You know the red flags to look out for that could indicate your marriage is heading in the wrong direction, one of the most obvious being sleeping in different beds. But even if you cuddle with your partner every night, the way in which you cozy up could provide insight into the state of your marriage. According to recent research on straight couples, there is one specific position that may signal that your marriage is in trouble—the female spoon, when you're both on your sides with the woman spooning the man. A new U.K. survey recently found that nearly 90 percent of divorced couples sleep in this position. To see what this sleep position really means, read on, and to find out when men are most likely to be unfaithful, check out This Is the Age When Married Men Are Most Likely to Cheat.
The new study from a U.K.-based sleep site called TheDozyOwl surveyed 4,987 divorced women and 4,786 divorced men to determine whether sleep positions had any correlation with divorce, according to Body and Soul. According to the survey, 86 percent of respondents said the female spoon was the most common sleeping position they found themselves in before they got divorced.
What is it about this position that makes it so frequently linked to divorce? Some experts say the position is an indication that something is disconnected within the relationship. When it comes to the women doing the spooning, it "could signal concern for the marriage and wanting to hang on, trying to show love and care for their partner and/or fear in what was happening in the relationship," says author Sharon Gilchrest O'Neill, LMFT.
Certified sleep science coach and founder of, Alex Savy, adds that women tend to sleep in a female spoon when they're "not getting enough attention or affection."
This position can, in turn, make men feel like they're "being overpowered or smothered" by their partner. "In the long run, this can lead to suppressed feelings of discontent, which later might cause the couple to get a divorce," says Savy. Conversely, according to Gilchrest O'Neill, men would opt for the male spooning position "when they are satisfied in the marriage, feel loved, and are giving love back in that type of sleep positioning."
If you find yourself sleeping in this position, don't panic. Take a moment to examine your relationship and pinpoint any places for improvement, then talk with your partner. While you're at it, consider switching up your position to one of the less contentious positions like face-to-face cuddling or back-to-back touching, experts say.
For insight on which other sleep positions seem to be precursors for divorce, according to the survey, read on. And to see what else could negatively influence your marriage, check out Women Focused on This One Thing Are 60 Percent More Likely to Get Divorced.
Read the original article on Best Life.
1 | Leg hug
82 percent
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2 | Back-to-back not touching
78 percent
3 | Space hog
73 percent
4 | The soldiers
71 percent
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5 | The female nuzzle
67 percent
6 | The unravelling knot
64 percent
7 | Male spoon
59 percent
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8 | Fetal
51 percent
9 | Male nuzzle
47 percent
10 | Tangle
44 percent
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11 | Face-to-face not touching
38 percent
12 | Back-to-back touching
26 percent
13 | Face-to-face cuddling
19 percent
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