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7 Easy Ways to Improve Your Posture No Matter Your Age

These doctor-approved tips will have you feeling better in no time.

Having good posture typically translates into less back and neck pain and better balance. This ultimately means fewer injuries and enhanced everyday comfort.

To achieve good posture, Harvard Health Publishing says you should spend the bulk of your time with your chin parallel to the floor, shoulders even, spine in a neutral position, and your arms at your side. Your body weight should be distributed evenly with your hips and knees even and in alignment. Your abdominal muscles should be lightly braced to keep your core comfortably in place.

The hard part is reverting to this position often enough that it becomes your default—especially if you're trying to form a new habit later in life. The good news? Chiropractors and fitness experts say there are several simple ways to improve your posture at any age. Read on to learn the seven top tips from experts in the field.

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Upgrade your office equipment.

middle aged latino man working at a standing desk in his home

Given that the average American worker spends eight and a half hours per day at their jobs, your office equipment can have a tremendous impact on your posture and pain levels. That's why Kevin Lees, DC, a chiropractor and the director of chiropractic operations for The Joint Corp, recommends getting a standing desk and ergonomic chair.

"It may seem like the latest craze, but a standing desk allows you to keep that good posture throughout the day and improves your circulation. It also helps keep postural muscles active," Lees tells Best Life. "Office chairs are made to support your spine, so when relaxed, the natural curves are maintained. Unsupportive chairs that don't fit well can leave a person uncomfortable, developing pain after a short period of sitting, causing the person to shift in their seat and slump. Using the built-in support in a chair allows the muscles to relax without developing poor posture."

Todd Goldman, DC, a chiropractor with Total Chiropractic Care & Wellness, adds that pillows and lumbar support cushions can also improve your posture while sitting.

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Keep technology at eye level.

Woman sitting with laptop rubbing her shoulder.

The use of technology often contorts our bodies into unusual positions, which can train us to use poor posture throughout the day. One of the most common complaints is "text neck," or neck pain resulting from looking downward to text. Similarly, "Mac back" refers to the spinal pain people often feel after sitting in front of a computer for too long.

Lees suggests keeping your phone or computer at eye level when texting and browsing, to retrain your body into a more comfortable posture. Using technology less frequently overall can also improve your body stance.

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Try lifting weights.

Older woman lifting weights and working out at the gym

Weight lifting exercises that specifically target the muscles of the upper back and scapula can also dramatically improve your posture, says Josh Weight, a fitness expert and the director of Gravity Physio. In particular, he recommends trying rows, face pulls, and YTW exercises, which are named after the shapes your arms form while doing them.

"Strengthening these muscles helps retract and stabilize the shoulders, creating a solid foundation for improved posture. A stronger upper back not only promotes better alignment but also reduces the strain placed on the neck and lower back muscles. By cultivating balanced strength in these areas, you encourage a more upright and aligned posture naturally," he tells Best Life.

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Do yoga or pilates.

Beautiful senior woman doing stretching exercise while sitting on yoga mat at home. Mature woman exercising in sportswear by stretching forward to touch toes
Ground Picture/Shutterstock

Getting regular exercise—ideally at least 150 minutes per week—can also improve your posture at any age. For optimal results, doctors recommend yoga or pilates, which can simultaneously build core strength, stretch your muscles, and improve your posture through better body awareness.

"Moving and stretching often will keep your muscles stimulated and your posture long. Exercises that are designed to strengthen your core muscles that support your spine result in a straighter carriage," explains Lees.

Weight agrees that focusing on your core can put better posture within reach. "Core-strengthening exercises like planks, bridges, and dead bugs target deep abdominal and spinal muscles that support the spine's natural curves," Weight says. "With better core endurance, the body is better equipped to resist the onset of fatigue-induced slouching or poor posture, resulting in an overall more confident and aligned posture."

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Retrain your back with a posture brace.

A beautiful girl in a park dressed in sportswear wearing Back posture corrector sit on yoga mat in ypoga pose. Different views. Lifestyle, outdoor.

A back brace is never a permanent fix, and some experts warn that using one often can weaken the muscles you need for better posture. However, Weight says that trying a brace selectively can offer insights into how your body feels when it's in proper alignment—and that's valuable information to have as you practice new postural habits.

"This external cue can be particularly helpful during the initial phases of posture improvement, reinforcing the body's correct position and assisting you in becoming more attuned to your body's alignment. Over time, as your muscles and awareness strengthen, you can gradually reduce reliance on the brace, with the goal of maintaining good posture independently," he explains.

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Stretch your tight hip flexors.

Leg stretching during office work - standing man reading at tablet in his office

We tend to focus on the back, neck, and shoulders when we think about improving our posture, but Weight says that some postural problems begin lower down in the hip flexors.

"Tight hip flexors can lead to an anterior pelvic tilt, causing the pelvis to tilt forward and the lower back to arch excessively. By incorporating regular hip flexor stretches, you address this common imbalance, allowing the pelvis to return to a more neutral position. This, in turn, aligns the spine properly, relieving strain on the lower back and promoting an elongated and more comfortable posture," he says.

RELATED: 5 Health Risks of Sitting With Your Legs Crossed, Experts Say.

Visit a chiropractor.

A Modern rehabilitation physiotherapy worker with senior client

Seeing a chiropractor for an evaluation can help give you a better understanding of how your current posture affects your health and what better posture might look like for you. Getting regular adjustments can also provide hands-on relief for back and neck pain.

"Chiropractic adjustments can realign your spine, release tension, and enhance posture," explains Corinne Kennedy, DC, a Wisconsin-based chiropractor and the founder of Kennedy Chiropractic Center.

From there, it's a matter of mindfulness. "Good posture starts with awareness. Regularly check in with your body alignment, ensuring your ears, shoulders, and hips are in line. This simple practice sets the foundation for better posture," Kennedy tells Best Life.

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Best Life offers the most up-to-date information from top experts, new research, and health agencies, but our content is not meant to be a substitute for professional guidance. If you have health questions or concerns, always consult your healthcare provider directly.

Lauren Gray
Lauren Gray is a New York-based writer, editor, and consultant. Read more
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