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30 Words Everyone Needs to Stop Saying in 2019

We hate the WOAT, but these words have got to go.

The English language is constantly evolving. Oxford Dictionaries famously updates its book four times a year, and once a word is added to the dictionary, it can never be removed. That means it's a hard world out there for a new word. Unless linguistic experts can verify that a term has genuinely entered the language, it's tough cookies.

That said, 2018 brought with it a few words that did seem to genuinely enter the language. But before they get to dictionary status, we've got to put our foot down. These are the words we hope don't make into the official language. Or in that case, the next year. For more slang-word trivia, learn the 30 Fascinating Origins of These Common Slang Words.


70s slang no one uses

Everyone is familiar with the traditional definition of the word "canceled." But in 2018, this typically non-abrasive word took on a life of its own. Don't like someone? She's "canceled." Feel like your favorite baseball team is doing poorly? They're "canceled." Don't think you can eradicate this word from your vocabulary? You're canceled. And for more things you should never say, here are 40 Words That Will Instantly Reveal Your True Age


TargetStyle Instagram Target secrets

In 2018, Instagram quickly became the hottest social media platform. And what happens when peoples' worlds revolve around the photos they're going to take? They develop a personal photography "aesthetic." Still, unless you're a professional photographer, it's a bit obnoxious to talk about your Instagram "aesthetic." Did you know these 30 Words have Different Meanings Throughout the U.S.?


sports trophies in trophy case over 40 home

The acronym "GOAT," if you didn't know, stands for "greatest of all time." It even has an antonym, "WOAT," or "worst of all time." And though this word has apparently been around since the early '90s, we think 2019 should be the year it finally gets lost. Right now, pretty much anyone who has done anything decently well is called the "GOAT," and the term has officially lost its meaning.


Angry Customer Talking on the Phone Worst Things to Say to Customer Service

In 2018, if someone is "savage," it means they don't care about the consequences of their words or actions. Usually, this word is preceded by someone saying something out of line. A friend can then call that person "savage." We vote for retiring this term, as it's as offensive as it is juvenile. Learn the 40 Words People Over 40 Won't Understand. 

Witch Hunt

Worst Things to Say to Customer Service

While this term has been around since, one guesses, actual witch hunts, President Donald Trump has given it new life. The term can't technically be called slang—after all, it's in the dictionary as "a campaign directed against a person or group holding unorthodox or unpopular views"—but it's certainly seen an uptick in use over the past year. And truly, we're ready to see it go.


spoiled child

"Salty" implies that someone is angry, agitated, or upset. But instead of calling people names, we think 2019 should be the year of asking them what's wrong and offering to help. And for more on great slang, don't miss the Top Slang Term from Every U.S. State.


Blue Fire

Synonymous with fun, "lit" implies that something is cool, especially if it pertains to parties, bars, and the (high) level of one's drunkenness. It's immature, sure, but it also rings of the 2000s. It's as if this term comes with crusted-over hair gel and reeking of Axe Body Spray. Enough!


Group of Friends Playing Charades Truth or Dare Questions

We love the idea of calling our friends our family, but in this case, the slang word "fam" has become a bit overused. In a sentence, you'll see it used as, "The party is lit, fam." They're your family. It's time to grow up.


words people over 30 won't get

Historically, adding extra letters to words and saying them in a crazy voice has never been a good look. We're hoping 2019 renders this rallying cry a mere memory.


listening to yoga music before bed helps you sleep, study says.

To call something a "bop" is to call it a great song. And while we've got to admit it's kind of cute, we're ready to see any words that call to mind old sugary pop hits from Hanson go.

Fake News

Louisiana newspapers

Fraught with political connotations, the term "fake news" has become a way to shut down anything that goes against one's views. And since we're hoping 2019 can be a year of understanding, we hope this word goes away. Instead, we're hoping that the world can return to "true" and "false." Is that so much to ask?

Millennial Pink

color facts

Before 2018, we called this color light pink. That's it. There's nothing "millennial" about it. It's pink! And for more on the words we use, don't miss the 30 Common Words You're Using All Wrong. 


american customs offensive in other countries

The word "bet" means "okay" or "all set." And since we already have the words to convey those two ideas, we wish this one would take a hike.


woman with matching accessories

To be "extra" is to be over the top. And while we condone all acts of taking things to the next level—whether that be your personal style, your work ethic, or even your opinions (so long as you're nice)—we're kind of over this maddening word.


gucci sneakers

While Gucci is still the name of a luxury Italian fashion brand, it's also come to mean that something is good. Used in a conversation, that's:

"Hey, how are you doing?"

"Everything's Gucci." 

It's confusing—and we're over it.


mother in law with mama's boy son

The word "sus" is an abbreviation for the word "suspect." Not sure about that new coworker who started last week? He's "sus." Aren't sure if it's okay to eat romaine lettuce again? It's "sus." C'mon: You can pronounce the entire word.

Extremely Online

Twitter, which Matt Rife often uses. Everyday Energy Killers

If you're "extremely online," it means you're in tune with the latest memes, internet trends, and viral stories. We get it, you're addicted to your smartphone. But aren't we all?


reading newspaper

The word "woke" began as a term for someone who understands issues of social and racial justice. However, as more and more people have begun to use it, it's lost its power.


young people attending an edm show

Similar to "lit," the word "fire" means that something is great. The word is often represented by the flame emoji. Just be cool, and call something "cool."


Couple Divorcing

An abbreviation of the phrase "fixing to," the word "finna" can be used in place of the word "gonna" or "going to." Or, preferably, it can just not be used at all.

Whose mans

man wearing over

It's an ongoing joke that, without women, men would be lost. And that's exactly how the phrase "whose mans" originated. Is there a man at your party who seems to have forgotten his table manners at home? Or a Debbie downer in your group who you'd like to shh? The term "whose mans is this" could be employed. According to Urban Dictionary, it's used to call out someone who is killing the moment or situation. We think it's usage kills any moment or situation.


Starbucks coffee order and a man with a tablet.

Calling something basic has been the easiest insult of the past five years. Is someone ordering a pumpkin-spiced latte from Starbucks? That's basic. Wearing Ugg books? Basic. But you know what? It's kind of mean. And for that reason, we're ready to leave it in the rearview mirror of life, and look forward to revisiting it on some TV program called "I Remember the Aughts."


The word "yeet" started on the basketball as a way to convey excitement. And that's exactly where we think it should stay.


Astonishing Facts

To be "shook" is to be shocked or surprised. Lots of things can make you shook: A text from an ex, a friend who's just said something ridiculous, or the outrageous price on a designer bag, to name a few. We appreciate the versatility, but aren't sold that this word needs to stick around.


woman laughing in the snow - winter blues

Made popular by President Donald Trump, the term "snowflake" is used to refer to someone who is fragile and believes they are unique. Despite its popularity, we're kind of sick of the name-calling, and hope this one melts away fast.

Big mood

Facebook friend request

Made popular on Tumblr and Twitter, the phrase "big mood" is used to convey that something is relatable. For example, if you see a video of a puppy slipping on a wet kitchen floor on Facebook, you could comment "big mood." It's hard to describe, which means we're ready to leave it behind in 2018.


Happy man looking out of window happier life in 2019

The word "facts" has a dual meaning. It could be used to agree with something (ex: "That's facts.") Or, it could be used to emphasize that something being said is, in fact, a fact. And for more on language, see these 30 Words That Will Make You Sound Smarter.


Milk Bar Truffles {Christmas Gift Ideas}

The word "snack" is used to refer to someone who looks good. For example, you could tell your partner they "look like a snack" in that new outfit. However, like many objectifying words, it has no place in 2019.

Don't at me

social media changes after 40

In order to reply to someone on Twitter, you've got to use the @ sign. Thus, the phrase "don't @ me" started as a way to tell your Twitter followers you didn't want them to reply to a particular tweet. The word found its way into the vernacular as a way to tell people you wouldn't appreciate a reply in any context. For example, you could say, "I don't like that new song; don't at me."

Spill the tea

Wayfair tea set

To "spill the tea" means to dish the gossip. The phrase might have started out as a British alternative to "spill the beans," although no one knows for sure. And until they figure it out, we'd prefer this phrase stay in 2018 where it belongs.

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