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40 Signs You're Afraid of Turning 40

Perhaps no age-related milestone sounds as burdensome as becoming a 40-something. But reaching that great...
Self Sabotage

17 Ways You're Destroying Your Confidence and Don't Know It

The trick to accomplishing anything is actually thinking you can do it. In other words, confidence is...
Growing Pains

40 Ways Your Marriage Changes After 40

When you and your spouse first tied the knot, you probably considered how your life...
Winterior Wonderland

20 Winter-Home Must-Haves from Ikea

When you think of a picturesque winter, you probably see a majestic moose, warm cups...
Lying Stiff

27 Signs You're a Terrible Liar

Whether you're doing it to protect a loved one, get away with a naughty deed,...
Splitting Pairs

15 Surprising Things That Increase Your Risk of Divorce

When it comes to divorce, certain risk factors are obvious: Constant arguing, mismatched financial goals,...
Marry Merry

The Best Ways to Propose During the Holidays

If there's one thing you can count on this holiday season, it's a flurry of...
Cheers for Cheer

17 Amazing Christmas Stories That Show The Power of Human Kindness

The Christmas season is a time of joy, it's a time for family, and it's...
Rights Out Of Sights

17 Rights You Never Knew You Had

Dealing with law enforcement is stressful. But do you know what makes standing up for...
Excuses, Excuses

23 Worst Reasons People Had for Calling in Sick in 2018

Ever call in sick to work when you were feeling just fine? If you answered...
The Gift Of Giggles

17 Hilarious Prank Gifts to Give Your Loved Ones This Year

Few things are better than watching a loved one's face light up as they unwrap...
Work Ethics

40 Workplace Habits You Need to Drop By 40

Like even the most well-oiled of machines, every worker needs an occasional tune-up—even more so...
Wild Childhood

30 Ways Being a Kid Has Changed in the Past 30 Years

If you long for the halcyon days of your own childhood, when things were simpler,...
Great Dates

40 Ways Dating Gets Easier After 40

If you find yourself single again or still dating over 40, you're far from alone....
Find Kind

The 30 Most Heartwarming Random Acts of Kindness from 2018

Say what you will about the Internet's inherent power to divide us and fan the...
Home Alone

17 Brilliant Ways to be Happy Alone

If you constantly hear that you need to be in a relationship to be happy,...
Dollars and Sense

30 Subtle Signs You're Living Beyond Your Means

Everyone loves the finer things in life. But dropping your card down like you're merely...
Judge Moody

20 Signs You're an Overly Judgmental Person

We often try, in our daily lives, to exhibit judgment that is "good" and avoid...
Inbox Detox

17 Email Management Tricks That Will Improve Your Very Existence

According to a study by Workfront, a cloud-based management provider, the average U.S. employee has...
Smarter Living

30 Most Underrated Department Stores in America

According to YCharts, in the month of August 2018, U.S. consumers spent almost $12.5 billion...
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