If you’ve ever watched an old movie and thought “what were people in 1980 thinking?”, this is why companies now put warnings at the start of old movies to warn people about themes considered very politically incorrect today. While it’s unwise to judge past movies strictly through a modern eye (after all, they are the product of their time and represent a specific period in history) some are just too controversial for the modern day. Here are 11 classic movies that wouldn’t have a chance of getting the green light today.
RELATED: 25 Classic Movies Every Film Fan Should See.
1. Blazing Saddles (1974)
Warner Bros.
Western spoofs are a very unique genre, but even Mel Brooks fans would probably give some of those jokes the side eye now. Obviously it was the 70s, but still. You could never get away with it in the present age. Robin Hood: Men In Tights is still a masterpiece, though.
2. Pretty Woman (1990)
Touchstone Pictures
The romanticization of Julia Roberts’ character in Pretty Woman has been criticized since the movie came out, but in today's social media world, it simply wouldn’t survive. TikTok alone would destroy the movie with viral mockery.
3. Airplane! (1980)
Paramount Pictures
More off-color jokes that wouldn’t land today (no pun intended). Airplane! would be shunned by generation Z, who wouldn’t understand half the references anyway.
4. The Silence of the Lambs (1991)
This spooky thriller starring Jodie Foster and Anthony Hopkins would be far too controversial these days. Buffalo Bill, a character in the film, is portrayed as a serial killer with confused gender identity, which has drawn criticism for perpetuating harmful stereotypes about transgender individuals. Today, more emphasis is placed on accurate, respectful representation of LGBTQ+ characters.
5. Soul Man (1986)
This comedy about C. Thomas Howell pretending to be a person of color to win a college scholarship would cause outrage today. The movie currently has 17% on Rotten Tomatoes which says it all.
6. Rain Man (1988)
The subject matter of Rain Man is far too complex to be handled in a way that wouldn't offend somebody. Studios are careful about having general appeal, so Rain Man would most probably not be made.
7. The Toy (1982)
Columbia Pictures
A movie about a Black man hired to be a toy for a white family is another film that wouldn’t make it past the pitch stage. It’s incredible it was made even in 1982, but Richard Pryor made anything he touched watchable.
8. Return to Oz (1985)
Buena Vista Distribution
How this fantasy movie got a PG rating is a mystery, because it is absolutely TERRIFYING. There is absolutely no way this film would be considered family entertainment in current times. Fairuza Balk is fantastic, though.
RELATED: The 50 Best American movies of All Time.
9. The Goonies (1985)
Warner Bros.
Another Richard Donner classic, the language in The Goonies alone would have modern parents reaching for their smelling salts. We no longer live in a time where it’s realistic for kids to just go off and do things by themselves
10. Home Alone (1990)
You can hear all the criticism about child endangerment and how it’s not funny already, can’t you? Plus the violence! It would never fly today.
11. Tropic Thunder (2008)
Tropic Thunder is easily one of the best comedy movies of all time, but there is absolutely no way it could be made today. People still don’t understand the point of the movie and Robert Downey Jr. is still getting flack for his role as Kirk Lazarus.