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39 Random Acts of Kindness You Can Do That Are Totally Free

These random acts of kindness will benefit others and improve your well-being, all at the same time.

Feeding someone hungry. Picking up a piece of litter by the side of the road. Helping someone who needs a hand getting down a staircase. These random acts of kindness take mere seconds of your time, but they can make all the difference to the person on the receiving end. And while they may not make a major dent in your day, they can lead to some serious benefits for you as well. With that in mind, we've rounded up 39 meaningful gestures you can do today without spending a single dollar.

READ THIS NEXT: 23 Ways to Be a Nicer Person, According to Mental Health Experts.

Why Is It Important to Practice Random Acts of Kindness?

According to researchers at the University of Oxford, a random act of kindness—from smiling at a stranger to helping dig someone's stuck tire out of the snow—can yield major improvements in the moods of both recipients and those doling them out.

That's right—every seemingly minor thing you're doing to make someone else happy can fill you with just as much joy.

It's such a highly valued concept that a foundation was established to encourage people to keep participating in this kind of behavior. They've even organized a National Random Acts of Kindness Week to draw attention to the cause. It lasts from Feb. 14-20 and comes complete with an entire history and participation guide.

39 Kindness Ideas That Don't Cost a Dime

Give one—or all—of these ideas a go, and realize how infectious and mood-boosting being a nice and thoughtful person really is.

1. Gift your leftover food to someone in need.

one slice of pizza left in the box
Shutterstock / Danila.Ge

Instead of throwing out your perfectly good lunch leftovers, consider boxing them up and handing them out to someone in need of a bite to eat. You'll feel better knowing that you didn't waste any perfectly good food, and a human being will greatly benefit from your small but significant random act of kindness.

2. Hold the door open for someone.

man holding elevator door for coworker
Shutterstock / LightField Studios

This might not seem like that remarkable of a gesture, but strangers will certainly take note of the fact that you went out of your way to hold the door open for them—especially if you live in a busy city where it's constantly every person for themselves.

3. Compliment strangers on the street.

two woman smiling and talking on the street
Shutterstock / Olesia Bilkei

Do you see someone on the train whose purse you adore? Then tell them! Compliments coming from friends and family members are one thing, but nothing feels better than receiving a compliment unexpectedly from a stranger in passing. And who knows: If all goes well, you might even hit it off with this stranger and make a new friend. Win-win!

4. Donate old clothes.

man holding a box of clothes to be donated
Shutterstock / ITTIGallery

Make room for many a new frock and give garments to those in need all in one kind gesture. You might no longer have a need for your old sneakers or former favorite puffy jacket, but that doesn't mean that someone else can't get good use out of them for years to come.

5. Register to be an organ donor.

hand passing a red heart while doctors perform organ transplant in background
Shutterstock / vchal

Signing up to be an organ donor is definitely a personal decision, so be sure to discuss with friends and family before you make the leap. If you do decide to go through with it, know that you could be helping one of the 104,000 people out there waiting on a transplant. You can also register online, so you don't even need to leave the house to sign up.

6. Bring snacks to your local fire station.

firefighter on duty
Shutterstock / VAKS-Stock Agency

Take a second now to look at all of the dry goods you currently have sitting in your pantry. If you happen to have the right ingredients to make homemade baked goods, like cookies or muffins, then whip up a batch. Not only will using up those ingredients that might otherwise languish in your pantry cut down on food waste, but it's also a cash-free way to make a lot of hard-working people happy with little effort.

7. Leave unused coupons on a shelf at the store.

person finding coupons on store shelves
Monkey Business Images/Shutterstock

If you have a coupon that's about to expire and don't have any use for it, just leave it on the shelf at the store next to the item it corresponds to so someone else can benefit from it. Sure, a $1 off coupon isn't much in the grand scheme of things, but the kindness and generosity you're spreading around is priceless.

8. Fill out a customer satisfaction survey and rave about a great experience.

person taking an online customer satisfaction survey
Shutterstock / Tero Vesalainen

Should you happen to have a particularly pleasant experience with a customer service representative, take the extra few minutes to fill out the customer satisfaction survey and praise that person for their kindness and helpfulness. Nobody actually enjoys filling out those surveys at the end of a phone call, but doing so could make a huge difference in someone's career.

READ THIS NEXT: 23 Little Compliments You're Not Saying That Go a Long Way.

9. Babysit a friend's kids—free of charge.

man on phone while holding a baby
Shutterstock / Drazen Zigic

That couple in your life with young kids would appreciate nothing more than a night out sans the little ones—but babysitters are expensive. That's where your random act of kindness comes in. By offering to babysit completely free of charge, you can give your friends the night out they've been longing for, and they won't have to sacrifice a single penny.

10. Return shopping carts at the grocery store.

woman returning her shopping cart
Shutterstock / Shine Nucha

The next time you see a shopping cart out of place, take a few seconds to return it to where it should be and make someone else's life easier. Those shopping carts that people leave in the middle of the parking lot don't magically just return to their designated spots: When customers refuse to put them away, hard-working employees have to take precious time out of their day just to put those carts where they're supposed to be.

And for every shopping cart you put back in its proper place, you're lowering the risk of someone's car getting dinged, as well.

11. Throw out litter on the sidewalk.

throwing away litter
Shutterstock / AshTproductions

Do a small randoms act of kindness for the planet and throw out any litter you see while walking down the street. According to Australia's Department of Environment and Conservation, something like a piece of cardboard can take as long as two months to break down, so every piece of garbage that you put into a proper receptacle makes a huge difference for the environment.

12. Help out your mail carrier.

postwoman on duty
Shutterstock / Drazen Zigic

No, we aren't asking you to go door to door for them. But if you happen to catch them when it's bitterly cold out or raining cats and dogs, offer them a hot cup of coffee. If you live somewhere warm and are experiencing higher-than-normal temperatures, have some ice water or lemonade handy for when they pass through.

13. Leave a positive review for a local restaurant.

woman talking to waiter at a restaurant
Shutterstock / Jacob Lund

If you have a go-to spot in your neighborhood, then rest assured that they appreciate your business. But you can take your support to the next level by hopping online and leaving a positive review on Google or Yelp. These kinds of comments can go a long way in helping a restaurant establish credibility and attract new customers. Plus, it doesn't take much time at all!

14. Create a "Free Library" box in your yard.

donated books in a box
Shutterstock / tornadoflight

Got old books lying around that you aren't planning to reread? Why not spread some of the fun around for neighbors and passersby? You can also invite them to drop off some old books of their own so that you don't run out of material too quickly. If you still have a bunch of books laying around after you put the library together, you can always drop some off at a local school or charity.

15. Leave uplifting comments on friends' social media accounts.

woman smiling while reading a message on her phone
Shutterstock / Roman Samborskyi

It's not easy posting pictures on the internet and leaving yourself vulnerable to the scrutiny of strangers who never seem to have anything nice to say—so the next time you're scrolling through Instagram and notice that a friend has just uploaded a selfie, make sure to let them know how wonderful they look.

16. Leave your partner a love note.

woman looking at a sticky note that says 'i love you' on the mirror
Shutterstock / wavebreakmedia

Show your partner how much you care by writing them a secret love note and leaving it in their purse or briefcase to find later. In the middle of the day, your significant other will be pleasantly surprised by your sweet (and somewhat random) act of kindness. (And they never have to know that it required minimal effort and zero money on your part.)

17. Volunteer at a local animal shelter.

man playing with puppy at an animal shelter
Shutterstock / hedgehog94

Reach out to your local animal shelter and see if there's anything you can do to help out. Most shelters are severely understaffed, and they're usually more than happy to take any and all volunteers they can get! And what could be better than spending time with adorable animals all day?

18. Instead of birthday gifts, ask friends to donate to a local charity.

girl refuses to accept the gift box
Shutterstock / Fantastic Studio

When your friends and family ask you what you want for your birthday this year, tell them that instead of birthday gifts, you'd prefer that they donate to charity in your name. Facebook even has a feature that allows you to start a fundraiser for your birthday, so it's as easy as just clicking a button to perform this simple but significant act of kindness the next time your big day rolls around.

19. Catch up with an old friend.

two friends catching up at a cafe
Shutterstock / Viktoriia Photographer

Make time in your busy schedule to catch up with an old friend whom you haven't seen in a while. Both you and your friend will benefit from the long-overdue get-together—after all, nothing makes for a good mood quite like reminiscing with someone who remembers you from way back when.

20. Smile!

woman in yellow shirt smiling
Shutterstock / Merla

Make a habit of smiling at the strangers you pass on the sidewalk. You never know what other people are going through, and your smile could turn that stranger's entire day around.

21. Surprise your family with a home-cooked meal.

young man cooking dinner for his fmaily
Shutterstock / 4 PM production

Put that overused takeout menu back in the kitchen drawer and surprise your family instead with a thoughtful home-cooked meal that they'll never expect. Even if you aren't a master chef, simply the thought and effort you put into cooking a warm meal yourself will be enough to make your family feel appreciated.

22. Donate your unused frequent flyer miles to an affiliated charity.

plane flying over terminal
Shutterstock / lassedesignen

This one might not be common knowledge, but many frequent flyer programs offer participants the opportunity to donate unused points to the charities they partner with. Airlink provided this option as a way to aid relief efforts following the earthquake that hit Turkey and Syria in early 2023. Other companies like American Airlines offer different programs through which you can donate to fighting hunger, veterans' causes, and environmental efforts.

Hop online and see what opportunities your program provides!

23. Write a letter to someone serving overseas.

person putting a letter in the mailbox

Show your thanks for those risking their lives overseas by writing a letter via Operation Gratitude. Being in a foreign country in the middle of combat can get lonely, and the soldier on the receiving end of the letter you write will definitely appreciate hearing that their efforts aren't going unnoticed.

24. Donate blood.

man donating blood
Shutterstock / LightField Studios

Hospitals and emergency centers are always in need of more blood donations, especially when tragedies and natural disasters strike. If you meet the qualifications for giving blood, then registering for a local blood drive is an easy and effective way to help those in need. (Oh, and did we mention that you usually get a tasty snack at the end of your donation?)

If you want to take this form of service one step further, you can do some research on the bone marrow registry to see if you're fit for donation.

25. Donate your hair.

Woman donating hair for cancer
Shutterstock / David Prado Perucha

Looking to switch up your signature look? Consider killing two birds with one haircut by donating your ponytail. Each organization has different requirements as far as what it will and won't accept, but typically your hair has to be anywhere from 8 to 10 inches before you can donate it.

Once the hair that you want to donate is chopped off, you can have fun playing around with a new, much shorter 'do!

26. Praise your coworkers for a job well done.

woman congratulating her coworker
Shutterstock / Antonio Guillem

If your coworker did a particularly good job on a project or presentation, don't hesitate to let them know about it. Even if your coworker already knows deep down that they worked hard and performed well, sometimes a little bit of recognition is exactly what we all need in order to feel good about ourselves.

27. Leave positive notes around town.

person participating in random acts of kindness by writing positive messages on sticky notes
Shutterstock / Arman Novic

Anyone can benefit from a few encouraging words, even strangers. Why not carry around a pack of sticky notes and jot down a few positive affirmations for someone else to find? You may not get to see the look on their face when they discover your message, but you'll be able to rest easy knowing it most certainly made them smile.

READ THIS NEXT: 5 Fast Ways to Get Out of a Funk, According to Experts.

28. Organize a food drive.

two women working at a food drive
Shutterstock / Dragana Gordic

Get your entire community involved in your act of kindness by organizing a food drive. Everyone—including yourself—can feel good about doing something to help those in need of something to eat, and canned goods that might not ever be eaten otherwise will go to good use. It's a win-win!

29. Offer to pick up groceries for an elderly neighbor.

woman bringing groceries to her elderly neighbor as a random act of kindness
Shutterstock / SpeedKingz

You're already going to the grocery store anyway, so why not offer to pick up a few extra items for your neighbor as well? Your pal next door might have a little difficulty moving around these days, so any help they can get will be much appreciated.

30. See a lost phone on the ground? Help return it.

person found a lost phone on the ground
Shutterstock / Zhuravlev Andrey

Imagine for a second how lost you would be without your smartphone. Pretty helpless, right? Hold onto that feeling, and remember it the next time you see a misplaced cell phone sitting on the street. Someone out there is looking for that phone, and returning it to a local store or police station can not only brighten their day but save them tons of money, too.

31. Spend some time at a senior living home.

woman embracing patient at a nursing home
Shutterstock / Ground Picture

Senior living homes are always looking for volunteers to just sit and chat with their residents. Even if you only have an hour or so to spare, those 60 minutes will make a huge difference in a lonely person's life.

32. Tutor local kids completely free of charge.

woman tutoring young girl
Shutterstock / fizkes

Offer up your math, English, or history skills to the kids in your neighborhood who need help with their schoolwork. Tutors don't come cheap, and so helping out even for just a few hours every few weeks could eliminate financial stress for many a family.

33. Compliment a parent on their child's behavior.

woman holding her young daughter while speaking to her teacher
Shutterstock / Diego Cervo

Parents with young children are all too used to hearing complaints about how their child is too loud, too rambunctious, or is just being too much of a, well, child. However, when kids are well-behaved and sitting quietly out in public, parents never hear anything about how good their kids are. Just hearing a little bit of praise from you might give them hope that people are taking notice of their hard work.

34. Put a quarter in an expired parking meter.

putting money in a parking meter
Shutterstock / Monkey Business Images

Okay, so technically this one isn't free, but what's 25 cents compared to the $100 fine that car could get should a cop see their expired meter?!

35. Listen when someone else is speaking.

man holding his hand near his ear listening closely
Shutterstock / Champion studio

Given how often people pretend to listen while zoning out or scrolling through their phones, it's perhaps one of the greatest acts of kindness out there to actually listen when someone else is speaking. Sure, it might be tempting to check the clock or look at that Twitter notification, but the person with whom you're chatting will appreciate that you value their time and words enough to ignore your urges.

36. Let a merging car into your lane.

Merge road sign on sky background.
Shutterstock / FocusDzign

Traffic is stressful enough as it is without having to fight your way into a lane—so the next time you see someone struggling to merge over to your lane, make some room and let them in!

37. Help a struggling parent carry their stroller down the stairs.

man carrying a stroller down the subway stairs as a random act of kindness
Shutterstock / Hadrian

Don't just ignore that mom or dad struggling to carry their stroller down a flight of stairs. Help them out! Lending a hand won't take more than a minute, and that stressed parent will be eternally grateful for the assistance.

38. Call your mom!

woman on FaceTime with her mother
Shutterstock / wavebreakmedia

Assuming she's still with us and you're on good terms, stop making excuses and call your mom! Sure, she might drone on about the drama in her book club or how the grocery store was out of her favorite cereal, but nothing makes her happier than hearing from you—and that's all that matters.

39. Make your partner breakfast in bed.

man performing random acts of kindness, serving his girlfriend breakfast in bed
Shutterstock / wavebreakmedia

Surprise your partner this Sunday with a delicious breakfast in bed. Even if it's just some scrambled eggs and coffee, your significant other will love that you put effort into making their morning that much sweeter.

Wrapping Up

That's it for our list of random acts of kindness, but be sure to check back in with us soon! You can also sign up for our newsletter to enjoy similar kinds of content, as well as hit pieces on lifestyle, entertainment, and health.

Carrie Weisman
Carrie Weisman oversees all SEO efforts at Best Life. She specializes in content optimization and editorial marketing. Read more
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