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38-Year-Old Says One-Ingredient "Miracle Juice" Makes Her Look 10 Years Younger

The "natural botox" drink promotes radiant, youthful skin, she says.

As we get older, our skincare priorities shift from tackling persistent breakouts to preventing fine lines and wrinkles. We know that making minor adjustments to our diet, such as cutting back on alcohol and sugar, can have a significant impact on our skin, as can following a personalized skincare routine. And according to one beauty content creator, the secret to maintaining glowy, radiant skin lies within a one-ingredient "miracle juice" recipe.

RELATED: 103-Year-Old Woman Has Been Drinking Green Juice for 30 Years—Here's Her Recipe.

Nadine (@thenaturalnadine) is a beauty influencer on Instagram known for her underrated skincare hacks, non-toxic makeup recommendations, and cleansing tutorials. On her platform, Nadine discusses her past struggles with adult acne, chronic eczema, and keratosis pilaris (rough patches of acne-like bumps), and how she naturally healed her skin issues without botox or filler. And now, more than 239,000 users follow Nadine, hoping to achieve an ageless complexion just like hers. So, what's her secret?

In a recent video, the 38-year-old unveiled her number one age-reversing tip. Many of her followers were shocked to learn that it wasn't a particular product or skin treatment but celery juice.

"It stops the aging process dead in its tracks and forces it into retreat," reads a text overlay. "Drink that potion and you'll never grow even one day older. Don't drink it and continue to watch yourself rot."

In the caption, Nadine explained that celery juice can help with prematurely aging skin because it "removes toxins and pathogens that can prevent collagen production."

Collagen improves skin elasticity and moisture and promotes blood flow to the skin, per Cedars-Sinai. However, our bodies slowly stop producing collagen with age, so finding ways to naturally boost collagen levels is key.

Nadine claims her "miracle juice" can help heal "eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, acne, blemishes, and many other chronic or mystery symptoms you might have." Celery also contains vitamins C and A and "hydrates you at a cellular level," she added.

In a 2018 article in Vogue, celebrity nutritionist Kimberly Snyder also extolled the benefits of this juice: "Celery is 95 percent water…when it comes to skin, hydration is key."

For optimal results, Snyder recommended drinking 16 ounces of celery juice right when you wake up, before your morning coffee. If you're using a blender, strain the purée to remove any pulp.

Those with stubborn acne also swear by celery juice. On Reddit, one person said, "celery juice healed my acne after having it for 15 years."

Another agreed: "100% celery heals skin issues."

"I had a huge new flare of eczema in multiple spots…now it's completely vanished and in still doing cj daily it's been 11 months now," wrote someone else.

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Emily Weaver
Emily is a NYC-based freelance entertainment and lifestyle writer — though, she’ll never pass up the opportunity to talk about women’s health and sports (she thrives during the Olympics). Read more
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