If you're about to get dragged into another boring conversation, then you've got to change course before things go too far. Surprising someone with a funny response to "How are you?" is one way to ensure their other inquiries remain somewhat interesting. We can all agree that small talk is—well—pretty unbearable. The least we can do is steer clear of "fine," "good," and other more mechanical responses out there. If you're running low on ways to keep your conversations exciting, be sure to keep reading. We've provided 81 funny responses to use when presented with this classic conversation starter.
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Funny Responses to "How Are You?"
Shutterstock / CREATISTA
Clever Responses to "How Are You?" Texts
Shutterstock / Antonio Guillem
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Flirty Responses to “How Are You?”
Joshua Resnick / Shutterstock
Sarcastic Responses for When Someone Asks "How Are You?"
Shutterstock / Ground Picture
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Witty Responses to "How Are You Doing Now?"
Shutterstock / Monkey Business Images
What's the Best Way to Ask Someone How They Are?
Take A Pix Media/Shutterstock
OK, so you've got a bunch of hilarious responses locked and loaded for the next time someone asks how you're doing. But what are you doing to make sure the conversation stays interesting when it's your turn to engage?
Also, where are you planning to kick off the exchange? Because new research suggests that if it's not online, it's not going to go that deep.
According to a 2012 study presented at the American Association for Public Opinion Research, people are more likely to disclose sensitive information through text than they are over the phone or in person.
“We believe people give more precise answers via texting because there’s just not the time pressure in a largely asynchronous mode like text that there is in phone interviews,” said Fred Conrad, a cognitive psychologist and director of the Program in Survey Methodology at the University of Michigan Institute for Social Research.
“It seems that texting may reduce some respondents’ tendency to shade the truth or to present themselves in the best possible light,” he adds.
Fortunately, opportunities to conduct things in this way are all around us. Between online dating, long-distance friendships, and family scattered around the world, there are plenty of instances where digital correspondence takes the place of interactions that unfold in the flesh. With that, maybe it's time we start celebrating the perks our "new normal" has brought along with it.
How to Keep the Conversation Flowing When Someone Asks "How Are You?"
Sometimes, a sarcastic response is all you need to throw into a conversation before calling it quits. Other times, it's important to extend the interaction. Read on for a few tips on how to keep things going.
Give them an honest answer.
The best responses are genuine responses. While we may not always want to talk about experiencing a tough time at home or struggling to maintain a healthy work-life balance, these subjects can bring us much closer to productive, lively exchanges.
Engage with them.
Providing a few fun responses is an easy way to entertain those involved in the conversation, but don't forget to shake things up by giving everyone else a turn to talk. If you get lost along the way, just exercise the IFR method.
The acronym stands for "Inquire, Follow-Up, Relate," and is often used by people in the workplace. And if it's good enough to be used on the job, you can bet it's good enough to use among your peers.
Don't offend anyone.
We all love to get a laugh, but it's important to ensure such responses don't offend. There are plenty of funny ways to kick off a conversation without alienating everyone around you. Use your common sense, and never forget to read the room.
Pay attention to their eye contact.
Wondering how someone is feeling about your witty response? Pay attention to what they're doing with their eyes. A paper published in Proceedings of the Natural Academy of Sciencessuggests that eye contact is an important way to synchronize conversation among participants.
Of course, you don't want to overdo it. The authors note that occasionally breaking up the gaze can also help individuals access new and original thoughts to introduce into the conversation.
Wrapping Up
That's it for now, but be sure to check back in with us again soon. You can also sign up for our newsletter so you don't miss out on what's next!