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217 Truth or Drink Questions for Adults in Need of Some Fun

Liven up any party with these dirty, deep, and droll truth or drink questions.

We've all heard of truth or dare, but have you ever heard of truth or drink? This booze-based, get-to-know-you game is a fun way to go deeper with the people you love… and possibly those you don't. The rules are simple: Either you answer honestly or you agree to take a drink instead. Depending on how many players you have and how long the game lasts, you may run out of material. So, we put together our very own list of truth or drink questions to help you out.

RELATED: 250 "Would You Rather" Questions That Are Impossible To Answer.

How to Play Truth or Drink

There are a few different ways to play this popular drinking game, but there are some general rules that always apply. For starters, the game requires a minimum of two players. It also requires a list of questions on hand, whether you buy a set or lean on your favorite publication for some inspiration (hi!).

From there, you can decide whether you want to let players take turns answering questions or designate a game master to engage the entire group at once. Either way, anyone who refuses to respond has to take a drink. Whether that comes in the form of a sip or something bigger is up to you to decide.

Helpful Tips

  • Be sure everyone is of age and able to play. It's no fun to be excluded from a group activity!
  • Stick to low-alcohol options. Remember, we've got a lot of questions to get through. If you take a shot each time you want to avoid answering, you probably won't last very long into the night.
  • Keep it casual. If you can tell someone is uncomfortable answering a question and that they've maybe had too much to drink, don't force the rules on them. After all, no one likes a stickler in a social setting.
  • The more people, the more fun. While it's certainly possible to play as a duo, more players will only add to the hype. Besides, the more people, the more stories you get out of the game.

Truth or Drink Questions for Your Best Friends

What's the most embarrassing thing that's ever happened to you at a restaurant?
Best Life
  1. What's the weirdest thing you've ever been asked on a date?
  2. What's the worst habit a potential partner could have?
  3. Would you hook up with your high school crush today?
  4. What's the most childish thing that you still do as an adult?
  5. What's the most embarrassing thing that's ever happened to you at a restaurant?
  6. What's the grossest thing you do when at home alone?
  7. Who is the worst-dressed person in the room?
  8. What's the biggest secret you've ever leaked?
  9. What's something you've never told anyone, not even your closest friend?
  10. What's the last lie you told?
  11. What's one thing you dislike about me?
  12. Would you ever date someone twice your age?
  13. What's the weirdest dream that you can remember?
  14. What was the last illegal thing you did?
  15. What was your most embarrassing moment in high school?
  16. Who is the most annoying member of your family?
  17. Have you ever hooked up with a friend's sibling?
  18. Have you ever had an altercation with a neighbor?
  19. What's the biggest mistake you've ever made at work?
  20. What's the worst thing about the person on your left?
  21. Will you share an embarrassing story from childhood?
  22. Who is the funniest person playing?
  23. Have you ever hooked up with anyone in this room?
  24. Out of everyone in the room, who is the most likely to get arrested and why?
  25. What's the most shallow reason you ever came up with for not going on a second date?
  26. Who's the flakiest one here?
  27. When did you last fart?
  28. Did you ever fail a class?
  29. What's the laziest thing you've ever done?
  30. What's one thing you really like about yourself?
  31. If everyone here brought a dish, whose would you be most likely to avoid eating?
  32. Out of everyone here, whose parents are most attractive?
  33. What's the meanest thing you've ever said to someone?

RELATED: 274 "Never Have I Ever" Questions to Help Spice Things Up.

Spicy Truth or Drink Questions

When was the last time you were in a friends-with-benefits situation?
Best Life
  1. Have you ever had romantic feelings for someone of the same sex?
  2. Have you ever had a one-night stand?
  3. How many sex toys do you own?
  4. Do you enjoy dirty talk?
  5. Have you ever hooked up with more than one person on the same night?
  6. Have you ever pursued a secret relationship?
  7. What's your least favorite sex position?
  8. Have you ever been caught masturbating?
  9. Who was the last person you had sex with?
  10. How old were you when you had your first kiss?
  11. What's the weirdest place you've ever had sex?
  12. Have you ever given someone a lap dance?
  13. When was the last time you were in a friends-with-benefits situation?
  14. What's the most attractive thing about the opposite sex that will forever keep you from batting for the same team?
  15. Do you watch porn?
  16. Have you slept with anyone in the room?
  17. Do you prefer having a few drinks before sleeping with someone?
  18. Have you ever looked up a celebrity sex tape?
  19. Have you ever recorded yourself getting it on?
  20. What's one thing you've attempted in the bedroom that you immediately regretted?
  21. Have you ever been to a strip club?
  22. Do you prefer sex with the lights on or off?
  23. What's one sex act you never want to try again?
  24. What's the biggest age gap you've had with a sexual partner?
  25. What's your favorite sex position?
  26. Have you ever had a threesome?
  27. What's your biggest fantasy in the bedroom?
  28. Have you ever taken it in the rear?
  29. What's the most embarrassing music someone could put on during sex?
  30. Who is your strangest off-limits crush?
  31. What's the kinkiest thing you've ever tried in the bedroom?
  32. Who is the most scandalous person in the room?
  33. Can you name a famous porn star?
  34. Do you like to be loud in bed?
  35. Which sexual act do you really excel at?
  36. Have you ever read erotic fiction?
  37. Have you ever had angry sex… and liked it?

RELATED: 184 "Most Likely To" Questions for Couples, Co-Workers, and Friends.

Funny Truth or Drink Questions

Where's the worst place you've ever gotten a sunburn?
Best Life
  1. Who is the most inappropriate person in the room?
  2. Have you ever attended a concert completely drunk?
  3. What's one useless skill you refuse to give up on?
  4. How do you feel about hickeys?
  5. What's the most embarrassing photo on your phone?
  6. What's the most disgusting thing you've done in front of a romantic partner?
  7. What's the strangest thing you've ever purchased?
  8. Where's the worst place you've ever gotten a sunburn?
  9. Have your parents ever walked in on you doing something sexual?
  10. What is your least favorite animal?
  11. If you could pick your own name, what would you choose?
  12. When was the last time you went commando because you were out of clean underwear?
  13. Can you spell "colonel"?
  14. How often do you think your friends' pets love you more than their actual owners?
  15. Can you name all of the Kardashians?
  16. Who here has the most attractive significant other?
  17. When was your last bowel movement?
  18. Have you ever walked in on your parents getting it on?
  19. Have you ever swallowed a foreign object that eventually came out the other end?
  20. What's the grossest thing you've done today?
  21. What's the most daring thing you've ever done while drunk?
  22. Do you think fresh bagels should be toasted?
  23. What is your opinion on bidets and/or bidet attachments?
  24. How often do you eat food that's dropped on the floor?
  25. Do you know what IBD stands for?
  26. When was the last time you went a day without eating any vegetables?
  27. Have you ever tried someone's breast milk?
  28. What's the drunkest you've ever been?
  29. What's the smelliest part of your body?
  30. How often do you pick your nose?
  31. Do you currently have any rotten food in your fridge?
  32. What's the most annoying habit your significant other just can't kick?
  33. When was the last time you took a selfie?

RELATED: 251 "What's Your Favorite" Questions to Really Get to Know Someone.

Deep Truth or Drink Questions

What's one thing that bothers you about the way people generally treat you?
Best Life
  1. What's your biggest regret?
  2. What's your biggest insecurity?
  3. What do you think about your best friend's significant other?
  4. What is the biggest misconception surrounding you?
  5. Are you satisfied with your appearance?
  6. What's something you really dislike about your own gender?
  7. Do you believe in monogamy?
  8. What's one thing you used to get ridiculed for as a kid?
  9. Did you vote in the last election?
  10. What do you think messed you up most from your childhood?
  11. What's one phobia you can't get over?
  12. What's one thing you wish you could change about yourself?
  13. Are you satisfied with your job?
  14. Who here is in the worst relationship?
  15. Are you close to your parents?
  16. What's one thing that bothers you about the way people generally treat you?
  17. Do you ever regret how you treated your siblings growing up?
  18. What's the best piece of advice you've ever been given?
  19. When was the last time you cried?
  20. What's one piece of advice you would give your younger self?
  21. What do you think is your greatest strength?
  22. What kind of impression do you think people first have after meeting you?
  23. Who would you most like to improve your relationship with?
  24. Are you satisfied with your relationship status?
  25. Do you want kids?
  26. Do you believe in one true love?
  27. Have you ever knowingly passed along false information about someone else?
  28. If you could go back 10 years and change your life's trajectory, would you?
  29. Do your spiritual beliefs influence how you behave?
  30. Do you enjoy being a parent?
  31. What concerns you most about your health?
  32. Who was the last person you lost?
  33. What's your biggest fear?

RELATED: 182 Paranoia Questions to Find Out What Everyone Really Thinks of You.

Truth or Drink Questions for a First Date

Can you list five things that I've shared with you about my past?
Best Life
  1. What's your biggest pet peeve?
  2. What's the worst date you've ever been on?
  3. What's your go-to comfort food?
  4. Who was your first celebrity crush?
  5. What's your biggest guilty pleasure?
  6. What was the last reality TV show you watched?
  7. What caused your last relationship to come to an end?
  8. Do you think I'll get a kiss before the end of the night?
  9. How many pillows do you sleep with?
  10. What's the longest you've ever gone without doing your dishes?
  11. Have you ever cried on a date?
  12. How many partners have you had over the past five years?
  13. Have you ever sent someone a nude photo?
  14. Have you already seen my Instagram page?
  15. Do I look like my pictures?
  16. Do you prefer your partner to be shaved or "all-natural"?
  17. Will you describe your "naughty bits" in detail?
  18. What's the furthest you've ever gone on a first date?
  19. What's your screen time report like?
  20. Have you ever cheated on someone?
  21. Do you use your top sheet?
  22. How long did it take you to finish the last book you read?
  23. How often do you eat dinner in front of the television?
  24. Do you have sheets on your bed?
  25. How likely am I to get a second date?
  26. Can you list five things that I've shared with you about my past?
  27. What's my last name?
  28. Have you ever had your heart broken?
  29. What's your favorite place to be kissed?
  30. Can you show me the last five photos in your camera roll?
  31. How many exes are still in your contacts?
  32. Have you ever gotten into a fistfight?
  33. What animal comes to mind when you look at me?
  34. Can you describe me in three words?
  35. Did you ever cut class in high school?

RELATED: 171 "This or That" Questions to Get to Know Someone.

Random Truth or Drink Questions

Have you ever learned a new skill from following YouTube tutorials alone?
Best Life
  1. Have you ever gotten a speeding ticket?
  2. Have you ever burnt yourself while cooking?
  3. How often do you listen to Christmas music?
  4. How often do you peep your crush's social media?
  5. Have you ever learned a new skill from following YouTube tutorials alone?
  6. Have you ever skipped out on rent?
  7. Did you have an imaginary friend growing up?
  8. What's your hidden talent?
  9. What would be your first major purchase after winning a million dollars?
  10. Have you ever purchased a self-help book?
  11. Do you prefer using subtitles when watching television?
  12. Do your pets sleep in your bed?
  13. What's the craziest thing you've ever done in public?
  14. What's your favorite guilty pleasure snack?
  15. Do you change your bedsheets each week?
  16. Have you ever been fired?
  17. Have you ever had a total meltdown in public?
  18. Have you ever fantasized about being a twin?
  19. Do you have recurring nightmares?
  20. Would you spend a weekend in a haunted house in exchange for $1,000?
  21. Have you ever been caught shoplifting?
  22. Have you ever been caught sleepwalking?
  23. Have you ever lied on a dating app?
  24. Do you have to hide behind something when watching scary movies?
  25. You can only enjoy one for the rest of your life: Sex or cheese? Which do you choose?
  26. Have you ever had one of your services shut off due to late payment?

RELATED: 102 Unanswerable Questions That Will Boggle Your Mind.

Truth or Drink Questions for Sisters

How many times did you blame me for something you did growing up?
Best Life
  1. Who is the smarter sibling?
  2. Who is the sluttier sibling?
  3. How many times did you blame me for something you did growing up?
  4. Which sister is the bigger clothes thief?
  5. Who is more successful?
  6. Have you ever stolen from our parents?
  7. Have you ever slept with one of my friends or exes?
  8. Am I a good sister?
  9. Have you ever leaked one of my secrets to someone else?
  10. If I were to kill someone, would you help me cover it up?
  11. What is my greatest physical asset?
  12. Which one of us do our parents like better?
  13. Which one of us is the screw-up?
  14. Which one is the over-achiever?
  15. Which one of my qualities do you wish you had inherited instead?
  16. Do you like being the oldest/youngest/middle child? If not, which would you like to be and why?
  17. When was the last time you lied to me?
  18. Is there a secret you've never told me?
  19. What's my favorite sex position? (You have three guesses.)
  20. Do your friends think I'm hot?

This story has been updated to include additional entries, fact-checking, and copy-editing.

Carrie Weisman
Carrie Weisman oversees all SEO efforts at Best Life. She specializes in content optimization and editorial marketing. Read more
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