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50 Genius Hacks for How to Be More Attractive

Hey, if you've got it, flaunt it.

Everyone has those days when they wake up feeling, you know, blah. Luckily, there are some little tricks you can use to instantly give your self-confidence a boost and make yourself appear more attractive to others in the process. Whether it's highlighting one side of your face or switching up the way you walk, looking good has never been so easy. Read on for the best tips on how to be more attractive that you can incorporate into your routine today.

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50 Genius Tips for How to Look More Attractive

1. Wear red.

Woman in Red Outfit

Who knew color could make such a big difference in your level of attractiveness? A 2010 study published in the Journal of Experimental Psychology found that women loved when men wore red. In a separate study from Rochester University, men were more attracted to women wearing red, as well. It's not just clothes, either: another study found red lipstick had the same effect.

2. Show off your hips.

woman wearing jeans looking in the mirror
New Africa / Shutterstock

Don't try and hide your hips—flaunt them. Wear pants that show off your figure and feel free to sway a little when you walk: One study from Texas A&M University found the attractiveness of women went up a whopping 50 percent when demonstrating this kind of open body language. Just like Shakira always says: hips don't lie.

3. Make yourself look taller.

Handsome african american man in blank black t-shirt standing against brick wall

Research shows women prefer taller men over the short guys of the world. And though you can't change your height, you can make yourself look like you grew a few inches. Experts say sticking to monochromatic color palettes will make you appear taller. Plus, it looks super classy: You can't go wrong with an all-black look.

4. Highlight the left side of your face.

Smiling older blonde woman touching face
Ground Picture / Shutterstock

A study published in the journal Experimental Brain Research found that people generally preferred the left side of their faces over the right. Whether you're taking pictures or chatting with someone, turn your head slightly to the right to showcase your left and you'll instantly look a little better.

5. Travel in groups.

female friends drinking wine
iStock / Dimensions

If you've ever watched How I Met Your Mother, you know what "the cheerleader effect" is. And it's actually scientifically sound. A 2013 study found that people typically look much more attractive when they're in groups than they do on their own. So grab your friends and hit up your favorite hot spots in packs. And sure, go ahead and post a few of those group photos while you're at it.

6. Fill in your eyebrows.

Beautiful girl applies brow gel to her eyebrow.
Volodymyr TVERDOKHLIB / Shutterstock

Thin eyebrows used to be portrayed as the most attractive style, but the '90s are long over. After analyzing pictures of 763 women in a 2017 study, researchers found that people with bold brows appeared younger and more attractive. Learn how to fill in your brows for a thicker (but still natural!) look.

7. Put on some sunglasses.

Cropped portrait of an attractive young woman wearing sunglasses and smiling while standing against a gray background outdoors
Nicola Katie / iStock

There may be a reason other than going incognito that celebs wear sunglasses all the time. Researcher Vanessa Brown found people tend to look more attractive to others when wearing dark shades because of a few reasons: They make your face look more symmetrical, it adds a little mystery (aka sexiness), and they have a history of being cool—making you look cooler, too.

8. Walk with a swagger.

young man walking in New York City
Alexander Image / Shutterstock

All right, guys—just like men think women are more attractive when they sway their hips, the same study determined that women found men more attractive when they walked with a swagger in their shoulders. But what does that mean, exactly? Basically, it's when you move your shoulders up and down as you walk. Not a lot, but just enough to look natural.

9. Show some (arm) skin.

attractive woman wearing a tube top
Asia Images Group/Shutterstock

You don't have to show off your legs to attract more attention. One study found that it's actually long arms that men find super attractive about the opposite sex, so start sporting those sleeveless tops whenever you need a little confidence boost.

10. Get a dog.

man walking with dog in park
juninatt / Shutterstock

All right, this one might sound a little silly… but it's scientifically proven, OK? According to multiple studies (yes, multiple!) men instantly look more attractive when they're holding or simply hanging out with a dog. Plus, you'll have an instant new best friend who thinks you're cute no matter what.

11. Stop trying to look model-thin.

Group of curvy girls friends jogging together at park
Ground Picture / Shutterstock

Ignore those magazine ads! According to one study, men aren't as into super-skinny, model-thin women as you think; they actually think women with normal body weights are more attractive. Accentuate what you've got!

12. Stop crossing your arms.

young white woman with crossed arms looking upset at man
Iakov Filimonov/Shutterstock

Crossing your arms when you're standing may be a habit, but opening up a little will make you look much more attractive. One 2016 study found having an open posture—especially when you're first meeting someone—makes you look like a more charismatic and confident person, whatever your gender.

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13. Show off your jawline.

Young man looking at mirror and shaving beard with trimmer
Prostock-Studio / iStock

Men who show off their jawlines seem to have an easier time attracting women, all thanks to evolution. One 2011 review dug into the topic and found it's more appealing to women for one specific reason: it's a masculine feature that shows genetic strength. While your beard is great and all, you might want to trim it up so your facial structure is a little more prominent.

14. Rock your dad bod.

overweight man trying to button his shirt; dad bod
nito / Shutterstock

While physical fitness is important, there is no need to be self-conscious about your dad body. Instead, be confident about the extra weight. Yale researcher Richard Bribiescas found women are into a little pudginess, meaning those extremely jacked guys don't get to have all the fun.

15. Wear heels.

peep toe heels

Heels may make you feel a little sexier the second you slip them on, and they're scientifically proven to make you look more attractive, too. The reason? One study found it's simply because they make women appear more feminine, particularly in the way they walk.

16. Ditch that slouch.

Businessman slouching in front of laptop
Altrendo Images / Shutterstock

According to Liza Egbogah, BSc, DC, DOMP, a health and wellness expert focusing on body and posture, good posture can "boost our attractiveness to potential partners," helping to "induce romantic attraction in potential mates." In addition, a 2012 study found that good posture, even if held for a short period of time, can increase levels of testosterone—the "hormone associated with confidence"—by up to 20 percent.

17. Go for the hourglass.

hourglass with red sand
Min C. Chiu / Shutterstock

According to Allena Rissa, editor of, studies have shown that an hourglass figure is widely considered a draw, so to boost attractiveness, it can help to dress in ways that help create this shape. For example, Allena recommends pairing "high-waisted skinny jeans with a cute crop top or lacy bralette, and [tying] the outfit together with a matching belt." This, she says, "will help to draw attention to your waist and also cinch it in with the belt, giving you a curvy shape."

18. Stand tall.

man stretching and standing tall
Andrey_Popov / Shutterstock

No matter your gender, Egbogah says, standing up straight is the first step towards telling others that you're both interested and interesting. Among other things, it signals "youth," as well as a certain openness and alertness that a hunched over or slouched back fails to convey.

19. Look up or ahead.

Side view portrait of a sad man in a lonely street using a smart phone – Yuri A / Shutterstock

"Both men and women find it unattractive when the other sex is looking down," says Egbogah. So, if you're hoping to attract a partner, she says, "Look up and enjoy the world."

20. Wear stubble.

man shaving beard
Minoli / Shutterstock

According to a 2016 study, says Dave Bowden, a men's style coach and founder of, women "find facial hair more attractive than a clean-shaven face." Even more than that, however, the study revealed that, of all the facial hair lengths, stubble is the "'most attractive overall.'" So to kick attractiveness up a notch, Bowden says, "ditch the razor" that shaves your face clean, and instead use "an electric beard trimmer that will leave a degree of stubble."

21. Opt for contacts.

woman holding colored contact

If you can handle getting your fingers close to your corneas, try contacts. According to a 2011 study, the stereotype that glasses make people appear less attractive was "confirmed."

22. Get a tan.

man sunbathing at the beach
Altrendo Images / Shutterstock

There's a reason, says Bowden, that "most male models have darker skin." Many women, he says, are "predisposed to finding darker shades of skin more attractive" in men, as it is associated with danger, virility, and mystery. So, while it's important not to "go overboard" and end up with an "oompa loompa" look, spending a few hours in the sun or lathering with a self-tanning moisturizer can go a long way towards boosting your attractiveness levels.

23. Lean beats bulky.

man exercising in swimming pool
LightField Studios / Shutterstock

"A lot of what guys think what women want is huge muscles," says Patrick Kenger, a men's stylist and founder of Pivot Image Consulting. This, however, isn't exactly true, as women actually prefer men who have "less body fat and appear stronger." Instead of looking to bulk up at the gym then, Kenger recommends working towards an "athletic" look, and a lean, toned physique.

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24. Stand with your feet apart.

man with toned calves and a wide stance
Jimmy Rooney / Shutterstock

Standing with your feet "a little wider than shoulder width," says Egbogah, "signals virility and fertility" and is a "huge turn-on" for women. In addition to remaining cognizant of this posture when waiting at bus stops and other public locales, she recommends using the pose in pictures for dating apps and other profiles to really catch someone's eye.

25. Wear bright colors.

Young Black Girl in All Green Outfit
Cast Of Thousands/Shutterstock

When it comes to color palette, says fashion designer Misha Kaura, wear "as many bright colors as possible" to look attractive to others. "So much of interpretation of attractiveness," she says, "is contingent on women making themselves easily noticed" by wearing "stand-out clothing."

26. Pull your shoulders back.

woman standing with her shoulders back
Nick Starichenko / Shutterstock

In addition to standing up straight, Egbogah recommends actively "pull[ing] your shoulders back and out." This, she says, is a "power pose," and while women find it attractive because it "emphasizes the chest," men find it desirable as well as it exposes the "sensual inner wrist."

27. Hang out with attractive people.

friends enjoying nightlife
DisobeyArt / Shutterstock

While conventional wisdom says to hang out with people less attractive than you are in order to fare better by comparison, doing so won't actually boost your attractiveness. According to Kenger, when someone looks at people within a group, their brain "averages out the faces," when considering the group's attractiveness. To appear more desirable, then, it helps to be surrounded by others who can help—by their addition—to increase your group's average attractiveness level, rather than dragging it down.

28. Don't wear clothing that is too big.

woman wearing oversized clothing
3d_and_photo / Shutterstock

Though fashion trends may ebb and flow, it's never a good idea to wear clothes that are too big for you, says Jack Vitel, a relationship coach and founder of the relationship blog The effect it will have is to make you appear "stubby" and "without shape." Regardless of era, he says, "fitting clothing is the way to go."

29. Mirror your partner.

couple laughing on a first date drinking beer
Joshua Resnick / Shutterstock

Prefacing his tip with the warning "Don't make it weird," Caleb Backe, a Health & Wellness expert at Maple Holistics, recommends adopting a partner's body language to increase your attractiveness to them. While this should be done subtly—after all, no one likes actively being overtly mimicked—doing so "shows them that you're paying attention" as well as validating them, making you seem like a more attractive human being in return.

30. Wear clothing that accentuates your favorite features.

Woman getting ready in the morning trying on clothing choosing what to wear for work looking in mirror at home
Maridav / Shutterstock

Don't be afraid, says Darlene Corbett, a licensed therapist and author of Stop Depriving The World Of You, to wear clothing that "accentuate[s] your bodily attributes." While you might be the type to prefer understated accents to in-your-face statements, there's no harm—and quite a lot of good—to be gained from dressing to your strengths.

31. Grow a beard.

Profile shot of a bearded man wearing a peacoat and scarf outside.
Sarah Quintans / Shutterstock

While stubble is proven to be the most widely attractive form of facial hair, there's a niche for other designs, as well. Specifically, says Kenger, if you're looking for something "long-term," go with the (short) beard. As a result, he says, "You'll be perceived as more trustworthy." What we can say? Sometimes, a guy with a beard just seems like a more likable person than one without.

32. Wear rimless glasses.

Transparent glasses, rimless glasses in a modern style on a wooden table.
SergeyYrev / Shutterstock

Similarly, while glasses were shown to decrease attractiveness in most wearers, they had their upsides too—specifically those of the rimless variety. Kenger says they made wearers appear "more intelligent and trustworthy." So… glasses or contacts? Like many decisions in life, says Kenger, "It's all a trade-off."

33. Get the right haircut.

Close up of a hairdresser cutting a woman's gray hair.
Vitaly Fedotov / Shutterstock

While hair trends may change, more important than anything is getting a cut that fits your face. Just because everyone else has a pompadour doesn't mean you should, too, and many of those wearing that trendy style would probably be better with a different cut, as well. You wouldn't wear the same shoes as your neighbor, after all, so why have the same haircut?

34. Groom appropriately.

handsome Black Man Washing Head in shower
Prostock-studio / Shutterstock

You don't need to spend "tons of time and money," says Christine Carpenter, PsyD, a dating coach at Evolve Dating Consultation, but it's important to pay at least some attention to your grooming and style of dress. At the very least, she says, "Look like you put in some effort." Failing to do so, she warns, doesn't come across as unique or rebellious—like it may have when you were younger—but instead "broadcasts low self-esteem."

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35. Have your hands out.

Hands Forming a Heart
savitskaya iryna / Shutterstock

Ever found yourself on camera or film and wondered: "What do I do with my hands?" Well, apparently that's not the only time to be asking yourself that perplexing question. In order to appear "strong," says Carpenter, and attract the gaze of a possible mate, it's important to have your hands at the ready and "available for action." While it may seem the epitome of cool to stroll down the block with your hands in the pockets of a trench coat, apparently it's not the most effective way to attract a partner.

36. Hold your head up.

confident determined man ready to workouot
Jacob Lund / Shutterstock

Attractiveness, says Corbett, "start[s] with how you project yourself." For her, this means maintaining a posture that keeps your head held high. As long as you don't take the opportunity to literally look down your nose at others, she says, the position "exudes a sense of confidence" and "not arrogance."

37. Don't worry so much.

Overly Stressed and Emotional Woman
fizkes / Shutterstock

Sometimes the best way to attract others is to simply let your guard down. While violating too many of the rules of attraction will have a negative effect, ignoring a few here and there in an effort to appear more real can help endear you to others who are likely just as confused as you are.

38. Keep your wardrobe updated.

woman carrying shopping bags
kitzcorner / Shutterstock

Clothes don't make the man, but they can help undo him. While it's not crucial, as Carpenter says, to remain "on the cutting edge of the latest trends," that doesn't mean it's okay to non-ironically dress like a character in an '80s movie just because you don't want to go shopping. "It doesn't take much," Carpenter says, to avoid "com[ing] across as lazy and sloppy"—a little effort goes a long way.

39. Don't take yourself too seriously.

two older women laughing over coffee
Yaroslav Astakhov/Shutterstock

While your strengths are what initially draw the gaze of others, it's your weaknesses that endear them for the long term. To really up your attractiveness, then, it can be helpful to take yourself a bit less seriously, and be able to enjoy a joke or two at your own expense.

40. Add some color to your face.

Beautiful young woman applying glossy lipstick on lips in front of a make up mirror at home
Makistock / Shutterstock

In the same way that bright clothing draws the attention of prospective mates, so does color on your face. To increase attraction, try some bright blush or colored lipstick—anything that really makes your face pop.

41. Ask questions.

Young couple drinking juice in a market, looking lovingly at each other
Renata Angerami / iStock

While your own accomplishments and goals are sure to help gain the approval and respect of others, appearing interested in learning about the accomplishments and goals of your prospective partner can be an even more attractive trait. Instead of trying to woo solely by your own merit, try asking questions and learning about what makes them tick. After all, there's nothing quite as appealing as someone being interested in you.

42. Work on your personality.

Couple on a date in a sunny cafe eating cake
WeAre / Shutterstock

"Studies show," says Kenger, that "judgments of physical attractiveness are influenced by familiarity, liking, respect, and talent." To boost your appearance, then, try "improving some of your personality traits," like injecting more positive words into the conversation and being agreeable. In addition, it can't hurt to "show off some of your talents."

43. Be confident.

Confident and Successful Woman
Ground Picture / Shutterstock

"Self-esteem instantly makes you a more attractive person," says Backe. While improving it isn't something that can be done overnight, performing some of the associated behaviors, like making "solid eye contact," engaging in "more free body language," and generally being "less guarded," is a good way to fake it till you make it.

44. Work on your humor.

woman laughing as her husband tells her dad jokes – Yuri A / Shutterstock

"Ask anybody to name the top quality they look for in a significant other," says Backe, "and you'll be surprised at how many people answer, 'A sense of humor.'" In addition to being "fun to be around," he says, funny people are also considered "more social and intelligent." Off-the-cuff cleverness not exactly your thing? Come with a few memorized jokes in hand and try working them into the conversation—nobody has to know exactly where you got your sense of humor from.

45. Wear the right makeup.

eyeshadow palate
MoustacheGirl / iStock

Contours, highlights, thicker-than-thick eyebrows: there's no shortage of makeup trends to experiment with. However, just like with haircuts, there's usually a makeup regimen that makes sense for each individual, rather than just the blanket "look" that graces most social media feeds. So, before deciding on what products to use and how to use them, get to know your own face in all its pre-made-up glory.

46. Relax your face.

happy woman smiling
pixdeluxe / iStock

Though a stern countenance can appear mysterious, it can also ward off the very types of interactions you're hoping to lure. To instead appear more "approachable," says Carpenter, try "relax[ing] your facial muscles." And don't fret—you can always get your jaw workouts in later.

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47. Camouflage your least favorite features.

Detail of the body of a model dressed in light blue high-waisted jeans, an ornamented leather belt and a blue jacket.
Mabuka / Shutterstock

Just because an outfit or a piece of clothing is fabulous doesn't mean it's fabulous on you. We all have preferences for certain parts of our bodies, and the garments we put on them should reflect that fact. "When one says 'yes to the dress,'" Corbett explains, it should be to an outfit "which flatters," and not one which, despite its own elegance, "detracts."

48. Find people who share your values.

Holding Hands in Support
fizkes / Shutterstock

"Similarity," says Kenger, "creates a bond and reinforces our own beliefs." As a result, we tend to "find people who agree with our values and beliefs" more attractive than those who don't. To boost your attractiveness, then, you may just need to find a more like-minded pool of applicants.

49. Smile.

cheerful woman laughing
PeopleImages / iStock

"It seems mundane," says Carpenter, "but [smiling] really counts." While you shouldn't make an effort to appear happier than you really are, she says, there's no harm in "present[ing] a side of yourself that others feel would be pleasant to be around." And if really, deep down, you're "broody or dark," she says, don't worry, others will "find this out" eventually.

50. Nod your head.

older man sitting in the park nodding his head hellow
Roman Samborskyi / Shutterstock

According to one 2017 study, when a subject nodded their head, they increased their "attractiveness, likability, and approachability." So, while you may not agree with everything your date is saying, it's a good idea to nod your head regardless. And who knows? Maybe after you two fall madly in love, they'll actually convince you of their point of view, making the constant nodding a whole lot easier.

Wrapping Up

That's it for our advice on how to look more attractive, but be sure to check back with us soon for even more life hacks. You can also sign up for our newsletter so you don't miss out on what's next!

Carrie Weisman
Carrie Weisman oversees all SEO efforts at Best Life. She specializes in content optimization and editorial marketing. Read more
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