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37 Rare Animals So Unusual, You Might Not Know They Even Exist

Move over, cats and dogs—and make room for the peccary.

If you take it from some researchers, there are, give or take, 8.7 million different species living on the planet. Yes, 8.7 million! In other words, for every single individual living person in New York City, there's a totally different, completely unique animal. You're more than aware of many of them, of course. But for every standard-issue lion or bear, there's a northern hairy-nosed wombat or a Hispaniolan solenodon. So scroll on, and say hello to some spectacularly rare animals living and breathing across this floating rock of ours.

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Discover the Rarest Animals in the World

Read on for some of the most interesting rare species from across the world, from the cute to the extraordinary to the downright scary.

1. The Pangolin

pangolin in the wild
Vickey Chauhan/Shutterstock

Due to their status as a delicacy in China and Vietnam, and the belief that their scales have medicinal powers, "all four Asian species of pangolin are currently listed as an endangered or critically endangered species," says Ian Britton, who works in animal rescue in Namibia for REST Namibia and runs the Pangolin & Co. Instagram.

In addition, he warns that the four African pangolin species "are quickly moving in that direction," too (meaning toward being critically endangered, as well). With their unique look and scales made of keratin—yes, the same keratin that people pay big bucks for at the hair salon—it's unfortunate that the pangolin holds the distinction as the world's most trafficked animal.

2. The Seneca White Deer

A group of white Seneca deer resting on green spring grass
Tami Freed/Shutterstock

Next up on our list of rare animals is the Seneca white deer. These animals are an extremely rare herd of deer who are leucistic, meaning they lack pigmentation in their body but still have brown eyes.

Due to their limited number—there are about 300 in total—wildlife conservation efforts have secured the species a protected space at the former Seneca Army Depot, where they are free from predators and open to the public to view.

3. The Elephant Shrew

the elephant shrew is an endangered and rare animal
Matthias Kern Wildlife/Shutterstock

"One of my favorite [creatures]," says Chris Riley, owner of travel site, of the elephant shrew—or, if you go by its proper name, the Boni giant sengi.

"Indigenous to the Boni Dodori forest in Kenya, [the elephant shrew] has a very unusual appearance, with the body of a mouse and the head of a miniaturized anteater," Riley explains.

Unfortunately, he notes that the shrew's population has shrunk rapidly due to significant habitat loss, and it "probably won't be all that long until it disappears" entirely. Approximately 13,000 total elephant shrews still exist along 19 different subspecies in the world, though some populations—such as the golden-rumped elephant shrew and others located in the Gede Ruins National Monument—number as few as 20 individuals.

4. The Tiliger

Lizov Ivan/Shutterstock

The Tiliger is one of the rarest animals on the planet. In fact, this man-made mix between a liger and a tiger is barely spotted. There's one in Oroville, California, as well as somewhere between six and 10 in total around the globe.

While they are usually much larger than the average tiger cub, the species—unlike other Dr. Moreau-like crossbreeds—don't usually have the health problems of their hybrid peers, meaning there's a possibility of their population increasing.

5. The Northern Hairy-Nosed Wombat

northern hairy-nosed wombat

While you may have seen a wombat at your local zoo, odds are you've never set sights on this furry fella. Born with spectacularly poor eyesight, these cute critters use their noses to search for food in the darkness. All in all, there are about 315 northern hairy-nosed wombats left in the world, and they're all located in Queensland, Australia.

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6. The Sumatran Rhino

A close-up shot of the rare and endangered Sumatran Rhinoceros Close Up
Handoko Ramawidjaya Bumi/Shutterstock

The Sumatran rhino isn't just the smallest rhino species alive today: It's also the only Asian rhino with two horns. These guys once thrived in tropical rainforests living side by side with other endangered species, including the Sumatran elephant, orangutan, and tiger populations.

While in the past, they could be found as far as Myanmar and Thailand—possibly even Vietnam and China—they now only survive on the Indonesian islands of Sumatra and Borneo. If you happen to be over there and are hoping to spot one, keep an eye out for something furry. These endangered animals are actually covered in long hair and bear more of a resemblance to the extinct woolly rhino than they do any other species alive today.

7. The African Forest Elephant

African forest elephant
Ondrej ProsickyShutterstock

African forest elephants are one of just two African elephant species. These animals are considered critically endangered, with an estimated decline in population of over 86 percent over the past 31 years.

Today, these creatures occupy just 25 percent of their historic range. While these numbers are largely attributed to poaching, habitat loss, and habitat fragmentation, land-use changes have also contributed to their decline.

8. The Malayan Tiger

the malayan tiger; a rare and endangered species
Djohan Shahrin/Shutterstock

Just as the name suggests, the Malayan tiger can be found in the central and southern parts of the Malay peninsula. Not only do these animals represent some of the rarest cats on Earth, but they also account for one of the smallest tiger species around, weighing around just 250 pounds. (For reference, Siberian tigers typically weigh twice as much.)

Unfortunately, illegal poaching, the demand for body parts among local communities, and the continued deterioration of their natural habitat have all but devastated the wild population. Today, there are less than 150 individuals of the species left.

9. The Yangtze Finless Porpoise

finless porpoise
Takayuki Ohama/Shutterstock

The Yangtze River, the longest river in Asia, was once home to two species of dolphin—the finless porpoise and the Baiji dolphin. However, due to man-made environmental changes, the Baiji dolphin went extinct in 2006. Its brethren, the finless porpoise, is known for possessing a "mischievous smile" and the heightened intelligence of a gorilla.

Sadly, the finless porpoise population is quickly going the way of the Baiji dolphin, currently listed as a "critically endangered species" by the World Wildlife Federation (WWF). As of 2013, there were 1,000 of them left, though that number is thought to have decreased since then.

10. The Hainan Gibbon

hainan gibbons in tree
Tim Boyle/Getty Images

The Hainan gibbon is the rarest ape on the planet. Thanks to poaching and ongoing habitat degradation, these animals account for one of the most threatened species in the world. While scientists were able to identify around 2,000 of these gibbons back in the '50s, they are now near extinction, with only about 35 surviving today. The remaining population can be found on a single nature reserve on China's Hainan Island.

11. The Vaquita

vaquita swimming in the water
Deep Marine Scenes/YouTube

The vaquita is the world's rarest marine mammal, discovered in 1958 and driven to near extinction since then. With large gray fins and a dark ring around its eyes, this porpoise is recognizable immediately, though it will quickly swim away when approached.

Due to being drowned in nets used by illegal fishing operations in the Gulf of California, the vaquita has been reduced to a population of around 30 individuals and seems likely to go extinct before most people ever get to see one.

12. The Saola

saola in the wild

Discovered in 1992, the saola is a rare breed of mammal native to Vietnam. With two long, parallel horns, the creature is often referred to as the "Asian unicorn." Resembling an antelope, but technically related to cattle, the saola are found only in the Annamite Mountains of Vietnam and Laos, making their estimated population—albeit certainly extremely small—unknown in exact figures to researchers.

13. The Amur Leopard

amiur leopard, one of the rarest species on Earth
Mikhail Semenov/Shutterstock

The Amur leopard is unique for its kind in that, instead of the savanna, it's settled in the Russian Far East. With particularly warm fur, and the ability to run up to 37 miles per hour, the Amur is truly a feat of nature. Despite a lifespan of 10 to 15 years, however, the Amur is extremely rare, with only about 84 currently being counted by the WWF.

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14. Hector's Dolphins

hector's dolphin in water

Hector's dolphins are not only the rarest but also the smallest marine dolphin in the world. With short, husky bodies and distinctive facial markings, these unique dolphins are found only in the waters along New Zealand's North Island. Current estimates place the species at around 7,000 individuals, with some subspecies having populations as small as 55.

15. The Borneo Pygmy Elephant

Borneo pygmy elephant

The Borneo pygmy elephant—known for being the gentlest of the Asian elephants—has oversized ears and a tail too long for its frame, which often drags on the ground behind them.

Despite their cuteness, and their status as the smallest elephants in all of Asia, the Borneo pygmy is highly endangered due to poaching and deforestation, placing their current population at approximately 1,500.

16. The Black-Spotted Cuscus

the black spotted cuscus
Arie de Gier/Shutterstock

The black-spotted cuscus is a frightening-looking little bugger, with vertical pupils and arched front claws. Only found in New Guinea, the cuscus has sadly been driven to the brink of extinction due to hunting pressures and deforestation. While exact population numbers are not available, the species is listed as "rare" and has been critically endangered since 2010, in some cases extirpated completely from its territory.

17. The Purple Frog

A rare purple frog from wild
Aravind Ram/Shutterstock

The purple frog spends most of its life underground, only emerging for a few days each year to breed. Native to India, the species has likely been evolving independently for almost 100 million years.

Despite only having recently been inducted into the scientific community—being formally described in 2003—the purple frog is already facing extinction due to continued threats to their natural habitats. Due to their introverted lifestyle, however, no exact population estimates have been made.

18. The Hispaniolan Solenodon

Hispaniolan Solenodon 
Bizarre Beasts/YouTube

The Hispaniolan solenodon holds a few distinctions outside of its rarity: It's one of the few mammals able to produce venom, as well as one the last members of a lineage of shrews likely to have lived alongside the dinosaurs.

Despite this storied past, however, the solenodon has faced serious pressures since European colonization introduced rats and other predators to the region. Coupled with a low reproductive rate—two litters of one to three offspring a year—the solenodon finds itself critically endangered as one of the rarest animals left on earth. While exact population figures are unknown, the solenodon only occupies a scant area of 100 square kilometers in Haiti.

19. The Hooded Grebe

A front view of a rare and endangered Hooded Grebe
Rob Jansen/Shutterstock

Since their discovery in 1974, the hooded grebe—who have been found in Argentina and Chile—have seen their population decline by 98 percent due to climate change and invasive predators. Coupled with a low reproductive rate, these solitary animals are now on the verge of disappearing, with only about 800 members left.

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20. The Philippine Eagle

The Philippine Eagle
Michal Lukaszewicz/Shutterstock

Formerly known as the "Monkey-eating eagle," this Philippines native is one of the strongest birds of prey, able to use its strong beak to attack monkeys, snakes, and lizards. Despite being named the National Bird of the Philippines, however, this eagle has faced serious population pressures in the past 40 years thanks to deforestation and severe weather, leaving them with a population of under 300.

21. The Northern Darwin's Frog

north darwin's frog in the wild
Nat Geo WILD/YouTube

The Northern Darwin's frog—endemic to Chile—is one of only two frogs in the world to undergo "mouth brooding," in which a child is reared within its father's vocal sac. Despite being around since at least 55 million years ago, the frog has been all but wiped from the face of the earth—one has not been seen since 1981—largely due to deforestation, climate change, and possibly disease.

Nonetheless, hope remains that another may be seen eventually, so they are not yet listed as completely extinct, according to the Zoological Society of London.

22. The Pygmy Three-Toed Sloth

3 toed sloth climbing a tree
Sofie Hojabri/Shutterstock

Known for being extremely slow—some might say "lazy"—the pygmy three-toed sloth can only be found on an island off of Panama. In addition, they only leave their homes in the canopy of the trees to defecate, an activity which they can go almost a week without doing.

Due to environmental changes, the sloth is even more hard-to-find than usual: Experts place its population at under 100 and shrinking.

23. The Seychelles Sheath-Tailed Bat

Group of Seychelles Sheath-tailed Bats on tree

The Seychelles sheath-tailed bat—so-called because of its long, membranous cape-like skin, which can be lengthened or shortened for help during flights—was once common on the Seychelles Islands. Due to the clearance of their habitat for plantations, however, their population has undergone intense shrinkage, numbering less than 100 today.

24. The Rondo Dwarf Galago

A Rondo Dwarf Galago in a tree
Martin Pelanek/Shutterstock

The tiny Rondo dwarf galago typically weighs only about 60 grams and resides in coastal Tanzania. Distinguished by its "bottle-brush" tail and large, dark eyes, the galago has seen its population decline substantially due to logging.

At this point, their population remains critically endangered, remaining below levels that allow study. In addition, they can only be found in 10 small and highly threatened evergreen patches in Tanzania.

25. Colombian Dwarf Gecko

dwarf gecko on finger

As they grow to be only two centimeters in length, you could be forgiven for not even noticing a dwarf gecko if it was sitting on your lap. Nonetheless, this native of Colombia has been around since the dinosaurs and may have even been around during the time that humans and lemurs last shared an ancestor.

Unfortunately, their time seems to have run out, as they appear to be largely extinct—with only remote (and infrequent) sightings being reported.

26. The Hirola

hirola in the wild

The hirola—so named because of a small Somali community that has given the species refuge and considers it a spiritual being—is among the world's rarest antelope. With distinctive dark glands under their eyes, the hirola is also often referred to as the "four-eyed antelope."

While they were once common in East Africa, drought, poaching, and habitat loss has shrunk their numbers to around 400—and the population is still rapidly in decline.

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27. The Cebu Flowerpecker

cebu flowerpecker
Tareq Uddin Ahmed/Shutterstock

The Cebu flowerpecker gets its name from the colorful plumage that males exhibit, which includes blue, red, yellow, and white. While thought to be extinct in 1990 due to the almost complete destruction of its habitat, the flowerpecker was spotted again in 1992.

Though its numbers remain extremely small—estimates put them between 60 and 70 members of the species overall—the flowerpecker can still be searched for on the remote island of Cebu in the Philippines.

28. The Mediterranean Monk Seal

monk seal swimming underwater

The monk seal—which gets its name from a uniform brown coat resembling a monk's robes—was once revered by the ancient Greeks as a good omen. Now, however, they are the ones who could use some luck, as commercial hunting has left their population in dire straits, with fewer than 700 monk seals left worldwide.

Fortunately, laws have recently been put in place to protect the monk seal—though until they take effect, they remain one of the world's rarest (and cutest!) creatures.

29. The Banded Ground Cuckoo

the endangered banded ground cuckoo
Agami Photo/Shutterstock

Native to Ecuador, the banded ground cuckoo remains something of a mystery. One notable feature, however, is a band of blue skin around the eyes which can both expand and contract. Deforestation of Ecuador in the past few decades has decreased their prevalence tremendously, making them one of the rarest avians in the region with a population between 600 and 1,700.

30. The Largetooth Sawfish

Largetooth Sawtooth shark on the bottom of the sea
Chaos2Light Images/Shutterstock

The largetooth sawfish can grow to be up to six feet long and is distinguished by a bill resembling a sideways chainsaw. Though these rostrums serve them well when it comes to hunting and defense, they can also get caught up in fishing nets pretty quickly, leaving them vulnerable and at risk.

While the largetooth sawfish can live to be up to 30 years old, they remain critically endangered animals due to overfishing. In fact, due to their extreme rarity, definite population estimates can not be made.

31. The Chinese Giant Salamander

the rare and endangered Chinese giant salamander
tristan tan/Shutterstock

The Chinese giant salamander is one of only three remaining species of giant salamander in the world. Growing up to almost two meters long—60 percent of which is tail length—it's no surprise it's been referred to as a giant. Sadly, due to water pollution and their status as a delicacy in China, the giant salamander is in critical danger of extinction.

While exact population estimates can not be made due to its extremely limited numbers, the giant salamander is listed as "extremely rare," with "few surviving populations." If you see one, consider yourself lucky.

32. The Chacoan Peccary

Group of Chacoan peccary
Tareq Uddin Ahmed/Shutterstock

The Chacoan peccary looks like nothing you've seen before—a pig-like mammal with a long snout and a thick coat of bristly fur. While it was long thought to be extinct, a population was discovered in the '70s in western Paraguay. Nonetheless, it remains on the brink of extinction due to habitat loss and invasive diseases.

As of 2002, there were 3,200 peccaries estimated to be left, but that was before the massive deforestation of their habitat. The number is likely much lower now.

33. Tapanuli Orangutan

The close-up portrait of a Tapanuli orangutan in the greenery
Wirestock Creators/Shutterstock

It wasn't until 2017 that the Tapanuli orangutan was recognized as a distinct species, and that was only following a detailed study of the genetics and morphology of wild orangutans in Borneo and Sumatra. Compared to other orangutans, these guys have somewhat smaller heads and flatter faces. They are also considered the most ancient and endangered of all three orangutan species. Today, there are less than 800 left surviving in the wild.

34. African Wild Dogs

African Wild Dogs, also known as Painted Wolves
Quinn Kloppers/Shutterstock

Though the African wild dog is considered one of the world's rarest animals, large populations remain throughout southern Africa, specifically Tanzania and Mozambique. While these guys typically move in packs of about 10, some groups maintain numbers in the 40s or higher. They're also able to reach speeds of up to 40 miles per hour, which is bad news for their natural prey, which include warthogs, wildebeests, and gazelles. Unlike the usual house pet, these guys have patchy coats, bushy tails, and large, rounded ears.

35. Greater Bamboo Lemur

Greater Bamboo Lemur
David Thyberg/Shutterstock

Just as the name implies, the greater bamboo lemur is the largest of its kind, dwarfing other members of the Hapalemur genusThey're also known for their dark faces and whitish-grey ear tufts. In captivity, these guys can live up to 17 years. Unfortunately, there are only an estimated 100 to 160 greater bamboo lemurs left in the wild due to habitat degradation.

36. Mountain Gorilla

Baby mountain gorilla laying on mother's back in Bwindi
Claire E Carter/Shutterstock

According to the latest census results, there are only about 1,063 mountain gorillas left in the wild. These apes are one of two subspecies of the eastern gorilla and are the world's largest living primates. While they are notably larger than us humans (adult males typically weigh in around 400 pounds), we actually share about 98 percent of our DNA with these animals.

37. Javan Rhino

Javan Rhino
creative photographer 11/Shutterstock

With only around 70 left on Earth, the Javan rhino remains the most threatened of the five rhino species. The only survivors can be found in Ujung Kulon National Park in Java, Indonesia. While these creatures once lived throughout northeast India and Southeast Asia, the last Vietnamese Javan rhino was poached in 2010. They're best recognized by their dusky grey color and a single horn, which grows to about 10 inches.

Wrapping Up

That's it for our list of rare animal species, but be sure to check back in with us again for interesting trivia. You can also sign up for our newsletter to enjoy the latest in travel, lifestyle, and health.

Carrie Weisman
Carrie Weisman oversees all SEO efforts at Best Life. She specializes in content optimization and editorial marketing. Read more
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