Car purchases are not the kind of investment that can be taken lightly. No matter what you’re planning on spending, no one wants to end up with a lemon that will break down at the worst possible moment. In almost every case, it makes the most sense to try and find a vehicle that can stay on the road for hundreds of thousands of miles down the line—ideally with minimal maintenance and upkeep along the way. Fortunately, there seems to be a bit of a consensus among mechanics about which cars tend to be the most reliable options on the lot.
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Experts say Toyotas and Hondas last the longest.
In a recent video posted to TikTok, mechanics at the Logan, Utah-based Auto Bahn repair shop were asked which cars last the longest. Interestingly, the staff all shared the same responses.
“The cars we see around here that last the longest [are] probably Toyotas and Hondas,” one mechanic said. “They seem to have a lower maintenance schedule, also a better fuel economy. [And] reliability is really good.”
A second mechanic agrees that the two Japanese makes are solid choices. “I think you can never go wrong with a Honda Civic or a little Toyota Tacoma,” she says, adding that the cars tend to hold their value especially well. “I have several that come in here that are over 400,000 miles. I’ve done really minimal things to them—you know, brakes, oil changes, stuff on time.”
Another employee weighed in to agree that both Toyotas and Hondas are great options. However, both clarified that it hinged upon them being well taken care of with timely—or even early—oil changes.
@autobahnlogan Thinking long-term? Here are the cars we trust to go the extra mile. What’s your pick for the longest lasting car?
Particular models stand out.
In a separate video, car expert and TikTok user @AndysAutoAdvice ran down the top five most reliable cars ever released. Perhaps not surprisingly, the list included a few models from Toyota and Honda, including the fifth-generation Toyota Camry, the 60 and 80 Series Toyota Land Cruiser, and the sixth-generation Honda Civic.
Even though the Camrys he selected were produced between 2002 and 2006, he says “you still see them everywhere today,” adding that he’s personally seen some cars from that generation run for over a whopping one million miles on the original engine and transmission.
He goes on to describe the Land Cruiser produced between 1980 and 1997 as one of the most capable and “rugged” off-road vehicles that's also “extremely reliable” and can “probably go a million miles” with the proper maintenance—even though their popularity makes them relatively expensive resales.
The Civics made between 1995 and 2000 are “incredibly robust and very reliable,” he notes, citing tests that showed their engines continuing to run even without oil. He adds that the cars are also quite cheap and still readily available on the second-hand market.
@andysautoadvice 5 of the most reliable cars ever made. #reliable #reliability #cartips #tips #caradvice #vehicles #bestcars #goat #recommendations #carbuying #top5 #explained
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Drivers mostly agreed with the recommendations.
But do these expert opinions hold up to customer experience? Car buyers offered their own takes in the comments sections of the videos, with most agreeing with the mechanics’ takes.
“Toyota is the best car make ever,” one user commented on the @AndysAutoAdvice clip.
“Still trucking my 2001 Toyota Tacoma,” another posted on Auto Bahn’s video.
However, experts also admitted that make alone won’t get you across the finish line.
“I think the cars that last the longest are the ones that are taken the best care of,” a mechanic said during the Auto Bahn video. “I think any car can go a long time, it just has to be taken care of. There are definitely some that are tougher than others, like Hondas and Toyotas, but I think anything can be a good car.”
The takeaway:
Car shoppers take note: According to posts on social media, many mechanics agree that Toyota and Honda are the two most reliable cars you can buy on the market today. Many point out that the two makes can routinely go well past 300,000 so long as owners stay on top of their oil changes and basic maintenance. But no matter what you’re driving, mechanics also say that you can get a long life out of most vehicles if you simply take care of them and don’t neglect basic upkeep.