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Parenting Advice

40 Ways Raising Young Kids Is Worse in Your 40s       

At any given time and any given day, parenting can smack you in the face...

40 Ways Raising Young Kids Is Better in Your 40s

No matter what your age, parenthood is one benchmark that guarantees you'll churn through every...
Circuit of Appeals

30 Things That Women Do That Men Always Find Sexy

"Sexy," of course, lies the brain of the beholder. What jazzes one person might repulse...
Parenthood 2018

35 Lies Every Parent Needs to Master

[Narrator] Lies are bad. Lies are unethical. Do not tell lies. [Whispers to audience] Sometimes,...
Best Life Q&A

How "Six" Star Barry Sloane Got Navy SEAL Shredded

To prepare for his role as a SEALs commander on the History Channel's Six, actor...
Family Fun

25 Best Ways to Travel with Children

Chevy Chase wasn't the first parent to find out that taking a vacation didn't guarantee...
Parenting 101

40 Parenting Hacks for Raising an Amazing Kid

The parenting wisdom that has stuck for me for quite some time came from a...
Daddy Daycare

20 Easy Ways to Be a (Much) Better Father

The 18-year task of raising a child from birth to adulthood is one of man's...