Cats are elusive animals, but to their owners, choosing a name can be something very special, like a dedication to a beloved family member or an old friend. Or they might go with a fun, cutesy name like the ever popular "Kitty." Whatever they choose, most of the time, they won't be the only ones to choose it. According to a 2015 Veterinary Pet Insurance survey, as provided by Vocativ, many states share the same most common cat names. Sorry to all the Bella cat owners out there, but your feline friend's name is just not that unique! Read on to learn the most popular cat name in every state.
Alabama: Lucy
If you're naming your feline friend Lucy, you're not alone. This popular cat name is short for Lucille, meaning "light" in French.
Alaska: Pepper
Is there some salt to go with your many Peppers, Alaskans? This spicy name comes from the Sanskrit word pippali, meaning "berry."
Arizona: Max
Max is a common cat name in Arizona, and it's a great one, too—literally. The name Max comes from Latin origins and simply means "greatest."
Arkansas: Jasper
If you live in Arkansas, you might have a cat named Jasper. This Persian name means "treasurer," so it's not hard to see why so many people would give this name to their treasured fur friend.
California, Colorado, and Connecticut: Bella
There must be a lot of beautiful cats in these states! This Italian name meaning "beautiful" is one of the most popular cat names.
Delaware: Misty
In Delaware, the name Misty is very popular for cats. Both a standalone name and a nickname for Michelle or Melissa, this English name simply means "mist" or "light fog."
Florida: Lucy
Just like those in Alabama, Florida residents like to give the name Lucy to their house cats. But those are not the only kinds of cats you'll find in Florida. The Florida panther is the most endangered animal in North America.
Georgia: Bailey
Georgia may be the Peach State, but the cats aren't named Peaches here. Most of them are named Bailey, which comes from the word bailiff, meaning "law enforcer."
Hawaii: Chloe
In Hawaii, you're likely to come across a Chloe cat. Most commonly a feminine name, Chloe is a Greek name meaning "blooming" or "fertility."
Idaho: Oliver
We hope these Olivers have a lot of company! The name, which has Latin origins, relates to an "olive tree," which symbolizes beauty and dignity.
Illinois: Tiger
No, Illinoisans aren't keeping actual tigers as pets, but they are naming their cats that way! And if you head to the state, you might find one of the oldest living cats: Tiger, an orange cat who is 31 years old.
Iowa: Gracie
In Iowa, you might find some graceful cats. After all, most of the cat owners in this state name their cats Gracie, which is inspired by the name Grace, meaning "eloquence."
Indiana and Kansas: Charlie
Cats are pretty free-roaming creatures, and Indiana and Kansas know that. These states share a love for the cat name Charlie, which means "free man."
Kentucky: Max
Just like Arizona, Kentucky residents have an affinity for the name Max. And it doesn't seem like a bad name for the wildcats in this state either, seeing as Max Duffy is the punter for the University of Kentucky Wildcats football team.
Louisiana: Patches
Perhaps there are a lot of spotted cat in this state? The name Patches is a popular one among the spotted-cat community—and across Louisiana.
Maine: Max
You might find a Maine Coon cat named Max in this state, seeing as it's the state cat—recognized as such in 1985.
Maryland: Chloe
Just like Hawaii, those in Maryland are a big fan of naming their cats Chloe. But the state cat? It's the calico cat! So, perhaps you'll meet a calico cat called Chloe?
Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, and Missouri: Bella
These states all have one thing in common: They love the name Bella! But unlike the other states, Massachusetts also has a state cat—the tabby cat.
Mississippi: Sebastian
Perhaps the people in Mississippi are big fans of The Little Mermaid? The Latin-inspired name means "venerable."
Montana: Orion
Montana's favorite star-sounding name is certainly unique. In Roman mythology, Orion was a hunter, which is a fitting name for a cat.
Nebraska: Oscar
Perhaps these Nebraskan cats were destined for cinematic glory! Oscar, the name used most often in this state, is of English origins and means "friend of deer."
Nevada: Cleo
This popular Nevadan name has a historical background. Short for Cleopatra, it's a powerful name meaning "glory."
New Hampshire and New York: Oliver
While New Hampshire and New York share a favorite cat name, New Hampshire differs with its state cat: the bobcat. (New York, sadly, doesn't have one.)
New Jersey: Max
We hope you're not maxed out by how many times you've seen this name on the list, because it's New Jersey's top cat name as well.
New Mexico: Simba
We assume the people of New Mexico have seen The Lion King one too many times. This Swahili name literally means "lion."
North Dakota: Boots
There's only two things you need when it's winter in North Dakota: your snow boots and your cat, Boots.
North Carolina and Ohio: Bella
North Carolina and Ohio are nothing special here—like many other states (with residents who may have seen Twilight too many times) their favorite cat name is Bella.
Oklahoma: Lola
This trendy name is unique to Oklahoma. Coming from Spanish origins, the name means "lady of sorrows."
Oregon: Lily
The people of Oregon are fond of naming their cats Lily. This typically feminine name, also given to a flower, means "pure."
Pennsylvania and Rhode Island: Bella
Sorry, there are more "beautiful" cats to go around. Pennsylvania and Rhode Island residents also frequently find themselves using the name Bella for their cats.
South Carolina: Lucy
Not only can you find a lot of cats named Lucy in South Carolina, but you can also find the world's largest living cat: Hercules, an adult male liger.
South Dakota: Bailey
This state must have a lot of protectors! Just like Georgia, those in South Dakota are very fond of the name Bailey.
Tennessee: Zoe
This short and sweet name, meaning "life" in Greek, is what you'll find most Tennessee cats being named.
Texas: Bella
These Southern belles in Texas have a common cat name: Bella!
Utah: Lily
Utah and Oregon are tied for fans of using this flower-based name.
Vermont: Teddy
People in Vermont must like to hold their cats close, like a teddy bear, because their favorite name for cats is Teddy.
Virginia: Oliver
Virginia may be for lovers, but it's certainly not unique. Just like Idaho, New Hampshire, and New York, its favorite cat name is Oliver.
Washington: Luna
Washington cats might be night owls. The name Luna, often given to the cats of this state, is an Italian name meaning "moon." It's also a very popular dog name.
West Virginia and Wyoming: Bella
There's no way you thought you would get through this list without one more mention of the name Bella. It's West Virginia and Wyoming's favorite cat name, too.
Wisconsin: Sophie
This name, popular for cats in Wisconsin, is derived from the Greek name Sophia, meaning "wisdom."