It might still be hot and sunny but don't let that distract you: it's officially fall! As every fall-lover knows, the arrival of the new season means it's time to make some key lifestyle adjustments—namely, switching your signature drink to a PSL and giving your entire wardrobe a flannel overhaul. Obviously, we already know you're excited about those two things. But in case you need more reasons to get hyped for fall, we rounded up a list of the best funny fall memes to keep you laughing all season. These funny fall memes will surely keep you entertained until December!
Fall memes every autumn-lover will find hilarious
Give me all the Halloween stuff!
Can't wait!
Saddest thing ever.
Immediately in the mood.
All I need to be convinced, to be honest.
Looking out for all the signs.
The cold never bothered us anyway.
Simple is better?
10/10 would work every single time.
Did somebody say spooky?
My time to shine!
My favorite season is pumpkin season.
There's no escaping the pumpkin spiced latte.
Skeletons everywhere!
Funny fall memes to keep you laughing all season
Best season ever.
Waking up all excited like...
Get ready for fall spirit!
My fall self is always waiting to emerge.
Who needs that kind of negativity in their life?
I'll have a pumpkin spice everything, please!
We're all Morticias on the inside.
Is there such a thing as too many pumpkins?
Been waiting all summer!
Summer is overrated.
Happy fall, y'all!
Is it too early to dress up?
Been waiting all year for this.
Halloween content is the best content.
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