I think we can all agree: winter's a doozy. And spring's no cakewalk, either. What with all of the blizzards, bomb cyclones, torrential downpours, unpredictable temperate fluctuations, and everything else we've had to endure on a near daily basis, we've earned a lazy summer lolling by the pool. (Or climbing a mountain—whatever's your bag.)
Now, we know you can't wait for the temperatures to continue their steady climb, but there are several other reasons to be super psyched for summer, as well. In fact, here are 30 of them right here. So read on, lather up on sunscreen, pour some sangria, kick back in your favorite hammock, crank up the "song of the summer," and enjoy!
1 | Summer Fridays
What's not to love about getting every other Friday off? Or getting a half-day every other Friday? Or some other sweet deal that gives a guilt-free jumpstart on the weekend?
2 | You Travel Lighter Everywhere—Even the Bar
Layering up for winter means bringing all kinds of accessories with you whenever you go out—scarf, winter hat, gloves, umbrella—at least one of which you're all but guaranteed to leave behind. In the summer, you've got to worry about your sunglasses and, well... that's about it. Don't you already feel free even thinking about it?
3 | Don't Have to Fix Your Hair Every Time You Enter a Place
Cold seasons mean that every time you unbundle you have to do a quick mirror check to see that your hair isn't all messed up. In the summer—no problem!
4 | You Can Break Out Your Best Vintage Tees
Your beloved vintage t-shirts have been stuck in a drawer for way too long. (If we had to guess, roughly 7 months.) Now you can break them out and rock them as they were meant to be rocked.
5 | Concerts in the Park
This is also the season where you can enjoy music as it was meant to be enjoyed: with sun on your face. Whether it's in a park or a stadium, an outdoor concert offers a feel-good, relaxing vibe that no indoor space can replicate. Plus: a beer never tastes as satisfying as it does when you've worked up a little sweat first.
6 | Outdoor Movies
This is also the time of year when cities all over the country throw up a big screen in a park, set up some chairs, and project some classic film or recent release, giving you an evening's entertainment under the stars. If you're lucky, they'll be playing something amazingly fun and goofy, such as Empire Records, Goonies, or one of the 30 Funniest Movies of All Time.
7 | Hammocks
Hammocks are the single greatest way to nap on planet earth. Just curl into one, feel that gentle swinging sensation, and drift off.
8 | Beach Days!
Is there anything better?
9 | The Song of the Summer
Every summer brings with it the "Song of the Summer"—the season's unofficial anthem that catches your ear the first time you hear it, and becomes inescapable, as it emanates from the radio, cars, and supermarket speakers. Whatever you think of the song itself, you can always rely on it to take you back to a time of summer fun.
10 | No Shoelaces or Socks Required
Flash that ankle, buddy!
11 | Yard Sales
Sure, you never buy anything at them, but isn't it a lot of fun to peruse others' cool antique stuff?
12 | Post-Hike Meals
Millions of people love long hikes. But you know what's even better than standing on the top of that trail? Heading right back down and making a bee-line straight for the nearest lunch place, where you reward yourself with an amazing meal (preferably with fries) and replenish all of those calories you just burned.
13 | The Major Music Festivals
Bonnaroo. Lollapalooza. Pitchfork. Mo Pop. Sasquatch. Governor's Ball. Panorama. Firefly. Boston Calling. Honestly, the list of amazing outdoor music festivals in America these days as nearly as long as the list of acts you'll find at them. If you like beer, music, and sun, you couldn't be alive at a better time.
14 | Restaurant Reservations Are So Much Easier
When half your town bolts to the beach or cooler climates every single weekend, you all of a sudden have first crack at the best table at the best restaurant in town. It's as if the gods managed to pump more oxygen into the room and slow down time simultaneously.
15 | Shopping Deals
If you're a bargain-hunter, the summer can't be beat, with major sales on Memorial Day, Labor Day, Fourth of July, and several other times throughout the summer.
16 | Blockbusters!
Sure, there plenty of major movies that come out all year round, but the summer is when the really big flicks are rolling out—like Hobbs and Shaw, Spider-Man: Far From Home, and John Wick 3 — Parabellum.
17 | You Can Actually Use Your Backyard
It's a shame that that rectangular plot of earth behind your home is utterly useless for such a large chunk of the year. But no more! String out the chili lights, fire up the grill, roll out the coolers and horseshoes, and enjoy your domain!
18 | Pool Time
We don't care if it's your pool, your buddy's pool, your parents' pool, a public pool, or even a baby pool—pools are without a doubt one of the most utterly awesome summer mainstays.
19 | That Chlorine Smell
Sure, a lot of people find that pungent chlorine aroma associated with pools to be off-putting. And health-minded people—like Anthony Kiedis of the Red Chili Peppers—choose to avoid chlorinated pools altogether. But there's something about this unmistakeable smell that, right when it hits our olfactories, takes us back to our happiest memories of childhood.
20 | Smell of Sunblock
Also, who knew that smelling like a banana or a coconut would put us in such a good state of mind?
21 | Frozen Drinks
This is the time of year that you can drink what is basically an alcoholic Slurpee, getting yourself a nice blended margarita or something even more exotic (banana bailey colada, perhaps?). These are drinks that would be way too sweet to enjoy pretty much any other time of the year, but for some reason, when the sun is out, it's all good.
22 | Fried Foods at Fairs
Deep fried Oreos. Corn dogs. Funnel cakes. Yes, they're horrible for you. But if you're going to indulge at a summertime fair, don't waste your time with anything short of the absolute most decadent!
23 | Washing Cars Outdoors
This might be a chore for some, but taking some time on a summer day to soap up the car and get it looking fresh is a pleasure to be savored. Who needs a drive-in car wash when you can get your hands dirty doing some cleaning?
24 | Your Boss Is On Vacation
This is the season when your boss will head out for a week or two and you can relax for a bit at work. Deadlines are a little less strict and work is just a little less urgent than usual during the summer months, letting you breathe easy and plan how you'll spend your own vacation.
25 | Block Parties
Who needs to go out of town for fun when you can throw down right outside your front door? Sure, we know that the potato salad will be gross and you're likely to get cornered by a really annoying neighbor, but your neighborhood block party—one of the original staycation stalwarts—is an American tradition we're firmly behind.
26 | Packing Is So Much Easier
Going on a trip? Just toss in a few t-shirts, pairs of shorts, and underwear, and you're basically good to go. And for more ways to make the most of seasonal travel, steal these 33 Travel Hacks That Make Summer Vacation a Total Breeze.
27 | Ice Cream
Whether you've got a favorite artisanal organic ice cream shop in your neighborhood or just like a scoop of vanilla from Baskin Robbins, this is the time of year to indulge your ice cream craving.
28 | Chilling on the Front Porch
Right at dusk, when it feels like everything is possible in the entire world. What's not to love?
29 | Beach Reads
It's the only time of the year when it's accepted—even encouraged—for you to read the trashiest of genre fiction you can find.
30 | Sangria
Wine is fine, but why not add some fruit and sugar to it? In the summer, sangria is the perfect beverage—whether you're nursing a glass for a couple hours or enjoying the refreshing beverage a pitcher at a time.
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