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Local Flavor

This Is How Thanksgiving Is Different Across the Country

Does your Thanksgiving dinner come with lobster—or sauerkraut?
Winter Warriors

33 Easy Ways to Give Back During the Holidays

'Tis the season for giving back.
Pursuit of Snappiness

15 Places It's Illegal to Take a Selfie

People love selfies. Whether it's a snapshot with a favorite A-lister or a portrait set...
Honor Roll

This Is Why We Started Flying Flags at Half Staff

There's nothing more solemn than a flag at half-staff. In the United States, we lower...
Knot Cool

13 Wedding Trends You Should Ignore This Year

Consider the idea of a "wedding trend" for a moment. It doesn't really make a...
Return Policy

These Are The Most Returned Christmas Presents Every Year

They say it's the thought that counts—that every gift, no matter how desirable or undesirable,...
IT Desk

This Is Why Your Computer Is So Slow

We've all been there. You go to do something innocuous on your computer, and bam!, your...
Dating Dilemmas

40 Amazing Date Night Ideas for People Over 40

If you've been dating a while, it's a good bet you've probably already exhausted your...
Unnatural Selection

Animal Oddities That Prove Mother Nature Is Crazy Weird

Each year, researchers discover an abundance of new species. In fact, according to the International...
Super-Size Me

Amazing Tricks for Making Any Small Room Feel Huge

Your home is your personal sanctuary. But, if you're confined to a 300-square-foot studio apartment,...
Tipping Points

20 Things You're Doing That Are Annoying Your Waiter

Everyone loves eating out. It's fun. It's (hopefully) tasty. And most of all, it offers...