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Say Where?!

The Most Mispronounced Places in America

Never be mistaken for a tourist again.
Shell-ebrate Turtles

10 Things You Can Do to Help Save the Turtles

Ditching straws is just the start.
A.P. History

50 Facts About America That Most Americans Don't Know

Most Americans consider themselves as fairly knowledgeable about their country's history. They could probably tell you...
St. Nick's Picks

This Is Why Santa Wears Red

There are a few things we automatically associate with Santa Claus: A big belly, a...
Brass Tacks

This Is Why People Say "Brass Tacks"   

When was the last time you used a brass tack? Or even saw one? Probably...
Deep Space 9

This Is Why Pluto Is Not a Planet

As Joni Mitchell pointed out, "You don't know what you got 'til it's gone." Nowhere...
Salt Bay

This Is Why the Ocean Is Filled with Salt

It probably seems kind of strange that some bodies of water on Earth are salty...
Who Knew?

This Is Why Fire Trucks Are Red

When you think of a fire truck, it's highly unlikely you picture it any color...
Bad Cluck

This Is How Turkeys Got Their Name

'Tis the season where we think about turkeys—namely: how best to eat them. But while...
Paw Pot

Why Are Cats Obsessed with Catnip?

It's a question as old as time (or at least Egyptian papyrus): Why do cats...
Lesson One

Why Do We Call Our Parents "Mom" and "Dad?"

They're two of the first words we learn, and two that we use most often...
Domotics Demo

Crazy Ways Your Home Will Be Different in 2030—According to Futurists

Sure, it's impossible to predict the future. Pick a topic, ask five different futurists what...
Unlocked Secrets

27 Amazing Facts About Household Objects

Home, as they say, is where the heart is. For most people, it's the most...
Money Facts

This Is Why Prices Always End in "99 Cents"

It's such a familiar sales tactic that you'd think we eagle-eyed shoppers would have seen...
It's A Fire!

Genius Ways to Be Much Savvier Shopper

On every shopping trip, you have two missions: to find what you need (or want),...
Bottom Dreck

50 Things No One Over 50 Should Waste Their Money On

With age comes wisdom—usually. After a lifetime of spending, the lens on what's worth buying...
Plotted Devices

Here Are the Yearly Salaries of Your Favorite TV Characters

Have you ever watched a sitcom and thought, "There's no way that guy can afford...
First Take

50 Original Titles for Hit Movies We're So Glad Didn't Happen

When you've seen a classic movie countless times, it's so easy to settle into the...
Killer Instinct

30 Most Deadly Animals on Earth

It can be a scary world out there. From 1,000-pound man-eating crocodiles to tiny parasite-carrying...
Lost in Translation

American Sayings That Leave Foreigners Totally Puzzled

If you grow up hearing certain expressions or phrases all the time, it can be...