How much money could you be missing out on, just from not claiming it? “If a business, financial institution, or government owes you money that you did not collect, it is considered unclaimed money or property,” according to “You may be able to file for unclaimed money owed to you, or that was owed to a deceased relative if you are their legal heir.” Unsure if you have unclaimed property? You might be surprised. “1 in 7 individuals has some form of unclaimed property waiting to be collected, whether it’s an inactive checking account, missed paycheck, utility refund, or some other forgotten funds,” says the National Association of Unclaimed Property Administrators. “Though held by the state, owners still have the right to reclaim their money.” Here’s how to find and claim unclaimed money, according to experts.
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What Is Unclaimed Property?
Check the Online Database
The first step is to check the national and state databases to see if you have unclaimed money. “Using the free online search at allows individuals to search nationally for unclaimed property,” says NAUPA. “You can search for yourself or on behalf of your family members. You can also connect with your specific state's unclaimed property program. Once on the appropriate state site, potential unclaimed property owners can search the database to find assets. If unclaimed property is found, states will provide an online claim form or instructions for reclaiming the property. Be sure to search any state where you and your family have lived or worked.”
Claim Your Money or Property
If you discover unclaimed funds, full out the online application for it. If your property is being held by the state, you will be redirected to the appropriate online claim, for example California. According to the California State Controller's Office, California returns over $1+ million daily to those who file Unclaimed Property claims.
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Not Real Estate
California’s unclaimed property does not extend to real estate. “Controller Malia M. Cohen safeguards this lost or forgotten property for as long as it takes to reunite it with the rightful owners,” says the office. “There is no deadline for claiming property once it is transferred over to the State Controller’s Office and no fee associated with claiming your property.”