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I'm a Vet and I'd Never Buy These 5 Things for My Dog

An expert shares advice on what pet products to avoid for your pup.

It's easy to be tempted to buy all the different treats and toys available for dogs these days. But no matter how cute and fun they seem, they're not all good for your pup. That's why Adam Christman, DVM, a veterinarian and popular influencer, has taken to social media to help pet parents figure out exactly what products they should avoid. Read on to find out the five things this vet says he would never buy for his own dog.

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Rope toys

Fox terrier dog tugging the rope playing

If you're walking down the toy aisle of a pet store, Christman says there is at least one section you should skip: rope toys.

"Not only do they get obstructed, but they fray very quickly," the veterinarian and dog dad shared in his TikTok video.

Retractable leashes

A dog owner holding a black retractable dog lead, which is connected to their white West Highland Terrier's dog collar. The dog is sitting patiently on paving stones, beside a grass lawn, waiting for a walk in the sun.

When it comes to what leash you buy your dog, Christman also has advice on what to avoid. According to the vet, retractable leashes are a no-go. "Especially in the veterinary hospital," he notes.

In a previous TikTok video from April 2022, Christman explained that retractable leashes can "seriously" cause injuries to your ankles and hands if you don't have good control of your dog. That's also why he recommends pet owners talk to professionals about what kind of leash, collar, and harness to get for their specific pet.

"Check with your trainer and your veterinarian about which one's best for your dog," he said.

RELATED: 14 Hardest Dog Breeds to Own, Doggy Daycare Worker Says.

Wood chew toys

The Pekingese is a sacred dog breed of Chinese emperors, bred in ancient China over 2,000 years ago. It is one of the oldest dog breeds

Most dogs love picking up sticks. So you might assume buying them a wood chew toy would be a safer alternative than them finding a random one outside. But Christman advises against these products after a harrowing experience at his clinic.

"I had a patient where part of [a wood chew toy] got stuck right in the hard palate," he said, warning that this can lead dogs to develop "severe abscess infection, multiple splinters in paws and in mouths, and cracked teeth."

RELATED: The 10 Best Dogs for Beginners, Vets Say.

Squeaky toys that are very thin

Jack Russell Terrier dog with toy bone

Christman also said he would never buy his dog "very thin, squeaky toys." He explained, "I don't care how little your puppy is, they will destroy this in two seconds."

Treats that have certain nutritional claims

Colourfull bone shaped Dog Biscuits treat with selective Focua

Outside of toys and leashes, Christman also has strong feelings about what snacks are being sold to dog owners. You shouldn't let yourself be swayed by "any treat that has a product claim on [it] for Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids," according to the vet's video.

"Just don't expect it to be enough to meet the nutritional needs for your dog," Christman said. Instead, he recommends pet owners "check the inclusion rates and do the math" themselves for treats, as well as chat with a vet about a "diet or specific supplements" for their dogs.

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Kali Coleman
Kali Coleman is a Senior Editor at Best Life. Her primary focus is covering news, where she often keeps readers informed on the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and up-to-date on the latest retail closures. Read more
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