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How to Meet New People: 20 Awesome Activities That Will Help You Make Friends

We have all the tips and tricks you need to feel confident about putting yourself out there.

Making connections with new people can be difficult and, at times, downright scary—but it is not impossible. All it takes is a bit of courage and putting some thought into how you spend your time. Putting yourself in the right place at the right time is key to encountering potential new friends. Of course, that can be easier said than done, which is why we've put together the ultimate guide on how to meet new people and make some friends. Below, you'll find 20 ideas of places to go and things to do to expand your circle.

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Why Is Meeting New People So Hard?

Meeting new people is tough, especially as an adult. As we get older, we have less time to devote to social activities.

"As individuals age, their lives tend to become more settled and structured, leaving them with limited time and fewer opportunities for socializing outside their established circles," explains Mason Farmani, an Intuitive Personal and Corporate Life Coach. Not only that but the older we get, the more selective we typically become about who we spend our time with.

Still, Farmani insists that it's often worth the time it takes to foster new relationships. "New friendships bring fresh perspectives, ideas, and experiences that can invigorate and broaden one's worldview," he explains. "They provide opportunities for personal growth by exposing individuals to different cultures, interests, and viewpoints, fostering a deeper understanding of the world and oneself."

How to Meet New People (At Any Age)

1. Join a local Facebook group.

Young woman in yellow sweater smiling while looking at her computer / iStock

Local Facebook groups are a fantastic way to find like-minded people in your area. These groups often organize local events that are welcoming to newcomers. Of course, it's important to put some effort into breaking the ice while you're there. "Engage actively and authentically in conversations, showing genuine interest in others and being yourself," Farmani suggests.

However, he cautions that it's important to be mindful about who you're connecting with and when to move from online conversations to in-person dialogue, because scammers are increasingly prevalent. "Be cautious of red flags such as individuals who pressure you for personal information, exhibit inappropriate behavior, or seem too good to be true," Farmani says.

"When meeting an online friend in person for the first time, choose a public place and let someone you trust know where you're going and who you're meeting. Trust your instincts; if something feels off, it's okay to step back and reassess the situation," he advises.

2. Sign up for a book club. 

Group of women and men attending a book club meeting
ljubaphoto / iStock

If you've recently moved to a new city, joining a book club can be a great way to make new friends. Meetings provide a structured environment where you can discuss literature with others and exchange views on various topics. This setting not only helps you find your footing in a new social circle but also allows you to assess others' attitudes and values.

Platforms such as MeetUp and Reader's Circle can help you find the right book club or discussion group for you. They may also provide information on signings and author talks, which will attract individuals with a shared interest in literature, providing more opportunities to meet folks you might like.

Events like these are hosted in many different environments, so do some research and see what works best for you. Think about where you feel most comfortable, whether that's the local bar, the public library, or somewhere else altogether.

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3. Join a religious or cultural group.

older women book club
SDI Productions / iStock

Religious clubs offer opportunities to form connections based on shared beliefs and values. You can always look to your local church, mosque, or temple for information on community events, such as festivals, potlucks, discussion groups, and volunteer activities, which provide tons of opportunities to socialize and connect with others.

"It's a method I like because it combines personal growth with social interaction," says Farmani.

If interested, you can always look into a local club that specializes in something other than your own culture. That way, you can broaden your understanding of other backgrounds and perspectives. Lots of cultural organizations celebrate holidays, host language classes, and organize cultural festivals that welcome people from all walks of life.

4. Go to networking events.

two men in suits shaking hands

Networking events provide valuable opportunities to build relationships with like-minded professionals. Joining organizations such as your local Chamber of Commerce or other professional networking groups allows you to connect with other businesspeople and form a referral network.

These events aren't just about business, either; they also offer a chance to make friends and connect with others who share your professional interests. So, the next time you attend a networking event, remember to be open to new connections and represent yourself well.

5. Check out a trivia night.

neon "trivia night" sign

Trivia nights are typically hosted at bars and cafes, but you can also find them on community boards or social media groups dedicated to local events. Participants join teams to answer questions on a variety of topics, providing a unique opportunity to share your interests and show off your knowledge. This dynamic also makes it easy to skip the small talk and get right to fun conversation.

6. Go to local festivals and fairs.

A crowd of people at an outdoor food festival
Ceri Breeze/iStock

Local cultural events, such as art gallery openings, concerts, and specialized interest fairs, provide excellent opportunities to meet friends who share a love for communal and creative activities. There are a lot of niches out there, so be sure to do some research on whatever you're into. You might be surprised by the number of folks who share the same interest.

"These events often target specific demographics or interests, making it easier to find individuals with whom you have common ground," says Farmani. "I like this method because it allows for spontaneous interactions and exposes you to new experiences and perspectives."

7. Join a sports team.

Team proudly holds their trophy high
Robert Kneschke/Shutterstock

Becoming a member of a local sports league or enrolling in a fitness class offers a more active approach to making new friends. Some benefits of participating in these activities include:

  • Building friendships
  • Staying active
  • Having fun
  • Improving physical fitness

Apps such as Strava offer group challenges and nearby clubs based on your location, making it easier to find classes or groups in your area.

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8. Sign up for a dance class.

women having fun in dance fitness class / Shutterstock

In a dance class, you can learn new skills while having fun with other dancers, no matter your experience level. Many dance classes also have a diverse range of participants, in age and other demographics.

A lot of studios organize social events, such as themed parties, dance-offs, and group outings, which offer even more opportunities to bond with your fellow dancers, too.

The best part? There's a ton of physical activity involved, which can actually help boost your mood and reduce stress—talk about an ideal atmosphere for meeting someone new!

9. Check out your local non-profits. 

A smiling middle-aged woman wearing a green "volunteer" t-shirt holds a bag of food to be donated.

Getting involved with local nonprofits can significantly expand your support network. And you'll be helping others at the same time! Supporting causes you care means you'll be meeting compassionate people and potentially building meaningful friendships.

Whether it's through charity events, community outreach, or local political organizations, volunteering offers a genuine way to connect with others who share the same values. Plus, you'll feel good about yourself.

10. Volunteer at an animal shelter. 

woman holding dog at shelter
hedgehog94 / Shutterstock

Helping out at your local animal shelters is an easy way to connect with other pet enthusiasts. These shelters often welcome volunteers to help care for homeless pets or assist at adoption events. Working with animals is also known to improve mood and reduce stress, which in turn can make it easier to break the ice with fellow volunteers.

11. Download friend-finding apps, such as Bumble BFF.

woman laughing while looking at her phone on the couch
insta_photos / Shutterstock

Splinter apps like Bumble BFF are for people looking to find friends, not romantic connections. They're great resources for those who have just moved to a new city or are a little shy in group settings. Just like with a dating app, you can set filters and message with a potential new pal before you meet. You can use your profile to describe yourself and your hobbies, which will attract potential friends who share your interests.

12. Hang out at coffee shops. 

Man and woman sitting at coffee shop and chatting
Srdjan Randjelovic / Shutterstock

Hanging out at your local coffee shop is a great way to meet your neighbors. The more you go, the more likely you are to see the same faces, fast-tracking your way to familiarity and, with any luck, friendship. If you need help striking up a conversation, you can always fall back on accessible topics, like what's on the menu, the weather, or neighborhood news.

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13. Frequent gyms and fitness studios.

Three women doing a kettlebell workout at the gym
NDAB Creativity / Shutterstock

Attending group fitness classes won't just get your endorphins going—you can also meet people with similar health goals and interests as you work out next to each other.

Group activities such as spinning, Zumba, and Pilates are designed to foster a sense of community, making it easier to strike up conversations and build friendships.

The shared experience of challenging workouts can also help create strong bonds and mutual support among participants, enhancing both your social life and your commitment to staying active.

14. Go to your local farmer's market. 

mand and woman chatting with seller at farmer's market
Hero Images Inc / Shutterstock

Head to a farmer's market to pass the time while supporting local businesses. They are typically frequented by people who are really involved in the community, so there's plenty of common ground to connect over. You can also strike up a conversation with other customers or salespeople.

15. Sign up for cooking classes. 

man and woman cooking pasta at cooking class
Ground Picture/Shutterstock

Cooking classes provide hands-on experiences where participants can engage in team-based cooking activities. These classes often conclude with a shared meal, providing an opportunity to bond over the dishes created. Classes for beginners also offer a supportive environment for those new to cooking, so don't be shy if you aren't a pro yet.

16. Do an arts & craft workshop.

two men and one woman in painting class
Monkey Business Images/Shutterstock

Express yourself and meet other hobbyists by taking an arts and crafts class or workshop. These creative outlets allow participants to:

  • Share ideas and inspirations
  • Build meaningful connections through shared interests
  • Engage in collaborative projects, which require teamwork
  • Form lasting friendships

17. Learn a new language in a classroom setting. 

Languages signpost including English, French, Chinese, Dutch, Japanese, Italian, Korean, Spanish, Thai, German and Russian.
Lonely Walker/Shutterstock

While language courses have increasingly moved online, you can always check out what's on offer at your local community college for in-person instruction. That way, you can enjoy the on-campus experience without having to travel too far.

18. Hang out at the dog park. 

Owner and Jack Russell terrier walking in a park

There are few things that bond folks as quickly as the love they have for their pets. These open-air environments are a great place to meet people spending their time (and money) in the same way as you. And obviously, your dog will love you even more for taking them to get some fresh air, socialization, and exercise. Meanwhile, owners can:

  • Exchange and gain useful pet care tips from one another
  • Meet and socialize with other dog owners
  • Allow their dogs to exercise and play in a safe and controlled environment

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19. Join a film club. 

people watching a TV screen with pizza
BalanceFormCreative / Shutterstock

Film clubs are the perfect place to bond over a shared interest in cinema. These clubs typically organize both screenings and discussions, allowing movie buffs to enjoy their favorite films while digesting new opinions and insights.

20. Sign up for a stargazing group. 

A couple sitting on the roof of a car with binoculars and watching the night sky and shooting stars

Joining your local astronomy club to meet like-minded cosmos enthusiasts and make new friends. These clubs often provide access to resources such as planetariums and observatories, allowing members to try out new equipment and learn new techniques.

Tips for Maintaining Connections With New Friends

  • Stay in Touch Regularly: Send messages, make phone calls, or use social media to keep in contact.
  • Plan Regular Meetups: Schedule regular coffee dates, group outings, or other activities to spend time together.
  • Be Supportive: Offer support and be there for your new friends during both good and challenging times.
  • Share Interests: Engage in activities or hobbies you both enjoy to strengthen your bond.
  • Celebrate Milestones: Remember and celebrate birthdays, achievements, and other important events in their life.
  • Be a Good Listener: Show genuine interest in their thoughts and feelings by actively listening.
  • Follow-Up: After an initial meeting, follow up with a message or call to express your enjoyment and interest in meeting again.
  • Be Reliable: Keep your promises and be dependable to build trust and reliability in the relationship.
  • Show Appreciation: Express gratitude and appreciation for their friendship and the time you spend together.
  • Be Open and Honest: Maintain open communication and be honest about your thoughts and feelings to build a deeper connection.

Tips for Starting Conversations

Start with Easy Topics.

When meeting new people, begin with light and breezy topics to break the ice and make others feel more comfortable. Examples of light topics include:

  • The weather
  • Recent movies
  • Local events
  • Hobbies

Keeping the conversation surface-level reduces the pressure on both parties. It also signals a level of approachability, which can help lay the foundation for a deeper connection over time.

Use Open-Ended Questions.

Open-ended questions are those that require more than a simple "yes" or "no" response, encouraging people to elaborate on their thoughts and feelings. They show that you are genuinely interested in the other person's experiences and opinions, which can only strengthen your connection.

Examples of open-ended questions include asking about someone's favorite hobbies, their thoughts on a recent event, or their plans for the weekend. At the end of the day, it's about inviting the other person to share more about themselves, which can lead to discovering common interests and shared values. This approach not only makes the conversation more interesting but also more meaningful.

Be Confident and Positive.

Maintaining a positive mindset creates a welcoming atmosphere, making others more inclined to interact with you. By focusing on positive thoughts and outcomes, you emit an energy that naturally draws people in. Keeping a positive attitude not only boosts your own morale but also keeps you open and approachable.

Body language significantly influences how others perceive you. Standing tall, maintaining eye contact, and smiling project confidence, enhancing your friendliness and approachability. Practice these tips to boost your confidence and foster friendly conversations.


How can I find local community groups to join?

You can find local community groups through social media platforms including Facebook, local community centers, libraries, and local events boards. Good luck with your search!

What are some easy topics to start a conversation with new people?

You can start a conversation with new people by bringing up light topics, such as the weather, recent movies, local events, and hobbies, as these can lead to more in-depth discussions.

How can I use technology to meet new people?

You can use apps, including Meetup and Bumble BFF, or social media platforms, such as Facebook and Reddit, to discover local groups and events to meet new people. These platforms help connect you with like-minded individuals before you even leave your home.

What are some volunteer opportunities to meet new people?

You can meet new people by volunteering with local nonprofits, participating in community clean-up events, and helping at animal shelters. It's a great opportunity to connect with compassionate individuals and make a positive impact.

How can I build confidence when starting conversations?

To build confidence when starting conversations, you can maintain a positive attitude, focus on positive outcomes, and practice good body language, such as standing tall, maintaining eye contact, and smiling. These strategies will boost your confidence in social interactions.

Wrapping Up

Meeting new people and making friends as an adult can be challenging, but with the right strategies, it's entirely possible. Some of those include joining local community groups, attending social events, engaging in hobbies and sports, volunteering, utilizing technology, frequenting local spots, taking classes and workshops, connecting through pets, and exploring unique activities. By putting yourself out there and following our tips for starting conversations, you can build a rich and fulfilling social life.

Carrie Weisman
Carrie Weisman oversees all SEO efforts at Best Life. She specializes in content optimization and editorial marketing. Read more