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Pedigree Dog Food Is Being Recalled Over "Loose Metal Pieces," FDA Says

Nearly 14,000 pounds of dog food are being pulled from shelves.

Whether we invest in organic kibble or splurge on their favorite treats, most pet owners believe their dogs deserve the very best. And that's precisely why many turn to Pedigree, the trusted dog food brand that specializes in protein- and vitamin-enriched formulas, as well as snacks that promote healthy teeth and strong bones. However, if you recently picked up a giant bag of Pedigree's grilled steak and vegetable flavor kibble, you'll want to rethink your pup's meals this week: The dog food is being recalled over metal contamination concerns.

RELATED: Purina Dog Food Sold Nationwide Recalled Over Potential Toxicity, FDA Warns.

On May 18, Mars Petcare issued a voluntary recall of Pedigree Adult Complete Nutrition Grilled Steak and Vegetable Flavor Dry Dog Food, which may contain "loose metal pieces," per a notice posted by the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA).

This particular dry food recipe contains lots of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, helps clean teeth, supports healthy digestion, and is "enriched with omega-6 fatty acids to help nourish your dog's skin and promote a healthy coat," according to Pedigree's website.

"The potential presence of loose metal pieces in the bag could pose a health hazard to pets. If you believe your pet has consumed the affected product, you should monitor for unusual behavior and contact a veterinarian in the event of any concerns," Mars Petcare cautioned in the release.

It's important to note that while this flavor of kibble comes in a variety of sizes, only the 44-pound bag is being recalled due to the potential presence of metal scraps. As of this reporting, there have been no reports of pet injury or illness.

Similarly, Mars Petcare says this is a "limited" recall only affecting Pedigree Adult Complete Nutrition Grilled Steak and Vegetable Flavor Dry Dog Food bags that were sold at Walmart stores in Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, and Texas. A total of 315 bags were pulled from store shelves.

"Mars Petcare US is working with Walmart in Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma and Texas to ensure that the affected products are no longer sold and have been removed from inventory," reads the statement.

bags of purina dog food from an FDA recall on a white background

Mars Petcare says customers can verify whether their Pedigree dog food is impacted by the recall by noting the "best by date" of March 4, 2025, and the "lot code" of 410B2TXT02—both of which are located on "the bottom seal of the back of the bag."

As previously mentioned, this is a limited recall, and Mars Petcare assures that no other Pedigree products (or Mars Petcare products, for that matter) have been impacted. Pedigree Adult Complete Nutrition Grilled Steak and Vegetable Flavor Dry Dog Food is still available online for purchase.

Pedigree customers can contact Mars Petcare at 1-800-525-5273 with questions or to initiate a return.

Emily Weaver
Emily is a NYC-based freelance entertainment and lifestyle writer — though, she’ll never pass up the opportunity to talk about women’s health and sports (she thrives during the Olympics). Read more
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