Sleeping well, exercising, meditating, and journaling: These are all things your doctor or therapist might recommend trying if you’re struggling with anxiety. You may not always be able to alleviate those feelings of fear, dread, or agitation through lifestyle interventions—sometimes pharmaceuticals are, in fact, the best medicine. However, your daily habits certainly lay the groundwork for sustaining any improvements you make in your mental health.
Changing your diet is one particularly powerful way to reclaim your feeling of calm—and experts say that avoiding a handful of foods, in particular, can be especially impactful.
“The tricky thing is, what kinds of food do you think we reach for when we're anxious or depressed? Usually, comfort foods or ones that will give us a short-term 'hit' of dopamine,” says naturopathic doctorKatherine Maslen, ND.
“When we're anxious, we're going to be much less likely to plan and meal prep and much more likely to be living in the moment and doing what we can to survive,” Maslen continues. “Protein is necessary to produce serotonin, GABA, and other neurotransmitters. When protein intake is low, our production slows. So, while a common treatment for anxiety and depression is SSRIs or SNRIs, which aim to keep more serotonin at the nerve synapse, often people don't have what it takes to produce enough serotonin in the first place. This is something we need to address."
As such, following a nutrient-dense diet that’s rich in plant-based foods and lean sources of protein can help you stabilize your mood. It can also help you maintain balanced blood sugar levels—a key strategy in avoiding anxiety spikes, according to the experts we spoke to. Ahead, doctors and dietitians share the rive foods to avoid if you're dealing with anxiety.
RELATED: 12 Best Foods to Ease Anxiety, Experts Say.
1. Added sugar
Excess sugar is one of the most common and well-studied dietary causes of increased anxiety.
“Sugar overconsumption leads to changes in neurobiological brain function which alter emotional states and subsequent behaviors,” explains a 2019 study published in the journal Neuroscience and Behavioral Reviews. “Addiction, stress, fear, anxiety and depression involve overlapping neural mechanisms,” those researchers write.
That’s why it’s important to avoid any food that “raises and then drops your blood sugar,” Daniel Amen, MD, a psychiatrist, author, and mental health content creator, said in a recent TikTok post. He suggests cutting back on sneaky sources of sugar, such as bread, pasta, potatoes, rice, fruit juice, and more.
Angel Luk, RD, a registered dietitian and the co-founder of, adds that it’s important to read labels and be especially vigilant against added sugars or those that do not occur naturally.
“The World Health Organization (WHO) has recommended that children and adults keep added sugar intake to less than 6 teaspoons (or 24 grams) per day. That’s not a big budget, considering one 355mL can of Coca-Cola contains 10 teaspoons (39 grams) of added sugar,” she tells Best Life.
2. Caffeine
Caffeine can have a similar effect on the brain, especially when consumed in excess.
“One study published in General Hospital Psychiatry highlights that caffeine intake equal to about five cups of coffee increases anxiety among healthy adults and induces panic attacks in patients with panic disorder,” says Luk.
However, most people would benefit from keeping their levels even lower. “Further studies are needed to understand the exact relationship at play, but it would be prudent for all adults to keep caffeine intake below 400 mg (300mg if pregnant or breastfeeding),” Luk adds.
Maslen says your reaction to caffeine may also vary, depending on the source: “Matcha or green tea also has caffeine, but good quality sources will also contain L-Theanine, which is excellent for calming anxiety. Swapping out your coffee for a matcha may help to give you the energy boost without as much anxiety."
3. Ultra-Processed Foods
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There are plenty of reasons to avoid processed foods: They’ve been linked to higher rates of obesity, heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, and even cancer. Now, experts are tracking the connection between highly processed foods and mood disorders such as anxiety and depression.
“A recent study published in Nutrients revealed that greater ultra-processed food consumption is associated with increased odds of anxiety and depressive symptoms, although the causal pathways are not yet known,” says Luk. “While there are no specific guidelines (unlike added sugar and caffeine) for processed food intake levels that are safe, worldwide government and public health agencies agree that for the purposes of improving physical and mental health, limiting processed (and especially ultra-processed) foods is the correct course of action.”
RELATED: 9 Supplements That May Calm Your Anxiety, Doctors Say.
4. Food Dyes and Artificial Sweeteners
Often found within processed foods—but sometimes hidden in packaged products billed as “healthy”—food dyes and artificial sweeteners can also spike your anxiety, says Gina Nick, ND, a naturopathic physician and the founder and director for HealthBridge Newport Beach, CA.
“These additives can cause neuro-excitability, leading to symptoms such as hyperactivity, irritability, and anxiety," she explains. "The neurotoxic effects of these chemicals are particularly concerning in developing brains, making them a significant risk factor for children and adolescents.”
5. Alcohol
Arina P Habich / Shutterstock
Alcohol is among the most direct triggers for feelings of anxiety and depression, so cutting back could help regain control of your mental health.
“Alcohol is an issue because it depletes pretty much every single nutrient that you need to make neurotransmitters. Magnesium, zinc, and B6 are all essential to produce GABA and serotonin, and regular alcohol intake, even only a couple of units, is enough to throw things off balance,” explains Maslen.
“The WHO cautions people living with anxiety to avoid or cut down on alcohol, which can make anxiety symptoms worse,” says Luk. “Of note, the Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction states that 'for your health, less alcohol is better,' including the more specific guideline that zero drinks per week has benefits including better health and sleep. However, it also says that ‘you are likely to avoid alcohol-related consequences for yourself or others’ at a consumption level of two standard drinks or less per week."