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P's and Q's

17 Things Polite People Never Do

It's time to fix these faux pas once and for all.
Feel-Good Phrases

30 Super Effective Daily Affirmations

Turn your world around with a few simple words.
Tourist Traps

20 Countries That Hate Tourists from the United States

This year marks exactly 50 years since the book The Ugly American hit the shelves,...
Facts Machine

30 Crazy Useful Facts You've Never Heard Before

Ever wondered how much knowledge your brain can actually handle? According to Scientific American, our...
Trade Tricks

20 Secrets Your Financial Advisor Won't Tell You

You've heard all of the clichés that financial advisors love to spout: "Make your money...
Money Matters

20 Financial Decisions You're Guaranteed to Regret

The numbers are in, and one thing is blatantly clear—Americans are bad with money. Toward...