Lots of good things have come out of Ireland. Liam Neeson. Riverdance. Guinness. The list goes on. But some of the most celebrated gifts from the Irish don't come in the form of people or products but well wishes, instead. Irish blessings are common across the pond, but they're also widely used on this side of the Atlantic. Whether you want to make someone laugh or congratulate them on a new home, chances are there's a famous Irish blessing that will perfectly fit the occasion. Read on for the best and most poetic Irish blessings we could find.
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Common Irish Blessings
- May the luck of the Irish be with you
- May you always have walls for the winds.
- May the lilt of Irish laughter lighten every load.
And a blessing of unicorns cross your way.
May you have love, laughter and friendship true
And may each new dawn be a perfect day.
A roof for the rain, tea beside the fire.
Laughter to cheer you, those you love near you.
And all your heart might desire.
May the mist of Irish magic shorten every road.
May you taste the sweetest pleasures that fortune ere bestowed. And may all your friends remember all the favors you are owed.
Ways to Say "God Bless You"
- I arise today, through the strength of heaven.
- May you always have work for your hands to do.
- May God grant you always a sunbeam to warm you.
The light of the sun, the radiance of the moon.
The splendor of fire, the speed of lightning.
The swiftness of wind, the depth of the sea.
The stability of the earth, the firmness of rock.
I arise today, through God's strength to pilot me.
May your pockets hold always a coin or two.
May the sun shine bright on your windowpane.
May the rainbow be certain to follow each rain.
May the hand of a friend always be near you.
And may God fill your heart with gladness to cheer you.
A moonbeam to charm you, a sheltering angel so nothing can harm you.
Laughter to cheer you, faithful friends near you.
And whenever you pray, Heaven to hear you.
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Irish Wedding Blessings
- May you have enough happiness to keep you sweet, enough trials to keep you strong, enough sorrow to keep you human, enough hope to keep you happy, enough failure to keep you humble, enough success to keep you eager, enough friends to give you comfort, enough faith and courage in yourself to banish sadness, enough wealth to meet your needs and one thing more, enough determination to make each day a more wonderful day than the one before.
- May joy and peace surround you both, contentment latch your door, and happiness be with you now, and God bless you evermore. May you live your life with trust, and nurture lifelong affection. May your lifelong dreams come true for you, move ever that direction.
- May you have love that never ends, lots of money, and lots of friends. Health be yours, whatever you do, and may God send many blessings to you. May God be with you and bless you. May you see your children's children. May you be poor in misfortune, rich in blessings. May you know nothing but happiness. From this day forward.
Short Irish Blessings
- May you have warm words on a cold evening.
- May your neighbors respect you, trouble neglect you.
- May you live as long as you want
- May you have the hindsight to know where you’ve been
- May brooks and trees and singing hills.
- May you always walk in sunshine.
A full moon on a dark night.
And a smooth road all the way to your door.
The angels protect you and heaven accept you.
And never want as long as you live.
The foresight to know where you are going
And the insight to know when you have gone too far.
Join in the chorus, too.
And every gentle wind that blows
Send happiness to you.
May you never want for more.
May Irish angels rest their wings right beside your door.
Funny Irish Blessings
- May the winds of fortune sail you.
- Here’s to cheating, stealing, fighting, and drinking.
- May your glass be ever full.
- Here's to a long life and a merry one.
May you sail a gentle sea.
May it always be the other guy
Who says, "This drink’s on me."
If you cheat, may you cheat death.
If you steal, may you steal a woman’s heart.
If you fight, may you fight for a brother.
And if you drink, may you drink with me.
May the roof over your head be always strong.
And may you be in heaven half an hour before the devil knows you’re dead.
A quick death and an easy one.
A pretty girl and an honest one.
A cold beer and another one.
Irish Blessings for Friends
- May love and laughter light your days, and warm your heart and home. May good and faithful friends be yours, wherever you may roam. May peace and plenty bless your world with joy that long endures. May all life’s passing seasons bring the best to you and yours.
- For each petal on the shamrock, this brings a wish your way. Good health, good luck, and happiness. For today and every day.
- Wishing you a rainbow for sunlight after showers. Miles and miles of Irish smiles for golden happy hours. Shamrocks at your doorway for luck and laughter too. And a host of friends that never ends. Each day your whole life through.
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Irish Prayers That Honor St. Patrick
- May the Irish hills caress you.
- May your days be many and your troubles be few.
- Christ with me,
May her lakes and rivers bless you.
May the luck of the Irish enfold you.
May the blessings of Saint Patrick behold you.
May all God’s blessings descend upon you.
May peace be within you, may your heart be strong.
May you find what you’re seeking wherever you roam.
May the strength of God pilot us, may the wisdom of God instruct us. May the hand of God protect us, may the word of God direct us. May thy Salvation, O Lord, be always ours this day and for evermore.
Christ before me,
Christ behind me,
Christ in me,
Christ beneath me,
Christ above me,
Christ on my right,
Christ on my left,
Christ when I lie down,
Christ when I sit down,
Christ when I arise,
Christ in the heart of every man who thinks of me,
Christ in the mouth of everyone who speaks of me,
Christ in every eye that sees me,
Christ in every ear that hears me.
Good Luck Blessings
- May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face; the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again. May God hold you in the palm of His hand. May good luck be with you wherever you go. And your blessings outnumber the shamrocks that grow. May your days be many and your troubles be few. May all God's blessings descend upon you.
- Lucky stars above you, sunshine on your way. Many friends to love you, joy in work and play. Laughter to outweigh each care. In your heart a song. And gladness waiting everywhere. All your whole life long. May you have a world of wishes at your command. God and his angels close to hand. Friends and family their love impart. And Irish blessings in your heart.
- May your home be filled with laughter. May your pockets be filled with gold. And may you have all the happiness your Irish heart can hold.
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Popular Irish Blessings for a New Home
- May the Grace of God’s protection, and His great love abide within your home and within the hearts of all who dwell inside.
- Bless this house, O’ Lord we pray, make it safe by night and day. Bless these walls, so firm and stout keep want and trouble out. Bless the roof and chimney tall, let thy peace lie over all.
- May these walls be filled with laughter. May it reach from floor to rafter. May the roof keep out the rain. May sunshine warm each windowpane. And may the door be open wide to let the good Lord’s love inside.
Uplifting Irish Blessings
- May your mornings bring joy
- May your thoughts be as glad as the shamrocks.
- Always remember to forget.
And your evenings bring peace.
May your troubles grow less
As your blessings increase.
May your heart be as light as a song.
May each day bring you bright, happy hours
That stay with you all the year long.
The things that made you sad.
But never forget to remember.
The things that made you glad.
Wrapping Up
That's it for our list of Irish blessings, but be sure to check back in with us soon! We're committed to helping you find the right words for every occasion.