It's no secret that a well-laid-out workspace can do wonders for your productivity. But even outside getting all the tools you need and eliminating distractions, your design decisions can also have an impact on your work—including what shade you have on your walls. If you want to ramp up your output, you might want to consider grabbing a roller and going with one of these options. Read on for the best colors to paint your office, according to productivity experts.
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1. Pale Yellow
There's nothing wrong with wanting your workspace to feel a little lively. That's why a pale yellow might be one of the better options for keeping your spirits lifted throughout the day.
"Scientifically, this warm, sunny color has been shown to increase office creativity and output," Mary Poffenroth, PhD, a biopsychology faculty member at San Jose State University, tells Best Life.
Research also shows yellow is connected to better recall and memory. "Studies find that participants exposed to yellow backgrounds did better on memory tests than those exposed to other colors. Yellow's capacity to activate the left side of the brain—associated with logical thinking and memory—is thought to be the source of this effect," she says.
Other experts agree that it's also an overlooked color for offices. "Yellow is naturally an inspiring color, as it reminds our body of the energy of the sun, and it is also calming to our nervous system, as it is close enough to a neutral color to not overstimulate our senses," says Olivia Howell, a clinical hypnotherapist and certified life and success coach.
2. Light Blue
Stress can be the biggest enemy of productivity. If you're feeling too much pressure in the office, you might want to choose a soothing paint color.
"Light blue is known to be very calming, as it reminds our body of both the sky and the ocean, and our primal brain responds well to anything nature-related," says Howell. "It's both stimulating enough to keep us motivated during the work day and always keeps our nervous systems from feeling overwhelmed and overstimulated."
3. White
Some people look at white walls as an easy way out from making a decision on a paint color or picking up a brush. But Poffenroth says the neutral choice can actually be fairly effective at helping you get things done.
"This simple and adaptable color scheme can greatly improve workplace output," she explains. "Effective reflection of light by soft white walls maximizes both natural and synthetic lighting in the office."
Research has also linked greater alertness and cognitive ability to this enhanced brightness. "White light exposure during working hours enhanced alertness and performance on cognitive tasks, according to studies," says Poffenroth.
4. Light Green
Looking for something that can help keep you going throughout the day besides that afternoon cup of coffee? Consider picking a paler shade of green for your workplace for a consistent boost.
"Light green is another nature-inspired paint color that will help our senses feel calm and also help our body stay active and motivated throughout the day," says Howell. "Green is known to be a color of abundance and happiness, as well as a nature-inspired color, of course, and it's very motivating to surround ourselves with the color of abundance every day!"
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5. Soft Pink
It can be all too easy to focus on specific color schemes for your office in an attempt to keep things looking professional. But if you are willing to be a little playful with the possibilities, Poffenroth says pink is a standout option.
"The uplifting but not overpowering character of soft pink makes continuous productivity possible throughout the day," she says. "Because of their connection with ideas like peace, relaxation, and compassion, lighter pink tones—like blush or rose—cause emotions of calmness. Soft pinks help the mind to enter a condition of calm focus by releasing tension and anxiety."
6. Gray
Neutral tones might seem like a default choice for wall color. However, they can still affect one's mood and output.
"Gray is an excellent color that determines a sophisticated and professional atmosphere," says Lucas Botzen, a human resources expert and CEO of Rivermate. "It is the most flexible color to blend with other colors to strike a perfect balance and harmony in your working space."
He adds that gray can help reduce visual distraction by providing a clean slate "through which one may focus and be productive."