With the New Moon in Pisces behind us, all eyes look toward Venus and Mars, which both enter Aquarius today. This conjunction in rebellious air sign Aquarius will bring a collective social awareness to the forefront of the week. We’ll be feeling more inspired to tackle problems head-on and approach situations with out-of-the-box solutions. It’ll also require a good deal of compromise and self-reflection, so be sure to stock up on your favorite snacks and podcast episodes ahead of your next Self-Care Saturday.
Then on March 9, Mercury will enter Pisces and bring a more peaceful vibe to our lives. We’ll be feeling inspired to drop the pretenses and lean into our sensitive side. If you’ve been looking to get started on that new creative project or waiting for the perfect time to shoot your shot, Pisces season is the time to dive right in.
Read on to find your weekly horoscope for living your best life from March 6 to March 12. For the most accurate reading, we recommend looking at the horoscope for your rising sign.
RELATED: The Most Passive-Aggressive Zodiac Sign, According to Astrologers.
Aries (March 21-April 19)
Aries, you’re not afraid of hard work or long hours, but these last few months have been making you wonder if the hustle is worth it. Be sure to prioritize your personal relationships this week and reconnect with some of the hobbies and connections that you may have let slide during this busy time in your career.
Taurus (April 20-May 20)
Ready for responsibility? Sweeping changes in your career and job description are on the horizon. You’ve been working quietly behind the scenes on some serious goals and they’re about to pay off. Mars in Aquarius pushes practicality to the side in favor of more unconventional methods—so don’t get nervous if this new job or career makes you feel like a fish out of water at first.
RELATED: The Zodiac Sign That Is Worst With Money, According to Astrologers.
Gemini (May 21-June 20)
Your social life is always buzzing, Gemini, but when was the last time you took a day to just do something for you? Mercury in Pisces will be bringing in some refreshing and inspired feelings for you this week. Instead of over-committing to your social schedule, take an afternoon to go try a new pottery class or finally finish that art project you started months ago. Don’t overthink it!
Cancer (June 21-July 22)
Do you get déjà vu? This week will be bringing back a familiar face for you, Cancer. A few months ago you weren’t quite ready to take the dive but Pisces season is making you feel adventurous. You’ve been working on betting on yourself and building confidence since the last time you faced this decision. Now you’re ready to take the plunge and explore the waters of a new opportunity.
Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)
Leo—you’ve spent the last few weeks being everyone else's cheerleader. It’s time to slow down and check yourself out of other people's drama. This week is the perfect time to start a new morning ritual or routine. Give yourself permission to really assess which relationships, jobs, and hobbies are taking more of your energy than they give back.
RELATED: This Zodiac Sign Is the Biggest Drama Queen, Astrologers Warn.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)
Someone is trying to get your attention! You’ve been flirting with the idea of a new relationship over the last few weeks, Virgo. The double-Aquarius energy entering Venus and Mars this week will force you to make some decisions with your dating life. Ask yourself if this casual flirtation could mean something more, and if so, what needs to change about your routine to make it work?
Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 21)
You’ve been ignoring that text from your ex—maybe because you feel guilty about wanting to go back? You’ve compromised your boundaries and expectations to keep the peace in past relationships. This time around things need to change if they’re going to last. Whether or not you and your old flame are end-game is your business; either way this week is all about reaffirming your worth in relationships.
Scorpio (Oct. 22-Nov. 21)
Someone is trying to make you feel guilty for celebrating your most recent achievement, Scorpio! You’ve had a tough year of personal transformation and growth. This week is ideal for doubling down on your goals and bragging about yourself. A shift in your relationships is coming for the better and that may mean losing some people along the way. As new gifts and opportunities enter your life, pay attention to who isn’t willing to celebrate your progress.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
There’s no place like home for you, Sagittarius. You’ve been focusing on your personal growth intensely for the last few months. Take the week off from the endless grind and make some plans to reconnect with family and friends. Indulge your need to explore by visiting a new restaurant in town or finally planning that weekend away you and your college friends keep talking about.
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Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
Some unexpected news or a potential slow-down may arise this week—but don’t panic. This dual-Saturn energy of Capricorn and Aquarius season have caused slow-downs for you for most of 2022. This week brings the final hurdle and emotions may run high this week as you navigate a few frustrations, but if you handle your business directly everything will be smooth sailing by the time the Full Moon enters fellow earth sign Virgo next week on March 18.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
While others are running for cover this week, you’re tackling things head-on. The conjunction of Venus and Mars in Aquarius may bring up some tough conversations for you this week; it’s important to speak your truth and reaffirm your decisions. You’ve never been the type to follow someone else’s path—lean into your rebellious energy as you choose your freedom over the approval of others.
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)
It’s your season, Pisces! And this week will be bringing in some major vibe checks. You’ll be feeling especially drawn to your spiritual practice this week. You’ve had a hunch about something but you’ve been holding back on saying anything. With Mercury entering your sign on March 9, it’s time to speak your mind. This week is also a perfect time for you to renegotiate contracts or set firm boundaries on your time and energy.
RELATED: The Most Gossipy Zodiac Sign, According to an Astrologer.
Lauren Ash is an astrologer and culture writer based in St. Louis. You can subscribe to her blog for monthly horoscopes and cosmic guidance.