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10 Affirmations to Feel Great About Your Body at Any Age

Here's what mental health professionals recommend.

Daily affirmations can greatly improve your mental health and feelings of self-worth, studies show. In fact, body-positive affirmations can be an especially powerful tool for feeling great in your skin.

According to the National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA), there are three key types of affirmations that can help you embrace your body: Those that are body positive ("I love my body"), body neutral ("I don't love or hate my body"), and body liberating ("I am more than my body"). By trying each type on for size and finding the right combination of affirmations, you can target your insecurities, reclaim your confidence, and view your body from a fresh and healthy perspective.

Wondering which affirmations will give you the body image boost you need? Read on to learn the top 10 expert-approved affirmations that will make you feel great about your body at any age.

RELATED: 8 Affirmations to Feel Ridiculously Happy Every Day in Retirement.

"My body is the vessel I get to experience my life in."

A senior black couple laughing and smiling, leaving the tennis court after their workout.
adamkaz / iStock

All too often, we view our bodies through the narrow lens of their aesthetic qualities. Experts say that by focusing instead on the things your body allows you to experience, you can start to move past negative body image.

"Your body has allowed you to do everything you have ever done: Hugged a friend, witnessed a sunrise, enjoyed a meal, or ridden a bike," says Anne Poirier, director of behavioral health at Hilton Head Health. "If we can stop and think about all our body has allowed us to see, hear, feel, smell, taste, touch, and experience, we can shift away from criticism and toward gratitude."

Sarah Puskavich, LCPC, a Maryland-based clinical therapist, agrees that this is an especially powerful affirmation. "We can get stuck in the mindset that in order to feel confidence or be deserving of certain experiences, our bodies have to fit certain standards. This mindset can lead us to feeling at war with ourselves," she says. "Instead, focusing on what our body provides for us and how it connects us to the world fosters a sense of self-connection and gratitude, which positively impacts confidence."

"My body deserves respect."

Mid adult woman arranging clothes looking in the mirror at home

Recognizing that bodies of all ages and stages deserve respect—including yours—is a critical step on the path to a healthier self-image.

"When we are judgmental and critical of the body, we only see what is wrong with it, and when those are our thoughts, we begin to believe them, focus on them, and embody them," says Poirier, noting that this leads to a snowball effect of negative self-talk. She explains that by believing our bodies are "wrong," "fat," or "ugly," we single ourselves out as less-than.

By instead embracing a mantra of respect, you can begin to let go of those judgmental and degrading feelings that can lead to self-destructive behaviors.

RELATED: 8 Daily Affirmations to Send Your Confidence Skyrocketing.

"Being critical of my body keeps me trapped in self-loathing. I deserve happiness."

Happy Senior Woman Smiling in Living Room

Recognizing just how damaging poor body image can be for your mental health is a powerful first step in overcoming it.

"The reality is that regardless of our body's appearance, we can always find a reason to criticize ourselves, creating a never-ending loop of self-loathing," explains Puskavich. "By letting go of criticism, we are opening up space for other things in our lives to bring us happiness. Letting go doesn't necessarily mean we have to love ourselves, but even body neutrality can help a person feel good within themselves."

"All bodies change over time—and that's OK."

Group of senior men of various backgrounds having a friendly chat in the front yard of one man while he is raking the leafs. Bright fall scene on the road in the North American city.

Change is inevitable—and that includes the changes that your body experiences over time. Puskavich says that by embracing those changes with curiosity and openness rather than criticism, you can create a better relationship with your body.

"We live in a culture obsessed with trying to look young forever, which creates unrealistic expectations for how our bodies will change over time," she tells Best Life. "Remember when you were a child, how exciting it was to watch how tall you grew or see when you lost a tooth? Bringing that nonjudgmental curiosity into our current lives helps ease the societal pressures of trying to look young forever because we're tapping into acceptance that change will happen."

RELATED: 9 Affirmations to Always Stay Positive.

"I am worthy of love and respect exactly as I am."

mature man and woman walking in the countryside

Sometimes, the key to feeling great in your body has very little to do with the physical self. Remembering that you are worthy of love and respect without having to change a single thing about you can help you release negative thinking patterns, says Amy Braun, LCPC, a Chicago-based counselor.

"This affirmation reminds you that your worth isn't determined by your appearance. By acknowledging your value—just as you are—you can boost your self-esteem and feel more confident in your skin. Recognizing your worthiness helps you increase self-love and acceptance," she notes.

"I appreciate my body's strength and resilience."

Confident seniors on exercise bikes

Braun recommends this affirmation, which she says can boost your confidence by recognizing the power your body holds beyond physical appearance.

"This affirmation acknowledges the remarkable feats your body can accomplish, whether it's dancing, hiking, creating art, giving birth, or even just getting through the challenges of everyday life," says Braun. "By focusing on your body's capabilities rather than its appearance, you shift your mindset toward gratitude and awe for what your body can achieve."

Poirier recommends highlighting the particular body parts you feel are especially strong and powerful. For instance, "seeing and thinking about the strength of your legs sends the message to the brain that not only are your thighs strong, but you are also more capable of doing things," she says.

RELATED: 10 Ways to Feel Calm and Happy (That Aren't Meditation).

"I embrace and celebrate my body's uniqueness."

senior woman wearing denim jacket on the beach
SolStock / iStock

Today's beauty standards demand that we all change ourselves to fit the mold of perfection, but Braun says it's important to push back on this notion by embracing the features that make you unique.

"Focusing on your body's uniqueness encourages you to appreciate what sets you apart from others. Embracing your body's individuality can shift your perspective from comparison to celebrating your distinct features," she tells Best Life.

"Hating my body doesn't change it."

Two senior friends relaxing at the park
iStock / MStudioImages

Some people think of their own self-loathing as a motivational tool that will bring them closer to their ideal body. This is a disordered way of thinking and couldn't be further from the truth.

"Reminding yourself that hating your body is not going to change the way that your body looks is very important," explains Jill Gulotta, MS, RDN, a registered dietitian and the founder and owner of Jill Gulotta Nutrition.

In reality, negative self-talk can have a physical effect on your body by raising your stress hormone cortisol, she explains. Instead, centering on the positive aspects of fitness—from better heart health to improved mood—can create a more sustainable approach.

"By repeating this mantra, you can minimize the negative self-talk, lower your stress hormones, and have a better chance of achieving the body image you want," Gulotta notes.

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"My body is a reflection of my life journey and experiences."

older couple laughing
iStock / LaylaBird

As our bodies age, it's easy to view physical changes as a negative development. However, Torre Boyd, MS, LPC, NCC, founder of Master Plan Therapy, suggests using this affirmation to remind yourself that all of those changes are a meaningful reflection of your life up until this point.

"This allows you to see your body as a story of your life so far. By embracing your body's history and what it's brought you through, you can build a sense of appreciation and acceptance for it," she says.

"I can work on my body while loving its current state."

older man riding his bike in the morning outdoors
iStock / ViktorCap

Working towards better fitness and loving yourself are not mutually exclusive. In fact, striving for better physical and mental health go hand in hand.

Kaylee Crafton, MSW, a social worker who works with Redeemed Mental Health, says this affirmation serves as a reminder that you can be actively working on your body while showing yourself love and appreciation. By looking at yourself as a whole being whose physical and mental needs are in alignment, you can feel great in body, mind, and spirit.

Lauren Gray
Lauren Gray is a New York-based writer, editor, and consultant. Read more
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