Allergy season is in full swing, meaning many of us are heading to the pharmacy in search of some relief. And since headaches and colds can happen at any time of year, you might also grab some ibuprofen or other cold meds while you're there. But before you head to your local CVS or Walgreens, you'll want to be mindful of the brand you buy for yourself and your family members, as the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) has just issued a new recall notice. Read on to find out which meds have been pulled due to "risk of poisoning."
READ THIS NEXT: Vitamins Sold Nationwide Recalled Due to Health Concerns, FDA Warns.
Four different allergy and cold medications are subject to recall.
In a May 18 recall notice, the CPSC announced that Acme United is recalled four of its PhysiciansCare brand medications. The recalled includes PhysiciansCare Allergy (50 caplets; item number 90036); PhysiciansCare Allergy Plus (100 tablets; item number 90091); PhysiciansCare Non-Drowsy Cold and Cough (100 tablets; item number 90092); and PhysiciansCare Cold and Cough (250 tablets; item number 90033). Item numbers are printed in the top right-hand corner of the box.
The allergy and cold medications were sold exclusively through Amazon between Jan. 2021 and Aug. 2022, ranging in price from $5 to $19. However, according to the CPSC, prices may have varied.
"This is Acme United’s average selling price," the recall notice states. "It is not known at what price third parties sold the recalled products on Amazon."
The meds can pose a risk to young children.
The medications were pulled after it was discovered that the packaging isn't child-resistant, "posing a risk of poisoning if the contents are swallowed by young children," the CPSC said.
The products contain diphenhydramine hydrochloride and acetaminophen, which are required to have child-resistant packaging, in accordance with the Poison Prevention Packaging Act (PPPA).
Acme United's recall page clarifies that recalled products haven't been found to "have any issues in terms of ingredients or the tablets themselves." The medication is safe for adults to use "in a workplace setting."
To date, Acme United hasn't received any incident or injury reports.
Customers are entitled to a full refund.
If you have these medications at home, they should be immediately relocated to a safe location out of children's reach. You can then register for a refund through Acme United. In order to do so, the recall page states that you need to have the recalled product, your electronic receipt (which can be found through your Amazon account), and a device to upload images of both the product and the receipt.
The total refund will fall within the average price range of $5 to $19, the CPSC said. If you purchased more than one recalled product, the company asks that you fill out a separate registration form for each medication. The recall page also includes instructions to safely dispose of the medication.
For more information, contact Acme United directly at 888-803-0509 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Eastern Standard Time (EST) Monday through Friday.
Dozens of medications were recalled in April.
Just last month, over 80 prescription and over-the-counter (OTC) medications were recalled due to safety concerns. Per an April 26 press release from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Akorn Operating Company LLC voluntarily pulled a range of products, including OTC meds, prescription drugs, and pet medical production.
The 75 products intended for human use included artificial tears, lidocaine, vitamin D drops, olopatadine nasal spray, and more—all of which were pulled after Akorn filed for bankruptcy. According to the recall notice, the company was concerned about products meeting specifications for the remainder of their shelf life without its in-house quality assurance program.
The company instructed consumers to throw away recalled products and contact their doctor or healthcare provider.