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110-Year-Old Man Shares What He Eats and Drinks Daily to Avoid All Major Diseases

The supercentenarian quit smoking and never goes a day without these two beverages.

A glass of Ovaltine a day keeps the doctor away, according to supercentenarian Vincent Dransfield. He recently celebrated his 110th birthday at the local fire department in Little Falls, New Jersey, where he served as a first responder for over 80 years. Nourishment has always been a priority for Dransfield, but he's managed to keep up with his healthy habits while still enjoying his favorite things, including sweets.

"I've been very, very, very lucky in my lifetime," Dransfield told

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Though Dransfield has since retired from the firehouse, he still resides in the tri-level home he and his late wife purchased back in 1945. The home's many staircases are no battle for the supercentenarian, who still has an active driver's license that he puts to regular use. A former smoker, Dransfield has managed to avoid cancer diagnosis, neuro-cognitive disorders such as dementia, and other major diseases.

The 110-year-old is as fit as a fiddle, his granddaughter, Erica Lista, told "He drives completely fine—better than some other people I see," she said, joking that her grandfather is in better health than she is at 49.

So, what's his secret? In the interview with, Dransfield credited his longevity to bodega coffee and a post-breakfast Ovaltine shake. The retired firefighter chief shared his daily routine, which includes a quick drive to the convenience store for a cup of Joe followed by a stop at the local diner, where he gets takeout for most of his meals.

His order varies from hamburgers to salads to Italian cuisine—Lista notes her grandfather doesn't limit his diet. He'll even sip on an occasional beer, though liquor is always out of the question.

"What's crazy is he was not careful about his diet," Lista says. "He has eaten whatever he wants. He has never watched his weight. He's never had to lose weight. He's always been fit."

However, one thing Dransfield can't live without is his daily glass of Ovaltine. The malt drink mix supports immune health and contains 12 essential vitamins and minerals per serving, according to Nestle. The powder is best enjoyed with a glass of milk—another longtime favorite drink of Dransfield's.

During the Great Depression, Dransfield quit school at age 15 to support his family. His first job? Working on a dairy farm, where he had access to as much milk as he could drink. "I was drinking milk and eating well because I worked on a farm. And I often go back and think they gave me a good start in life and for my bones in my body," Dransfield explained.

Dransfield takes his daily serving of Ovaltine seriously, so much so that at his 100th birthday party, everyone toasted him with a glass of Ovaltine.

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While Dransfield believes the secret to longevity is enjoying what you eat, he noted there are other ways to nourish the mind and body, such as staying active, spending time doing what you love, and fixing bad habits. But positivity is just as important, he added.

"Knowing people and loving people makes me live longer," Dransfield said. "I keep positive. I never think any other way when something's wrong."

"He always had such a positive upbeat attitude, even when my grandmother passed away. He lived for her, but he was determined to keep on living," Lista said of her grandfather, who she describes as an eternal optimist.

"I'm doing fine and I hope the good Lord keeps me that way," Dransfield beamed.

Emily Weaver
Emily is a NYC-based freelance entertainment and lifestyle writer — though, she’ll never pass up the opportunity to talk about women’s health and sports (she thrives during the Olympics). Read more
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