When it comes to weight loss, combining fiber, healthy fats, and protein sets you up for serious success. This combination helps support the metabolism, encourages fat-burning, and helps with satiety. “Fat, protein and fiber take longer to digest, which means they leave you feeling full for longer periods between meals,” says Courtney Schuchmann, MS, RD, LDN, via UChicago Medicine. “A low-fat meal of skinless chicken breast and vegetables? You may find yourself hungry sooner than you would after a meal that provides some healthy fat in addition to your lean protein and fiber-filled veggies.” One of the best ways to combine all these elements into a delicious, healthy snack or meal is to have Greek yogurt with fresh blueberries. While you can’t spot-reduce fat, certain foods are known to encourage fat-burning, especially for the more dangerous visceral fat around your middle. Here’s why Greek yogurt and berries work so well, according to experts.
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Lots of Protein
Greek yogurt is packed with protein, an essential nutrient for health and weight loss. “What makes Greek yogurt different than regular yogurt? It’s the straining process,” explains Natalie Rizzo, MS, RD, via TODAY. “Greek yogurt is made by heating milk, adding live active cultures and straining out the liquid (whey). The remaining thick and creamy yogurt contains the majority of the protein. Regular yogurt is not strained, so it also includes the liquid and has less protein than Greek yogurt. A 5-ounce serving of traditional yogurt has about 4-5 grams of protein, as compared to the 15 grams in Greek yogurt.”
Satiating Fat
Greek yogurt also contains healthy fats to encourage satiety and fullness. "The thick texture of Greek yogurt means a more concentrated source of protein and possibly fat, both of which promote satiety and help keep you fuller for longer to prevent getting distracted by hunger shortly after," Kelly Jones, M.S., RD, CSSD, LDN, tells EatingWell. "I encourage my clients to choose yogurt, whether Greek or regular, containing fat, as fat is crucial for release of satiety hormones and is needed to absorb fat-soluble vitamins, such as A, D, E and K, which may be present in foods you often pair with yogurt.”
Berries and Fiber
Berries have numerous health benefits and are packed with weight loss-friendly fiber. “A one-cup serving of blueberries contains 25% of the recommended daily value for vitamin C and 4 grams of dietary fiber, but only 80 calories,” says Allie Wergin, RDN, via the Mayo Clinic Health System. “Plus, blueberries are juicy fruits, which means they contain mostly water. That high water content makes them great for weight loss or maintenance because they fill you up quickly without a lot of calories.”
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Low Sugar
Berries are low-sugar and full of health-boosting antioxidants. “The deep-blue hue comes from anthocyanin, a phytochemical whose abilities may help protect the body from heart disease and Type 2 diabetes, offering cancer-fighting benefits, promote gut health and reduce inflammation,” Wergin says. “Research also suggests regularly eating blueberries may improve memory and delay age-related cognitive decline.”
Full-Fat Dairy Benefits
Full-fat dairy, while incorporated into a balanced diet, has been shown to help weight loss. “When it comes to weight, full-fat dairy has been correlated with a decreased risk of obesity,” says Emily Gelsomin, MLA, RD, LDN, via Harvard Health. “One possible reason is that the fat found in whole milk or a wedge of Brie helps with satiety. Intuitively, this makes sense too. If something has a richer flavor, you may need less of it to feel satisfied.”