions

newlyweds making silly faces on their wedding dayShutterstock / Ground Picture
  1. Who does the majority of the cooking at home?
  2. Who is more likely to get lost while driving?
  3. Who snores louder?
  4. How would your spouse react to a flying cockroach?
  5. Who's the better driver?
  6. Who is more likely to make a scene in public?
  7. Who is more likely to forget important dates (e.g. anniversaries)?
  8. Who is more likely to oversleep in the morning?
  9. Who is more likely to steal the covers in bed?
  10. Who is more likely to be the last one up at a party?
  11. Which movie star would you ask your spouse for a "pass" over?
  12. Who is more likely to forget about doing the laundry?
  13. Who is more likely to leave the toilet seat up?
  14. Who is more likely to get into arguments with customer service?
  15. Who is more likely to win an argument?
  16. Who is the most likely to fall asleep during a movie?
  17. What is the most embarrassing thing you’ve done as a couple?
  18. Who is more likely to get lost in a shopping mall?
  19. Who is more likely to accidentally break something at home?
  20. Who is more likely to forget their keys or wallet when leaving the house?
  21. Who is more likely to be late for appointments?
  22. Who is more likely to lose their temper in traffic?
  23. Who is more likely to start dancing in public?
  24. Who is more likely to take the longer route home just for the scenic drive?
  25. Who is more likely to order dessert first at a restaurant?
  26. Who is more likely to be the first to order seconds at dinner?
  27. Who is more likely to start singing in public?
  28. Who is more likely to get overly excited at a theme park?
  29. Who is more likely to crack silly jokes in serious situations?
  30. Who is more likely to bring home unexpected purchases?
  31. Who is more likely to start a food fight in the kitchen?
  32. Who is more likely to start a pillow fight in bed?
  33. Who is more likely to spontaneously burst into song or dance?
  34. Who is more likely to get carried away with window shopping?
  35. Who is more likely to make silly faces in photos?

READ THIS NEXT: Trick Questions (With Answers!) That Will Completely Bend Your Mind.

Newlywed Game Questions About Dating

  1. How did you and your spouse first meet?
  2. What was your spouse's first impression of you?
  3. Who said "I love you" first in your relationship?
  4. Where did you two go on your first date?
  5. What's the first movie you and your spouse watched together?
  6. What did your spouse wear during your first date?
  7. Where did your first kiss happen?
  8. How long did it take for you two to become exclusive?
  9. When you first met your husband/wife, describe what you thought of them in one word.
  10. When did you know that they were "the one"?
  11. What did your parents think of him/her when they were first introduced?
  12. Who wanted kids more?
  13. Whose house/apartment did you spend more time at when you first started dating?

Dirty Newlywed Game Questions for Couples

young couple getting intimate on their bedShutterstock / Monkey Business Images
  1. What does your partner wear to bed?
  2. What is your favorite part of your spouse's body?
  3. How many nights a week does your partner like to get it on?
  4. What’s the most adventurous thing you have done in bed?
  5. Excluding the bedroom, where would your partner most like to get it on?
  6. Who's the better kisser?
  7. What bedroom activity does your partner really excel at?
  8. Where could your partner improve in the bedroom?
  9. Besides sex, what's your partner's favorite bedroom activity?
  10. If your spouse were to bring food into the bedroom, what would they choose?
  11. When it comes to intimacy, who usually makes the first move?
  12. Who would be more likely to invite someone else into the bedroom?
  13. Do you guys usually get it on in the morning, during the afternoon, or at night?
  14. What would your husband say your bra size is? What is it actually?
  15. What adjective would you use to describe your partner's sexual style?
  16. What is your partner's ultimate bedroom fantasy?

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Husband Round Questions

  1. When did you last buy your wife flowers?
  2. Where did you and your partner have your first kiss?
  3. What is your spouse's biggest fear?
  4. How many kids does your wife want to have?
  5. What is your spouse's idea of the perfect romantic evening?
  6. What is the most romantic thing your spouse has ever done for you?
  7. What is your spouse's favorite love song?
  8. What's one word you would use to describe your wife?
  9. What would your wife say your pet name is for her?
  10. How would you describe your spouse on your wedding night?
  11. What is the most romantic trip or vacation you have taken together?
  12. What is your spouse's favorite type of accessory or jewelry?
  13. What was your wife's favorite part of your wedding day?
  14. What song was playing during your first dance?
  15. What is a guilty pleasure your wife enjoys?

Wife Round Questions

  1. What is your spouse's favorite book?
  2. What is your spouse's favorite scent or fragrance?
  3. When was the last time you gave your husband a massage?
  4. Does your husband like surprises?
  5. What is your spouse's idea of the perfect date night?
  6. What's your husband's favorite thing to do in his time off?
  7. Who is your spouse's favorite TV show?
  8. What is your spouse's shoe size?
  9. What is your spouse's favorite romantic movie?
  10. What is your spouse's favorite quote or saying?
  11. What is your spouse's favorite place to vacation?
  12. What is your husband's favorite flower?
  13. What is your spouse's favorite type of cuisine?

READ THIS NEXT: 184 "Most Likely To" Questions for Couples, Co-Workers, and Friends.

Newlywed Game Questions for Families

  1. Who is more of a last-minute shopper?
  2. Who is usually in charge of bath time?
  3. Who is better in a group setting?
  4. Who is more likely to plan a family vacation?
  5. Who spends more time cleaning the house?
  6. Who gets out of bed first in the morning?
  7. Who is better at keeping in touch with other family members?
  8. Who is usually the one to make plans?
  9. Who do the kids prefer?
  10. Who is more strict about household chores?
  11. Who is the disciplinarian?
  12. Who is friendlier in public?
  13. Who has more close friends?
  14. Who is more of a homebody?
  15. Who stays on top of the bills?