Forty is the new 30 and the start of what could be an amazing decade for you. By this point, you've gained wisdom, experience, and a clearer sense of what truly matters. But, if you want to make the most of your years to come, hitting 40 is a milestone that should make you rethink any negative habits or mindsets and get your priorities clear. From fine-tuning your health and finances to deepening relationships and embracing personal growth, small but meaningful changes can set you up for a longer, healthier, and happier life.
From tweaking your diet for better energy to managing stress before it impacts your well-being, these 40 science-backed life upgrades will help you thrive—not just survive—in your 40s and beyond. Read on for the transformational changes you can make to live smarter, healthier, and happier than ever before.
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1 | Wake up earlier.
While many people tend to naturally wake up earlier as they get older, try to make getting out of bed earlier a priority after age 40. Getting your day started early gives you time to exercise, which can improve everything from your metabolism and cognitive function to your overall fitness, flexibility, and more.
What's more, waking up early increases your exposure to natural daylight, which research shows can help prevent depression and anxiety and also improve your sleep quality, leading to a healthier you.
2 | Embrace your optimistic side.
Enjoying your life more starts with channeling your inner optimist. So, make it a point each and every day to start your day with more positive thinking, even if it's as simple as "How lucky am I to be alive?"
Not only can being optimistic improve your outlook on life, but research published in the American Journal of Epidemiology links optimism with lower rates of death from common ailments like cancer, heart disease, and stroke.
3 | Drink more water.
In your 40s, your water bottle should be your constant companion. Researchers at the University of Connecticut have linked dehydration to everything from fatigue to memory issues, headaches, and poor mood.
Drinking enough water on a daily basis can keep your skin, hair, and nails well hydrated and your body operating smoothly. Plus, drinking water is a zero-calorie way to feel full and help you keep your weight at a healthy level.
4 | Develop a skincare routine that works for you.
At this point, fine lines and wrinkles may start popping up, which is why it's crucial to have an age-appropriate skincare routine. Consult a dermatologist, who can give you personalized recommendations based on your unique skin and any concerns or sensitivities. In most cases, a pro will recommend sunscreen, moisturizer, hydrating serums, and some type of retinol.
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5 | Take the right supplements.
Having a healthy supplement routine in your 40s could help you lead a longer and healthier life. While your doctor can help determine which specific supplements are right for you, recent research shows that Omega-3s and Vitamin D can help slow biological aging—or how old your cells are—by up to four months, which is pretty remarkable.
6 | Cook more meals at home.
If you have a bad habit of ordering takeout or picking up fast food, it's high time that you learn how to cook nutritious homemade meals at home.
One study from Johns Hopkins found that people who eat at home 6 to 7 nights a week consume fewer calories than those who eat out. By making your own dishes, you know what ingredients are in them, and you'll be more likely to incorporate healthy whole foods, such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, whole grains, and lean proteins, which all deliver essential vitamins and minerals to keep you healthy and active.
7 | Find a fitness routine you love.
Finding a fitness routine you love—be it pilates, running, cycling, swimming, or yoga—can set you up for better health as you age... and may even save your life. Research published in the journal Circulation reveals that two years of regular exercise helps to counteract the cardiovascular side effects of a previously sedentary lifestyle.
Take your 40s as an opportunity to fall in love with physical activity. These easy and fun exercise ideas can get you started.
8 | Be more assertive at work.
You've worked hard for the career you have and you know what you're doing. So, make sure others recognized that by speaking up at work. Whether that's volunteering to take on a new project or respectfully disagreeing with your coworkers, lead by example when opportunities arise.
For women, in particular, research published in the European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology reveals that assertive women are more likely to be considered for raises than their shyer counterparts. Everyone can take a page from that book by advocating for themselves in the workplace.
9 | Stay out of office drama.
At the same time, it's important to distance yourself from any office drama. At this point in your career, you have more to lose, considering retirement is likely still far away and you've got a lot of working years still ahead. Getting dragged into office gossip or politics can get messy fast and divert you from your career goals. Keep your eyes on the prize and steer clear of scandals.
10 | Use all of your vacation days.
In 2024, a whopping 62% of Americans didn't use all of their paid time off, with 5.5% not taking any time off at all, according to a survey by Sorbet, a fintech lending firm.
That's a shame, considering research shows that going on vacation can make you happier, healthier, and even more productive when you return to work. Not to mention, you'll rack up once-in-a-lifetime memories with your family or friends. So go ahead and take advantage of that hard-earned PTO.
11 | Don't stay at a job you hate.
If you're unhappy with your current work situation, take action and start looking for something new. You know that work stress can impact all other areas of your life, including your relationships, mood, and overall health. In fact, a survey from Ohio State University found that workers who were less fulfilled in their careers were more likely to have sleep issues and depressive symptoms.
Your 40s can be a perfect time to do a career pivot into a totally new and exciting area. So, if you've been dreaming of starting your own business or entering a whole new industry, start taking the necessary steps now.
12 | Get serious about your long-term goals.
Living in an apartment when you'd rather be in a house? Is it on your bucket list to own a boat someday? Would you like to put your kids through college stress-free?
Your 40s are the best time to get real about all of your long-term goals, then build a financial plan with an expert to help you reach them.
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13 | Pay down your debts.
While retirement may still be a long-term goal, getting rid of any debt now can help you secure a more stable financial future. According to data from Experian, the average American's debt is $104,215, which includes mortgages, auto loans, student loans, and credit cards. What's more, these debts peak between the ages of 40 and 49 among people who have excellent credit scores.
If you get serious about paying off your debt now, you can set yourself up for a financially secure future well into old age.
14 | Carve out some more "me" time.
As you assess your priorities at this stage of life, you'll realize that you need to take care of #1 if you're going to live a long and healthy life. This should include taking some time to do things just for you, whether that's practicing self-care by relaxing in a bath once a week or being more selective about which invites you say "yes" to in order to honor your alone time.
This can lead to several health benefits, including stress reduction, improved mental well-being, enhanced focus, and boosted self-esteem.
15 | Make more time for your friends.
In your 40s, make a real effort to spend time with your friends on a regular basis. Or, if you all live far away from one another, plan regular phone dates or Zoom calls.
Having friends and fostering those relationships can increase your happiness, reduce stress, boost confidence, prevent unhealthy habits, and help you get through any dark times, according to the Mayo Clinic.
16 | Learn how to de-stress naturally.
You can always reinvent yourself in your 40s and transform into someone who's more relaxed and stress-free. While drinking or smoking may be tempting, lowering your stress levels through exercise, meditation, and other mindful practices are much healthier ways to cope—and extend your life.
According to a study in the American Journal of Cardiology, stress-reduction exercises have the power to reduce mortality from cardiovascular diseases by as much as 30% and cancer by up to 49%.
17 | Let go of grudges.
You're mature and level-headed. You don't have time for drama, which is why you should let any past grudges go.
Researchers at the University of California, Berkeley found that unforgiving thoughts can increase your blood pressure and heart rate, so it benefits both your mental and physical health to put any bad vibes to rest.
18 | Remove toxic people from your life.
On a related note, you only have one life to life, so why waste so much of it on people who do nothing to make it better? If a relationship or friendship is causing you continual stress and has no signs of improving, consider cutting ties for good.
Otherwise, you leave yourself open to developing anxiety, depression, and a whole host of other health issues if you keep a toxic person in your life.
19 | Live a less sedentary lifestyle.
Stop sitting so much. Seriously. Sitting for eight-plus hours each day has been linked to increased rates of obesity and cardiovascular disease, making it one of the most unhealthy habits you have the power to break in your 40s.
According to the Mayo Clinic, getting a standing desk could potentially help you shave off an extra five pounds each year. And if you want to kick it up a notch, you can get your daily steps in by investing in an indoor walking pad.
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20 | Cut your screen time down as much as possible.
There are a million ways to spend time on your phone these days, but it's not good for you or your health. Screen time has been linked to health issues ranging from vision impairment to diminished heart health, in addition to putting a strain on romantic relationships (doesn't it hurt to be ignored?).
At the very least, reduce your screen time at night, since it can mess with your sleep quality.
21 | Spend more time outdoors.
Getting outside more often can totally transform your life, and there are several studies to prove it. In fact, research from the University of East Anglia found that spending time outdoors can reduce your risk of type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, stress, high blood pressure, and overall death.
Whether you opt to take a walk around the block or host a picnic in the park, take your time spent with nature seriously.
22 | Pay attention to your sleep schedule.
If you're 40 or over, it's time to get a comfortable bed and stop skimping on the amount of time you spend in it. Research published in the journalNature Neuroscience reveals that sleep deprivation may reduce your brain's ability to store memories, potentially increasing your risk of dementia as you age.
Luckily, getting just seven or eight hours a night is enough to keep you sharp as a tack, experts agree.
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23 | Keep a journal.
It's no secret that our memories tend to get less sharp as we get older. The good news? Journaling may be able to help. A notable study published in the Journal of Experimental Psychology found that expressive writing improved working memory and made people more capable of handling stress.
Getting started with journaling if you've never done it before is simple with these steps.
24 | Stop comparing yourself to others.
It's hard to feel confident about your looks, finances, relationship, and career 24/7 when everyone is constantly showing their own highlight reels on social media, but by now, you should know that it doesn't do any good to compare yourself to others. You have a unique set of circumstances, beliefs, values, and other factors that may have influenced your life to look different than your friends or family, and that's OK!
Focus on the things that you're happy and proud of, and leave comparisons out of it.
25 | Find confidence.
Your 40s are that sweet spot where you're smart enough to both treat your body right and accept that perfection isn't necessarily possible. While you may have a few more fine lines than you did a few years ago, consider them proof of a life well-lived.
Not sure how to be more confident? Miyume McKinley, LCSW, owner of Epiphany Counseling, Consulting & Treatment Services, suggests making "a list of why you love you, and why you should love you." Once your list is complete, you should remind yourself often of all the reasons you love yourself.
26 | Volunteer.
Want to improve your health and the world around you? Make it your mission to start giving back in your 40s. Research published in Health Psychology reveals that volunteering may actually increase your lifespan, so when you volunteer at a soup kitchen or walk the dogs at your local shelter, you'll feel good by doing good.
27 | Find a hobby.
Want to make the most of your time? Stop wasting it with TV binges and find a hobby instead.
Not only can discovering a new skill or interest increase your confidence and expand your social circle, but it may help keep you mentally fit, too. One study published in the American Journal of Alzheimer's Disease & Other Dementias found that adults who engaged in their hobbies regularly were less likely to develop dementia later in life than those who didn't partake.
28 | Read regularly.
Speaking of, reading is a great hobby! Not only can it expand your knowledge and intellect, a study published in the journal Neurology found that older individuals who remained avid readers until their deaths reduced memory-related decline by 32%. Meaning? Reading can keep you young.
29 | Start flirting with your partner more.
It's easy to let your relationship get stagnant when you've been together for a long time. To keep things fresh, make sure you're still making time to flirt with your partner.
A little flirtation can go a long way: It can increase feelings of desire, playfulness, affection, and attraction between you two, leading to a healthier and happier union for years to come.
30 | Become a world traveler.
Whether you're jetting off to Rome or just visiting a nearby attraction, travel is a great way to get more enjoyment out of life.
In fact, researchers at Cornell University found that people are significantly happier when they have a trip to look forward to. So, make sure you always have a destination planned, whether it's checking out a nearby town and walking around (for free!) or booking a once-in-a-lifetime adventure in a faraway place.
31 | Learn a new language.
Learning a new language—at any age—can keep your brain sharp. But in your 40s, it can be a great way to expand your appreciation of other cultures and ways of living that are different from your own.
Plus, learning a new language can help slow cognitive decline and set you up for more professional opportunities in which speaking multiple languages is a positive asset.
32 | Stop pretending to enjoy things you actually hate.
While it may have felt important to like the same bands, books, or movies as your friends when you were younger, your 40s are the perfect time to stop pretending to care about things that don't matter to you.
You only have so many years to spend on this planet, so why waste them pretending to be someone you're not? Reinvent yourself in your 40s by becoming who you really are.
33 | And don't be shy about the things you are into.
Luckily, the increased confidence you experience in your 40s makes it a prime time to embrace all those weird things you secretly love. Who cares that you still love seeing Taylor Swift in concert, or that your favorite movie is Toy Story? You're in your 40s, and the only person whose opinion matters is your own!
34 | Add strength training to your exercise routine.
By the time you hit 40, it's time to make regular weight training an integral part of your exercise routine if you haven't already.
Strength training has a slew of body benefits, including stronger bones and muscles, better balance, enhanced metabolism, lower body fat, improved mobility, less stress, and a lower risk of chronic diseases. To live a long and happy life, start lifting weights now.
35 | Keep your drinking to a minimum.
While you may have been able to drink an entire bottle of wine and wake up feeling like a million bucks in your 20s, odds are that's not the case now. What's more, a growing body of research points to the negative impacts of drinking alcohol, which include liver damage, heart disease, cancer, depression, anxiety, and more.
If you do decide to drink, limit yourself to a moderate amount, which is one drink for women and two for men on any given day, according to the CDC.
36 | Get your clothes tailored.
You're officially a grown up, which means that you deserve to dress the part and look as confident as you feel.
One of the easiest ways to accomplish this is by having your clothes tailored. A perfectly tailored suit or dress will not only fit you like a glove, but will also help you feel super-confident and like you have it all figured out.
37 | Get rid of clothes that don't fit you properly.
You might have been able to get away with wearing ill-fitting clothes in your 20s and 30s, but now? You should know better.
Spend the time to review your closet and make sure to toss anything that doesn't fit—whether that's jeans that are a size too small or shirts that are too big or baggy. Form-fitting pieces that actually fit will always be the most flattering, regardless of the latest trends.
38 | Switch up your makeup routine.
Invest in age-appropriate makeup and formulas to put your best face forward. This means enhancing your natural beauty with shades that compliment your skin tone and unique features, while fixing any problem areas with high-quality formulas that will last throughout the day and night.
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39 | Learn how to move on from your own mistakes.
Part of growing up is learning to accept the things you cannot change. Learning to forgive yourself for any past mistakes can help you release any negative thoughts or emotions that may be unknowingly contributing to your stress, mood, energy levels, or anxiety.
Luckily, going to therapy is no longer the taboo that it once was. Talking to a licensed therapist can help you work through tough resentment or guilt and finally move onward and upward.
40 | Consider adding a pet to your life.
Even if you've never owned an animal before, it's not too late to become a proud pet parent! Finding a dog, cat, bird, bunny, hamster, or fish to add to your family can be just what you need to enter your 40s and beyond with a great outlook and a healthier lifestyle.
For instance, research from Ohio State University found that owning a cat or dog can help lower your risk of depression, and a study published in Circulation suggests it can lower your heart disease risk. In short, taking care of a loving animal can enhance your life for years.