Trivia night is serious business. Before you can participate, you have to find somewhere to go, get a team together, and brush up on your trivia knowledge. Then, of course, there's the matter of coming up with a team name. Sure, you could choose your name at the last minute, but then you risk coming up dry. Clever names are part of the fun, so to help you prepare, we've compiled some of the best trivia team names out there. Even if you don't come in first place, you can take pleasure in knowing that your team name was awesome.
Funny Trivia Team Names
- My Drinking Team Has a Trivia Problem
- Alternative Facts
- We're Just Guessing!
- In Dog Beers, We've Only Had One
- The Three Must Get Beers
- Menace II Sobriety
- Nerd Herd
- Whiskeypedia
- Let's Get Ready to Stumble!
- Question Heirs
Clever Trivia Team Names
- The Smarty Pints
- The Spanish In-quiz-ition
- Victorious Secret
- The Smartinis
- Born to Runner-Up
- Just Kidding! They're in First
- Beer Pressure
- Fellowship of the Quiz
- Geek Tragedy
- No Eye Deer
Harry Potter Trivia Team Names
- You're a Quizard, Harry!
- 10 Pints to Gryffindor!
- Dumb, Dumb, and Dumbledore
- That's So Ravenclaw
- The Team Who Must Not Be Named
- Granger Zone
- Mischief Management
- Dumbledore's Army
- Slytherin It to Win It
- The Dumbledorks
Pop Culture-Inspired Names
- The Quizard of Oz
- QuizTeama Aguilera
- Let's Get Quizzical
- Quiz Khalifa
- Quiztopher Walken
- Quizzie McGuire
- Walt Quizney
- E=MC Hammer
- Pinky and the Brains
- Agatha Quiztie
More Punny Names
- Quizness Up Front, Party in the Back
- Les Quizérables
- Apple-Bottomed Geniuses
- Sherlock Homies
- The Red Hot Trivia Peppers
- The Quizly Bears
- Quiz Me Baby One More Time
- Whiskey Quizness
- Game of Phones
- Beyoncé Knows